This week in CSC148 is arguably one of the most important and biggest weeks; You learn about Trees and Recursive Data Structures, and finally sew together the pieces of neseted lists and recursive lists to understand trees.
This week is very important since you're going to be introduced to a lot of new concepts, and it's super important that you understand and relate them back to recursion; The rest of the course will continue to expand and focus on these concepts, so it's important that you understand them well.
This week, I've assigned you a question from my CSC148 Practice Exam from Summer 2023. It's too big to fit on the slides, so I've included it in the file.
This is definitely a "worst case scenario"-exam type of question, but is still a good exercise to test your understanding of the material.
Solutions to the practice problems are posted in Solutions to homework problems will be posted after the homework is due.
All solutions provided are provided outside of FSG hours, and are not endorsed neither by the UTM RGASC nor the CSC148H5 Course Staff. These solutions are meant to be used as a reference, and not a replacement for the problem solving process. Use at your own risk. You are encouraged to attend office hours and ask questions during lectures if there are any parts of the solution that you do not understand. Should you find anything that is incorrect, please open an issue on this repository and I will address it as soon as possible.