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File metadata and controls

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Ensight4Matlab let's you read, process, and write files in EnSight® Gold format from your C++ or MATLAB® code.

Data in the Ensight Gold format represents a 3D mesh and variable fields defined over the domain of this mesh. The mesh and/or variables may be either static in time or time-varying (transient). The Ensight Gold format is used to save e.g. CFD and CAE data in research and industrial applications, and widely supported by many software tools. It is specified by CEI software, Inc., see for more details.
This packages provides a C++ based library to process e.g. CFD data sets in EnSight Gold format, which you can directly link (statically or dynamically) to your application. Additionally, it provides a language binding for MATLAB to easily use the C++ library in your MATLAB scripts, e.g. for analysis and rapid prototyping.


Table of Contents


The Ensight4Matlab package consists of two major parts, a C++ library and a wrapper which provides a MATLAB language binding. The C++ library can be used on its own, whereas the MATLAB wrapper needs the C++ library installed first.


The C++ library has dependencies on the following third party libraries:

  • Eigen (version >= 3.2): A fast, header-only library for linear algebra, available at It should also be directly available from your distribution as package eigen3.
  • Qt, either version 4 or 5.

For use with MATLAB, Qt 4 is recommended. (see below)

The MATLAB wrapper depends on a compiled version of the C++ library and needs the MEX compiler to compile the MATLAB/C++ interface.

Warning: MATLAB ships with its own Qt 5 library which may be a different minor version than the one installed on your system. This may lead to version conflicts if you compile the C++ Ensight library with a Qt 5 version higher than the one provided by MATLAB. In this case, we recommend you compile with Qt 4 to avoid conflicts. Additionally, we have experienced stability problems with the R2015a/b releases of MATLAB, so we recommend against using Ensight4Matlab with these releases.

Building the EnsightLib C++ library

The EnsightLib library uses the Qt qmake build system. The library itself can be compiled alone, or also with test and example files. The easiest way to build everything at once is to run qmake on the file in the project's root directory to create a Makefile, then run make.

> qmake-qt4
> make

Alternatively, you can compile just the library itself: From the directory ensight_lib first run qmake on, then run make.

> cd ensight_lib
> qmake-qt4
> make

In both cases, this will create a file in ensight_lib/lib (or a dll on Windows). The qmake-based Makefile does not create a target for make install, so you have to manually copy or link the .so file to e.g. /usr/lib if you want to make it globally accessible on your machine.

If you use a locally installed version of the Eigen library, you have to edit the include path defined in ensight_lib/EnsightLibConfig.pri. The corresponding line is:

# Include path to Eigen library: must contain the directory "Eigen/Dense"
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/eigen3

You can also edit the .pro file to compile a static library (instead of an .so) by uncommenting the config option:

CONFIG += staticlib

Installing the library

To use the library with MATLAB or the included examples, you need to make sure the EnsightLib library can be found. For this, you can either build the library as described above and copy it to a location in the global library search path, or use it from a local directory by specifying the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (Linux systems). For example, if the path to your compiled library is /home/USER/Ensight4Matlab/ensight_lib/lib/, you would set the following:

> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/USER/Ensight4Matlab/ensight_lib/lib/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

You can add this line to your .bashrc file to run it automatically.

If you don't install the library and also don't add set the appropriate LD_LIBRARY_PATH, the system won't be able to find the library, resulting in an error message similar to:

user:~/Ensight4Matlab/ensight_lib/examples/ensight_viewer> ./ensight_viewer
./ensight_viewer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Running tests

Once you've set up your system to find the library, you can run some tests contained in directory ensight_lib/test. They are automatically build along the library if you built, otherwise you can individually compile the same way with qmake-qt4 and make as above. This will create a binary EnsightLibTest in the corresponding directory test. Before you run the tests, you also need to have unpacked the example data in data/jet.tar.bz2:

> cd data
> tar -xf jet.tar.bz2

You can also run the small examples located in ensight_lib/examples and compare the output produced by the write_file example to the reference output (ensight_lib/examples/data).

Building the MATLAB interface

To build the MATLAB interface, you need to make sure MATLAB can find the EnsightLib as described above, i.e. copy it to a global library location or set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. This needs to be set before you start MATLAB.

Building the MATLAB interface is aided by two scripts: SETUP.m and runmex.m. In MATLAB, navigate to the EnsightMatlab directory containing these scripts, then run SETUP first followed by runmex.

The SETUP script will ask you to specify several include and library paths. These paths refer to:

  • QT_INCLUDE_PATH: The include files for Qt, e.g. /usr/include
  • QT_LIB_PATH: The Qt libraries, e.g. /usr/lib64
  • EIGEN_PATH: The Eigen library. Same as used in your EnsightLibConfig.pri
  • ENSIGHT_INCLUDE_PATH: The includes for the EnsightLib library, e.g. ../ensight_lib/include
  • ENSIGHT_LIB_PATH: The path to your compiled EnsightLib library, same as specified in LD_LIBRARY_PATH above

Once you have specified these paths, call runmex to start the MEX compiler. If everything works, you get the message

MEX completed successfully.

