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594 lines (445 loc) · 31.4 KB

File metadata and controls

594 lines (445 loc) · 31.4 KB


C++ Database engine based on B+Tree data structure implementation. Engine provides a lot of basic database functionality including inserting, updating, deleting key/value items as well as searching items by key, performing upper/lower bound with returning pointer for item and ability to move through the items back and forward as well as read the item content.

Engine is well optimised. You can find performance tests results in the additional information section.

Table of Contest


Library was tested using GNU G++ compiler with flag -std=c++17. So it is recommended to use C++ 17 or higher version of compiler. Compiling with another compilers might need code corrections.


  • DBFS -- Library to deal with operation system files
  • BPlusTreeBase -- Advanced extendable implementation of B+Tree data structure
  • C-Logger -- Library for logging data



  • forest -- means "database" if comparing to the regular definitions.
  • tree -- means structure containing key/value data. Something similar to "table" if comparing to the regular database definitions. Notice, all the leafs stored inside a tree are sorted by the key in ascending order.
  • leaf/leaf pointer -- means some structure instance containing single pair item of key/value data
  • node -- means some structure containing either other nodes or leafs. node that contains other nodes called internal node and the one that contains leafs called leaf node
  • key -- means data that stored as an "index" inside the leaf
  • value -- means data contained in a leaf that linked to specific key
  • bloom -- means initialise the forest
  • fold -- means deinitialise the forest


There is a bunch of parameters could be configure depending on your memory type, RAM, memory or processor's speed.

void forest::config_root_factor(int root_factor)

factor corresponds to the minimal number of items available at each internal node. root_factor corresponds to the factor that belongs to the main Tree that contains information about other threes in the forest. Optimal value for this configurable value is between 50 and 2000. Default value is 100

void forest::config_default_factor(int default_factor)

factor that will be assigned by default for newly created trees if not override by input parameter. Default value is 100

void forest::config_root_tree(string root_tree)

string represents the name of main tree root file. This parameter should consist to be able to reopen the same forest by different sessions. Default value is _root

void forest::config_intr_cache_length(int length)

corresponds to the number of internal nodes that would be cached to provide as fast as possible access to the node's data. Default value is 20

void forest::config_leaf_cache_length(int length)

corresponds to the number of leaf nodes that would be cached to provide as fast as possible access to the node's data. (Notice, this doesn't means that leafs data will be fully cached in memory. The things that is cached in memory would be leaf node's keys, values's internal scheme and the values which size is not exceed the configurable limit) Default value is 50

void forest::config_tree_cache_length(int length)

corresponds to the number of trees that would be cached to provide as fast as possible access to the tree's data. Default value is 10

void forest::config_cache_bytes(int bytes)

represents the limit for the leaf's value that would be cached in memory in case the value size does not exceed the bytes limit. Default value is 128

void forest::config_chunk_bytes(int bytes)

represents the number number of bytes the forest will use to read/write data to nodes. Default value is 512

void forest::config_opened_files_limit(int count)

represents the number of file that allowed to be opened by the forest at the same time. But be aware that the actual value could be +LEAF_CACHE_LENGTH as each cached leaf node holds opened file. Notice: set up this value smartly and check your OS system file handler limit. Default value is 50

void forest::config_save_schedule_mks(int mks)

represents the timeout between contiguously saving nodes calls (if there are any unsaved nodes). Values provided in micro seconds. Default value is 10000 (10 mili seconds)

void forest::config_savior_queue_size(int length)

represents the length of internal queue of nodes that is going to be saved to the hard drive. Best use is when this value is greater or equal to the LEAF_CACHE_LENGTH + INTR_CACHE_LENGTH + TREE_CACHE_LENGTH value.




  • forest::Tree -- represents tree object that is used to modify or search for leafs
  • forest::Leaf -- represents leaf object containing key/value data as well as methods to move back and forward. You can find detailed docs below.
  • forest::DetachedLeaf -- represents object type used to insert or update the leaf as well as read the leaf data.
  • forest::LeafReader -- represents object used to read the value from DetachedLeaf object.
  • forest::LeafFile -- represents source file of the leaf data.
  • forest::LeafKey -- represents type of leaf's key
  • forest::size_t -- represents type for retrieving size of tree, value, etc.
  • forest::string -- just an alias of std::string
  • forest::TREE_TYPES -- enum class defines tree types available to create the tree, containing just one value for now: KEY_STRING
  • forest::LEAF_POSITION -- enum class defines the way to search leafs in a tree. Available values are: BEGIN, END, LOWER, UPPER
  • forest::TreeException -- class for exceptions related to forest


Methods that allows you to bloom or fold the forest

void forest::bloom(string path)

Initialise forest at the provided path. Notice, in the provided path there will be created a lot of folders and files. All the forest data will be stored under the provided path. To reinitialise the forest by next sessions all you need is to provide the same path to bloom method.

void forest::fold()

Deinitialise the forest - saves all the data to hard drive. It is strongly recommended to use fold method to close the forest correctly and not to lose or corrupt internal structures.


