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File metadata and controls

427 lines (291 loc) · 12.7 KB

NBU Currency Rates Service

Windows service for working with exchange rates of the National Bank of Ukraine written in .NET Core 8.0 | C# 12

CLI Commands (Powershell):


sc create "NBU Rates Service" binpath="path/to/NBURatesService.exe"


sc delete "NBU Rates Service"

Set autostart

sc config "NBU Rates Service" start= auto


The configuration file config.js is located in the folder the executable file NBURatesService.exe and looks like this:

  //In milliseconds
  "FetchFrequency": 5000,

  //The output will be in the folder with the executable file if the field is empty
  "OutputPath": "",

  //The output file name will be Rates if the field is empty
  "OutputFileName": "",
  //The output file type name will be json if the field is empty 
  //              (You can use this types: xml, json, csv)
  "FileType": ""          

The program configuration is reloaded before each data fetch, so after changing the configuration file, all settings are automatically applied without restarting the service.

Thanks to this, the file can be overwritten in other programs and dynamically change saving settings.


OS And Framework:

.NET Core 8.0

NuGet Packages:

  • They are used to correctly start the service on a Windows system.

    • Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
    • Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.WindowsServices
  • Json serialization and deserialization for API Models:

    • Newtonsoft.Json

Control codes?

This project does NOT use control codes to control the service, since this is outdated (ServiceBase.OnCustomCommand(Int32)) and is not an appropriate method of application communication.

In place, the configuration is updated itself before loading data from the API without using codes. (Since the information in the API is rarely updated, auto-updating the config does not require many resources)

PS: using WindowsServiceLifetime is a bad practice due to the fact that the source code of this class is poorly written. ServiceBase is only suitable for .NET Framework, which is an outdated technology so my choise is BackgraoundService


How can I find out what error is stopping the service?

Use Event Viewer (Windows App)! There you can also see all the service logs. I recommend adding "Custom View" to view logs only for this service

Frequent problems from logs:

Code Overview:

Class Overview: Config

A configuration class for the NBU Currency Rates Service. The Config class is responsible for initializing and managing configuration settings used by the service, including fetching frequencies, output file types, file names, and paths.




The Config class handles the setup and management of configuration settings for the NBU Currency Rates Service. It reads configurations from a JSON file and provides mechanisms for reloading configurations dynamically.


public Config(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger logger)
  • Parameters:
    • configuration: An instance of IConfiguration to access configuration settings.
    • logger: An instance of ILogger to log information.


  • private readonly ILogger _logger;
  • private IConfiguration _configuration;
  • public int FetchFrequency;
  • public OutputType FileType;
  • public string OutputFileName;
  • public string OutputPath;


Config(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger logger)

Constructor that initializes the Config class with the provided configuration and logger. It calls the Initialize method to load configuration settings.

void Reload()

Reloads the configuration settings by reinitializing with the default configuration. Logs the reload action.

static IConfiguration GetDefaultConfiguration()

Builds and returns the default configuration from the config.json file located at the application's base directory.

private void Initialize(IConfiguration configuration)

Initializes the configuration settings from the provided configuration object. It sets the FetchFrequency, OutputPath, OutputFileName, and FileType fields.

Configuration Settings

  • FetchFrequency: The frequency (in ms) at which the service fetches currency rates.
  • FileType: The type of output file (JSON, CSV, XML).
  • OutputFileName: The name of the output file.
  • OutputPath: The path where the output file will be saved.

Example Configuration (config.json)

  "FetchFrequency": "15000",
  "OutputFileName": "CurrencyRates",
  "OutputPath": "D:/Rates",
  "FileType": "JSON"


  1. Create an instance of the Config class by passing an IConfiguration object and an ILogger object.
  2. Use the Reload method to reload the configuration settings if needed.

Sample Code

var configuration = Config.GetDefaultConfiguration();
var logger = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole()).CreateLogger<Config>();
var config = new Config(configuration, logger);

Console.WriteLine($"Fetch Frequency: {config.FetchFrequency}");
Console.WriteLine($"Output File Type: {config.FileType}");
Console.WriteLine($"Output File Name: {config.OutputFileName}");
Console.WriteLine($"Output Path: {config.OutputPath}");


  • Ensure that the config.json file is present in the base directory of the application.
  • The FileType field is parsed as an enumeration, ensure the value in the configuration file matches one of the OutputType enumeration values.
  • Logging is enabled to track configuration reloads and other operations.

Class Overview: NBUGrabber

A service class for fetching currency rates from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) API. The NBUGrabber class is responsible for making HTTP requests to the NBU API and deserializing the response into a list of currency rate objects.




