Please, please, please give credit to me and Sammy, as a lot of the work here was done by him.
I don't plan on making any major updates for this modkit and such. I will be adding bug fixes and features here and there, but I have no plans for any big changes or additions anytime soon.
- Go to the Releases tab and download the
file. - Extract the file and drag it into your Contractors Modkit content folder via File Explorer.
- Refer to the official documentation created by Anony in the official CoDz Discord (not the BO2 CoDz Discord), which can be found at:
- I also have my own doumentation within the same discord for BO2 modkit features.
- Anony: Creator of the CoDz Black Ops 1 modkit (also known as the official CoDz modkit).
- IconicPlushStars: ME! I am the main coder for this project.
- Sammy: Ported most of the Black Ops 2 weapons to the Contractors modkit and shared them with me.
- Fran: Provided an fucking awesome achievement system. (Shout out to him, play his Mario 64 map whenever thats out)
- Ellis: Created particles, helped make the Black Ops 2 weapons have CoDz support, and found a source with many BO2 textures, sounds, and models.
- SmokeyGosling: Helped add CoDz support to the Black Ops 2 weapons.
- ItsNotTristan: Provided lava burning sound effects and zombie models.
- Vegal: Ported BO2 GreenRun Survival player models.
Here are some of the extra features I added to this modkit:
- Speed Cola support
- Fall damage
- PhD Flopper
- Hellbox
- Gun names displayed on the UI
- Max Ammo adding grenades to the player
- Lava
- Buildables
- Richtofen power-up lines
- Perk spawners
- Jet Gun
- Ray Gun Mark II
- Galva Knuckles
- Black Ops 2 wall buys
- Kill count increases when you kill zombies
- Down count increases when you get downed
- Character name fading in when you spawn in on the wrist UI
- Round progression animations
- Chalk Rounds
- Points Animation
- Round HUD
- Reload Reminders
- Slider for tabs in CoDz Settings
- Achievement system (shout out to fran for makin it)
- Map text starts
- Ranks
- Stats
- Hand only models
- Zombies from nuketown
- Nuketown perk system
- Fixed zombies despawning when they approach a distraction (e.g., Monkey Bombs).
- Resolved getting more Monkey Bombs when the next round starts.
- Fixed issues caused by Contractors updates.
- Fixed Stamin-Up functionality.
- Fixed Monkey Bombs having broken left hand support.
- Fixed teleporter reset system
- Fixed culling problems
- Fixed an issue where you would buy a gadget (ex: claymores, semtex grenades) wallbuy and it would not transfer to your holster