// ...
// At some condition

Status methods

bool forest::blooms()

Checks whenever forest is initialised or not. And returns boolean where true means that the forest is initialised.

int forest::get_save_queue_size()

Returns the number of nodes that waits in the queue to be saved. Depending on this value you might want to adjust the SAVE_SCHEDULE_MKS value. You can do it without folding the forest. The value will be adjusted immediately after providing new value.

int forest::get_opened_files_count()

Returns number of currently opened files (not including the files opened by cached leaf nodes). Depends on this value you might want to adjust the OPENED_FILES_LIMIT value. You can do it without folding the forest. The value will be adjusted immediately after providing new value.

Working with Trees

Here described methods to create, modify and remove trees from forest.

void forest::plant_tree(TREE_TYPES type, string name, int factor, string annotation)

Method to create new tree in the forest. It accepts 2 required parameters - type and name, and 2 optional - factor and annotation.

The only available value for type parameters is TREE_TYPES::KEY_STRING for now. name corresponds to the name of the tree you are about to create. This name will be used as a key in the main tree, and all trees in the forest will be ordered by tree's name. If no factor value provided, the default factor will be used. Notice: you can change default factor value using config_default_factor(int) config method. annotation is just some information you can provide on your own. If no value provided, empty string will be used.

This methods throws TreeException in case of

  • forest is not initialised.
  • tree with exactly the same name is already exists.


forest::plant_tree(forest::TREE_TYPES::KEY_STRING, "my_tree", 500);

void forest::cut_tree(string name)

Removes tree form forest and deletes all the leafs of deleted tree. It accepts 1 required parameter - name which is the name of the tree you want to delete. If no tree with provided name exists in the forest, no tree deleted and errors are thrown.

Throws TreeException in case of forest is not initialised.



Tree forest::find_tree(string name)

Finds reserves and returns tree you can use to insert, update, remove or search its leafs leafs. It accepts one required string parameter name - the name of the tree you are looking for. After destructing the tree instance (which is smart pointer wrapper around another structure) tree will be released and could be removed from cache.

Throws TreeException in case of there is no tree with the provided name in the forest.


forest::Tree t = forest::find_tree("my_tree");

Creating Leafs

There is couple of methods to create a leaf for inserting into the tree. Leaf that is going to be inserted called Detached and has the type DetachedLeaf. Its object contains only value without key. This kind of leaf you can then "attach" to the tree using some key. Lets move through the methods for creating detached leafs

DetachedLeaf forest::make_leaf(string data)

Creates and returns DetachedLeaf object with value equals to the data you sent. In such case this value will be cached until it is inserted and saved into some tree.

DetachedLeaf forest::make_leaf(char* buffer, size_t length)

Creates and returns DetachedLeaf object with value equals to the data it takes from the char buffer with size of length. The same as in previous case, the value will be cached until it is inserted and saved to some tree.

DetachedLeaf forest::make_leaf(LeafFile file, size_t start, size_t length)

Creates and returns DetachedLeaf object. The value is not cached and used as pointer inside the file you send. LeafFile is just a alias of std::shared_ptr<DBFS::File> (you can find documentation of how to use the DBFS here) You must NOT close or delete file until the leaf is saved to the tree, otherwise behaviour is undefined. If you don't want to care about deleting files, you can use forest::create_leaf_file() method for creating files. This file will be automatically closed and removed when it is not needed anymore.


forest::DetachedLeaf lf = forest::make_leaf("My Fancy Leaf Value");
forest::insert_leaf("my_tree", "key0", lf);

forest::LeafFile f = forest::create_leaf_file();

forest::insert_leaf("my_tree", "key1", forest::make_leaf(f, 0, 6));
forest::insert_leaf("my_tree", "key2", forest::make_leaf(f, 6, 6));
forest::insert_leaf("my_tree", "key3", forest::make_leaf(f, 12, 6));

// After saving temporary file "f" will be automaticallt deleted.

LeafFile forest::create_leaf_file()

Returns LeafFile - std::shared_ptr<DBFS::File>. But unlike the simple regular creation, this file will be automatically removed after it is closed which makes it pretty useful for creating detached leafs and to not care about deleting temporary files.

Leafs Operations

This section describes all the methods for creating, updating and removing the leafs.

void forest::insert_leaf(string tree_name, LeafKey key, DetachedLeaf val)

Attaches val to a tree that match tree_name by key. If leaf with the same key already exists in the tree, nothing happens.

