This week was mostly a prelude to CSC236 (because of the FSG rules, I can't actually do anything else....), where we talked about the efficiency of algorithms. We discussed the importance of understanding the efficiency of algorithms, and how to analyze big oh, big theta, and big omega efficiency classes. We also talked briefly about the Master Theorem, and how we will use it next year to analyze the efficiency of recursive algorithms.
Coming soon, losers
Solutions can be found in the Solutions folder.
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All solutions provided are provided outside of FSG hours, and are not endorsed neither by the UTM RGASC nor the CSC148H5 Course Staff. These solutions are meant to be used as a reference, and not a replacement for the problem solving process. Use at your own risk. You are encouraged to attend office hours and ask questions during lectures if there are any parts of the solution that you do not understand. Should you find anything that is incorrect, please open an issue on this repository and I will address it as soon as possible.