| Andrea | Marcelo | Juan José
|--- |--- |--- |---
| |
We are young passionate about technology, we grew, and grow in the Net, and around it we have developed our culture. For us working with technologies not only give us job opportunities but pose challenges and satisfactions us: D. We overcome challenges, perform at their best, winning will be the natural consequence of our effort.
We are a team of two programmers and one multimedia communicator. Andrea is based backend Scala developer, passionate about functional programming, her favorite programming language is Haskell, also she has been managing software projects using agile methodologies the last 3 years. Marcelo is the multimedia communicator during the last 4 years he was involved in planning and implementation of Information Technology and Communication; Juan José is a backend Scala developer, Free Software activist, and also does Frontend development sometimes.
We will use Scala, Liftweb framework, and maybe MongoDB, Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS.
We will maybe work on topics #2 or #3