Throws a TreeException in case of:

  • forest is not initialised
  • There is no tree found with provided tree_name

void forest::insert_leaf(Tree tree, LeafKey key, DetachedLeaf val)

Attaches val to the tree by key. You can get the tree by executing forest::find_tree(string tree_name) method. If leaf with the same key already exists in the tree, nothing happens.

Throws a TreeException in case of: forest is not initialised


Tree t = forest::find_tree("my_tree");
forest::insert_leaf(t, "my_key", forest::make_leaf("my_val"));

void forest::update_leaf(string tree_name, LeafKey key, DetachedLeaf val)

Updates leaf value for the leaf with provided key in the tree that match tree_name. If no leaf with provided key exists, it works exactly like insert_leaf.

Throws a TreeException in case of:

  • forest is not initialised
  • There is no tree found with provided tree_name

void forest::update_leaf(Tree tree, LeafKey key, DetachedLeaf val)

Updates or attaches val to the tree by key. You can get the tree by executing forest::find_tree(string tree_name) method. If leaf with the same key already exists in the tree it will be rewritten.

Throws a TreeException in case of forest is not initialised

void forest::remove_leaf(string tree_name, LeafKey key)

Removes leaf by provided key form the tree with name tree_name. If no tree exists with provided key, nothing happens.

Throws a TreeException in case of:

  • forest is not initialised
  • There is no tree found with provided tree_name

void forest::remove_leaf(Tree tree, LeafKey key)

Removes leaf by provided key form the tree. You can get the tree by executing forest::find_tree(string tree_name) method. If no tree exists with provided key, nothing happens.

Throws a TreeException in case of forest is not initialised

Leafs Searching

This section describe all methods for searching the leafs.

Leaf forest::find_leaf(string tree_name, LeafKey key)

Searches for the leaf where key equals to key in the tree that match tree_name and returns leaf pointer to it or end leaf if there is no leaf with provided key.

Throws a TreeException in case of:

  • forest is not initialised
  • tree with provided name is not found

Leaf forest::find_leaf(Tree tree, LeafKey key)

Searches for the leaf where key equals to key in the provided tree and returns leaf pointer to it or end leaf if there is no leaf with provided key. You can get the tree by executing forest::find_tree(string tree_name) method.

Throws a TreeException in case of forest is not initialised.

Leaf forest::find_leaf(string tree_name, LEAF_POSITION position)

As an position accepts values as BEGIN or END and in case of BEGIN was passed, returns leaf pointing to the first element in the tree that match tree_name, or end leaf if there is no leafs in the tree. In case of END was passed as position parameter, returns end leaf pointer.

Throws a TreeException in case of:

  • forest is not initialised
  • tree with provided name is not found
  • wrong position parameter provided

Leaf forest::find_leaf(Tree tree, LEAF_POSITION position)

As an position accepts values as BEGIN or END and in case of BEGIN was passed, returns leaf pointing to the first element in the tree, or end leaf if there is no leafs in the tree. In case of END was passed as position parameter, returns end leaf pointer.

Throws a TreeException in case of:

  • forest is not initialised
  • wrong position parameter provided

Leaf forest::find_leaf(string tree_name, LeafKey key, LEAF_POSITION position)

As a position accepts LOWER or UPPER values and in case of LOWER was passed, returns leaf to the first element in the tree (that match tree_name) whose key is not considered to go before key, and in case of UPPER value was provided, returns the first element in the tree whose key is considered to go after key.

Throws a TreeException in case of:

  • forest is not initialised
  • tree with provided name is not found
  • wrong position parameter provided

Leaf forest::find_leaf(Tree tree, LeafKey key, LEAF_POSITION position)

As a position accepts LOWER or UPPER values and in case of LOWER was passed, returns leaf to the first element in the tree whose key is not considered to go before key, and in case of UPPER value was provided, returns the first element in the tree whose key is considered to go after key.

Throws a TreeException in case of:

  • forest is not initialised
  • wrong position parameter provided


// Assume tree `my_tree` contains leafs with keys: `aa`, `ab`, `ac`, `ad`, `aaa`, `bbb`, `bbc`

forest::find_leaf("my_tree", "ac"); // points to the leaf with key `ac`
forest::find_leaf("my_tree", "a"); // points to `end leaf` as there is no leaf with key `a`
forest::find_leaf("my_tree", forest::LEAF_POSITION::BEGIN); // points to the leaf with key `aa`
forest::find_leaf("my_tree", "b", forest::LEAF_POSITION::LOWER); // points to the leaf with key `bbb`

Other Classes/Methods


Allows you to get some basic information about the tree

Note: Object represents smart pointer, so you have to call all the methods using dereferencing call operator ("->"), or dereferencing operator ("(*).").