You should also add the EnsightMatlab directory to your MATLAB search path to ensure MATLAB can find it irrespective of the current working directoy. Now run the examples to test the installation.


This package comes with a full C++ application example and two MATLAB scripts to demonstrate the usage of the library. For further details you can read the Doxygen documentation for the C++ library. The Matlab interface provides a list of available methods by typing methods EnsightLib, and help on the individual methods with help EnsightLib.METHOD, where METHOD is any of the listed methods.


A data set in EnSight Gold format describes 3D data. This data can either be static or transient, i.e. time-varying. The data consists of mesh geometry, represented as an unstructured grid, and optionally variables defined over the domain of the mesh, as well as constants. The mesh's domain is partitioned into one parts. Variables can either be scalar or vector valued. For instance, the example data set data/jet.encas contains the variables temperature and velocity, meaning each vertex of the mesh has a scalar temperature value and a 3D velocity vector.

The mesh is represented as follows: For each time step, the mesh consists of

  • A list of 3D vertex coordinates
  • A list of parts. In turn, each part contains lists of cells of different types, e.g. triangles, quadrangles, tetrahedra etc. Each cell is represented by indices into the coordinate list. For a complete list of available cell types see Figure 9-1 on page 9-6 of the Ensight User Manual.

Note: The EnSight Gold specification also allows structured grids. However, this functionality is not yet implemented.

On the filesystem, a data set consists of several files:

  • A case file: This is the main file of the data set and describes its structure. It also contains the names of additional files. Suffix is usually .case or .encas
  • One or more geometry files: Contains data of the mesh (vertex coordinates and connectivity) for each part and time step. Suffix is usually .geo or .geom
  • Optionally: one or more files for each variable

C++ Usage

Examples for using the library with C++ are located in ensight_lib/examples. The directory contains several short command line examples as well as a GUI demo application. The command line examples demonstrate how to

  • read and print information about a data set
  • interpolate a variable in a data set
  • create a data set with one part and one variable, and write the data to a file.

In addition to running the tests, you can also verify that the output produced by the write_file example is identical to the reference data by using the diff command. For a screenshot how the resulting file looks when loading in the viewer application, see Figure 3 below.

The directory ensight_lib/examples/ensight_viewer contains a demo application for the C++ library. This application is a simple OpenGL-based viewer for EnSight files. It is build using the qmake build process the same way as the EnsightLib library, see build instructions build instructions above. To run the resulting application, you also need to install the library as above.

If you have not done already, unpack the example data in data/jet.tar.bz2

> cd data
> tar -xf jet.tar.bz2

and load it in the viewer demo. You can see that the data consists of a several named parts, containing different types of cells (quadrangles, hexahedra), and several variables such as "temperature" and "velocity".

Screenshot of Ensight Viewer Demo

Figure 1: The Ensight Viewer demo shows the structure of the example data file (left) and a visualization of the "velocity" variable of all parts selected as "active" (right).

Figure 2: A zoomed view of the "temperature" variable in wireframe mode.

In the main window (left) you can select a representation mode, and either coloring according to a variable or solid color. For data sets consisting of multiple time steps, you can also select which time step to display. The provided example data set is static, i.e. contains only a single time step.

The displayed table details the structure of the data set. For each part, there are two lines, one for the currently selected time step and one for the data in all time steps. The different columns describe the bounding box of the part, whether it is displayed in the viewer ("active"), how many vertices it contains, as well as which types of cells it contains. Also, there is a colum for each variable containing the min and max values of the variable in this part.

You can also use the viewer to load the result of the write_file example, which produces a simple rectangular grid. The result should look like this:

Figure 3: Output of write_file example loaded in the Ensight Viewer Demo.

All code dealing with the Ensight Library is in mainwidget.cpp, the rest is just visualization and boilerplate. Basic usage is as follows:

A complete data set in Ensight format is represented by an Object of class EnsightObj. You can create a new (empty) object by using the default constructor, or load an existing file using:

std::string fileName = "data/jet.encas";
auto ensObject = EnsightLib::readEnsight(fileName);

Similiarly, you can then use

bool writeBinaryMode = true;
int timestepsToWrite = -1; // write all timesteps
EnsightLib::writeEnsight(ensObject, fileName, writeBinaryMode, timestepsToWrite);

to save the data to disk. Here, you can specify two additional parameters:

  • the parameter writeBinaryMode specifies whether the file is written as Ensight Binary format or as Ensight Ascii format.
  • for data sets containing multiple time steps, the timestepsToWrite parameter lets you save only a certain timestep, whereas passing -1 writes the complete data set. This is useful if your program generates data for time steps sequentially and you want to save only the new data as it is generated.