The NBUGrabber class handles the fetching of currency rates from the NBU API. It sends HTTP requests to the specified API endpoint, retrieves the data in JSON format, and deserializes it into a list of CurrencyRate objects.


public NBUGrabber(ILogger logger)
  • Parameter:
    • logger: An instance of ILogger to log information and errors.


  • private const string ApiUrl = "";


public async Task<List<CurrencyRate>?> FetchRates()

Fetches the currency rates from the NBU API.

  • Returns:
    • A Task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a list of CurrencyRate objects or null if an error occurs.


  • Newtonsoft.Json: Used for deserializing the JSON response from the API.


  1. Create an instance of the NBUGrabber class by passing an ILogger object.
  2. Call the FetchRates method to fetch currency rates from the NBU API.

Example Code

var logger = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole()).CreateLogger<NBUGrabber>();
var grabber = new NBUGrabber(logger);

var rates = await grabber.FetchRates();
if (rates != null)
    foreach (var rate in rates)
        Console.WriteLine($"Currency: {rate.CurrencyCode}, Rate: {rate.Rate}");
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to fetch currency rates.");


  • Logs an informational message when fetching data from the API.
  • Logs an error message if an exception occurs during the fetch operation.


  • Ensure that the CurrencyRate class is defined to match the structure of the JSON response from the NBU API.
  • The FetchRates method uses HttpClient to send HTTP requests. Make sure to handle the proper disposal of HttpClient if used in a different context.

CurrencyRate Class

public class CurrencyRate
    // ReSharper disable StringLiteralTypo
    [JsonProperty("r030")] public int R030 { get; set; }
    [JsonProperty("txt")] public string? FullName { get; set; }
    [JsonProperty("cc")] public string? CurrencyCode { get; set; }
    [JsonProperty("rate")] public float Rate { get; set; }

    [JsonProperty("exchangedate")] public string? ExchangeDate { get; set; }
    // ReSharper restore StringLiteralTypo


  • The NBU API URL used to fetch currency rates is

Class Overview: RatesWriter

A service class for saving currency rates to various file formats. The RatesWriter class provides methods to save currency rates as JSON, CSV, or XML files based on the specified output type.




The RatesWriter class is responsible for saving currency rates to files in different formats. It accepts a collection of currency rates, a file path, a file name, and the desired output type (JSON, CSV, or XML). Based on the output type, it writes the rates to the corresponding file format.


public RatesWriter(ILogger logger)
  • Parameter:
    • logger: An instance of ILogger to log information and errors.


public void Save(IEnumerable<CurrencyRate> rates, string path, string fileName, OutputType fileType)

Saves the currency rates to a file based on the specified output type.

  • Parameters:
    • rates: A collection of currency rates to be saved.
    • path: The directory path where the file will be saved.
    • fileName: The name of the file to be saved.
    • fileType: The output file type (JSON, CSV, or XML).


  • Newtonsoft.Json: Used for serializing/deserializing JSON data.
  • System.Xml.Serialization: Used for serializing/deserializing XML data.


  1. Create an instance of the RatesWriter class by passing an ILogger object.
  2. Call the Save method with the currency rates, file path, file name, and output type to save the rates to the desired file format.

Example Code

var logger = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddConsole()).CreateLogger<RatesWriter>();
var writer = new RatesWriter(logger);

var rates = GetCurrencyRates(); // Some magic to get Currency Rates (NBUGrabber for exampele)
var path = "/path/to/save";
var fileName = "CurrencyRates";

writer.Save(rates, path, fileName, OutputType.Json);


  • Logs an error if the provided path or file name is empty.
  • Logs an informational message after successfully saving the rates to a file.


  • The Save method uses switch-case statements to determine the output file type and calls the corresponding private method (SaveJson, SaveCsv, or SaveXml) accordingly.

File Formats

  • JSON: Currency rates are saved as JSON objects in a .json file.
  • CSV: Currency rates are saved as comma-separated values in a .csv file.
  • XML: Currency rates are saved as XML elements in an .xml file.

Example JSON Output

    "r030": 36,
    "txt": "Австралійський долар",
    "cc": "AUD",
    "rate": 26.9573,
    "exchangedate": "03.06.2024"
    "r030": 124,
    "txt": "Канадський долар",
    "cc": "CAD",
    "rate": 29.7151,
    "exchangedate": "03.06.2024"

Example CSV Output

36,Австралійський долар,AUD,26.9573,03.06.2024
124,Канадський долар,CAD,29.7151,03.06.2024
156,Юань Женьміньбі,CNY,5.5984,03.06.2024
203,Чеська крона,CZK,1.7796,03.06.2024
208,Данська крона,DKK,5.8972,03.06.2024
344,Гонконгівський долар,HKD,5.1853,03.06.2024

Example XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfCurrencyRate xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <FullName>Австралійський долар</FullName>
    <FullName>Канадський долар</FullName>