An object of class EnsightObj then provides access to the complete structure of the data set:

  • query the number of time steps (with method getNumberOfTimesteps), parts (getNumberOfParts), variables (getNumberOfVariables), and constants (getNumberOfConstants)
  • access a part for a given time step: getPart returns a pointer of type EnsightPart
    • EnsightPart gives access to the vertex coordinates, cell indices, and variable values of a part with getVertices, getCells, and getVariables, respectively
  • access values of constants with getConstant
  • interpolate variable values for 3D point positions with interpolate (see below)

To change the data represented by the EnsightObj, you first have to call beginEdit to enter edit mode. You can then create new time steps, parts, variables, etc. and set vertex coordinates, cell indices and variable values. Once you are finished, call endEdit to leave edit mode. This will then run a few checks to test if the data is consistent and fail if any inconsistencies are found.


Once you have installed the Matlab interface and added it to your search path, you can access it by using the class EnsightLib. Constructing an object of this class without any parameters creates an empty data set:

>> newData = EnsightLib;

To load an existing file, pass the file name as argument:

>> jet = EnsightLib('data/jet.encas')

jet = 

  EnsightLib with properties:

              timeSteps: 0
               editMode: 0
        EnsightPartList: {13×2 cell}
      EnsightSubdivTree: [1×1 struct]
    EnsightVariableList: {6×3 cell}
              Constants: {0×2 cell}

The command methods EnsightLib gives an overview of available methods. Use help to get more information on individual methods. The directory EnsightMatlab/examples contains example files. The scripts example1.m and example2.m show how to:

  • Create a new object
  • Create parts
  • Add vertices, cells, and variables
  • Save the resulting object
  • Use search to query a point and interpolateVariable for interpolation (see below).

The script plot_jet.m shows how to plot the example data set, either by directly using the data at the mesh's vertex positions, or by interpolating data over a regular grid. Finally, the script extract_jet_2d_boundary_quads.m reads the example data set, extracts a 2D slice by discarding all volumetric data, and then saves this slice as a new data set.

Point location and variable interpolation

Two common tasks are, for a given point x, to locate which cell of the mesh contains x or to interpolate variable values given at the cell vertices to a value at x. While not directly related to the Ensight format, this package provides this functionality for convenience.

To achieve fast cell lookup, the cells of the mesh can be sorted into a spatial subdivision data structure. The implementation either uses an Octree for 3D data or a Quadtree for 2D data in the Z=0 plane. Given a point x, we can then use this subdivision to find the cell containing this point.

For convenience, the Matlab interface automatically creates the octree when needed. Using the C++ side, the octree needs to be explicitly created before it can be used to query point locations. For example:

EnsightObj* ensObj = ...
int maxDepth = 7;            // tree is at most 7 levels deep
int maxCellsPerLevel = 50;   // For levels < 7, subdivide after 50 cells
QStringList partsToExclude;  // empty list, don't exclude any parts
ensObject->createSubdivTree(maxDepth, maxCellsPerLevel, partsToExclude);

Cell lookup can then be achieved by either

Vec3 x(0, 0, 0); // example coordinates to query
auto* cell = ensObj->interpolate(x);

or alternatively

EnsightBarycentricCoordinates baryCoords;  // output parameter for point coords
auto* cell = ensObj->interpolate(x, baryCoords);

The latter call also computes the barycentric coordinates of the query point with respect to the located cell.

The barycentric coordinates can be used for interpolation of variable values: Variables defined over a cell are given by their values at cell vertices. By computing a weighted sum of vertex values, we get a linear interpolation. That is, given values vi at vertex i, and corresponding coordinates bi, we get the interpolated value w as the scalar product w = <v, b>.

The Matlab interface comes with a convenience method that does all of this in one call: It creates the spatial subdivision data structure (if it doesn't already exist), does cell lookup, and interpolates a given variable using the resulting barycentric coordinates for a query point:

>> jet = EnsightLib('data/jet.encas');
>> t = jet.interpolateVariable([0, 0, 0]', 'temperature')

t =



This package is copyright © Fraunhofer ITWM and licensed under the MIT License. For details see LICENSE.

The MATLAB wrapper uses the third party file "class_handle.hpp", which is copyright © 2012, Oliver Woodford, and licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License.

The GUI viewer example uses small parts of code from OpenMesh for the visualization widget, covered under the LGPL. This affects the example application only.

MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. (see Ensight is a trademark of Computational Engineering International, Inc.

This package is an independent project and in no way affiliated with The MathWorks, Inc. or Computational Engineering International, Inc. All trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Getting support

For now, you can ask for help by mail. A chat forum for support / FAQs could be set up if the need arises.




Andre Schmeißer, Daniel Burkhart, Dominik Linn, Johannes Schnebele, Manuel Ettmüller, Simone Gramsch, Walter Arne