TREE_TYPES get_type()

Returns type of the tree

string get_annotation()

Returns annotation of the tree


forest::Tree t = forest::find_tree("my_tree");
std::cout << t->get_annotation() << std::endl; // prints annotation of the tree


Leaf objects contains couple of methods for retrieving data from the leaf as well as moving through the tree leafs.

Note: Object represents smart pointer, so you have to call all the methods using dereferencing call operator ("->"), or dereferencing operator ("(*).").

bool eof()

Returns true if this leaf points to the end of the tree (Its not the last leaf in the tree, but the pointer that corresponds to "null" leaf. You can extract any data from this leaf)

bool move_forward()

Moves current leaf pointer to the next leaf in the tree. Notice, it mutate current leaf object.

Returns false if reached "end" of the tree (becomes null leaf), otherwise returns true.

bool move_back()

Moves current leaf pointer to the previous leaf in the tree. Notice, it mutate current leaf object.

Returns false if reached "end" of the tree (becomes null leaf), otherwise returns true.

LeafKey key()

Returns key of the current leaf.

Throws a TreeException in case of accessing end leaf

DetachedLeaf val()

returns detached leaf containing value of the current leaf

Throws a TreeException in case of accessing end leaf


forest::Leaf lf = forest::find_leaf("my_tree", "my_key");
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){


Contains methods to retrieve the data assigned to this leaf value.

Note: Object represents smart pointer, so you have to call all the methods using dereferencing call operator ("->"), or dereferencing operator ("(*).").

size_t size()

Returns the size of leaf value in bytes.

LeafReader get_reader()

Returns leaf reader that allows you to read value.


The only thing it allows to do is to read the value.

size_t read(char* buffer, size_t count)

Reads counts bytes form leaf data from to buffer and returns the number of bytes it put. After reaching the end of the data, this method will write nothing to the buffer, and returns 0

Reading the leaf example:

// Find the leaf
forest::Leaf leaf = forest::find_leaf("my_tree", "some_key");

// Get the reader
forest::LeafReader reader = leaf->val()->get_reader();

// Prepare buffer
int sz = 512;
int cnt;
char* buf = new char[sz];

// Read data
while((cnt =, sz))){
	// do something with received data

// Release memory
delete[] buf;

Tests and Scripts

There is a bunch of tests located under the "/tests/src" directory. All tests divided into couple of files each of which tests specific aspects of functionality:

  • src/single_thread.forest.test.cpp -- simple tests for testing all basic functionality
  • src/multi_thread.forest.test.cpp -- tests for testing work in multiple threads, including testing for race conditions and dead locks
  • src/performance.forest.test.cpp -- tests for testing performance

Feel free to add your tests there or create a new files.

There is a couple of "main" test files that runs the files above, or provide its own tests:

  • test.cpp -- runs single and multiple thread tests
  • rc_test.cpp -- runs its own tests for finding race conditions
  • perf_test.cpp -- runs performance tests
  • mtest.cpp -- is just a sandbox file to test whatever you want

There is also qtest.hpp framework included to this folder that provides all testing logic, you can find documentation for this framework here.

There is also couple of scripts available under the "/scripts/" folder to help you run the tests:


Builds all source files and test.cpp in debug mode with make all command, and runs created binary.


Accepts one integer parameter as the number of times test should be run to find race conditions. Builds all the source files and rc_test.cpp, runs the binary some number of times, if at least one run fails, it prints ERROR to the console and return code 1


Build all source files and perf_test.cpp with -O3 flag, and runs the binary. Note: you have to clear the cache (using clear script) if there is an object files built in debug mode.


Deletes all objects and binaries.

Additional Information


There was made couple of performance tests on a different machines, and here is the result of the testing:


  • Processor: Intel Xeon E5-2470 (2.30GHz)
  • Cores Count: 8
  • RAM: 16GB
  • File System: HDD


  • forest::config_intr_cache_length(30);
  • forest::config_leaf_cache_length(100);
  • forest::config_tree_cache_length(10);
  • forest::config_cache_bytes(256);
  • forest::config_chunk_bytes(512);
  • forest::config_opened_files_limit(100);
  • forest::config_savior_queue_size(200);
  • forest::config_save_schedule_mks(20000); (20ms)


Note: All tests was performed for the trees with factor = 500

  • Single Thread Small Data Pool
    • Inserting 100 000 elements to 1 tree by 1 thread
      • 962ms
    • Accessing 100 000 elements in 1 thread.
      • 362ms
  • Single Thread Big Data Pool
    • Inserting 1 000 000 elements to 1 tree by 1 thread
      • 11296ms
    • Accessing 1 000 000 elements in 1 thread.
      • 4470ms
  • Multithread work with single tree
    • Inserting 1 000 000 elements to one three in 8 threads
      • 18522ms - this case shows the overhead in processor/file system task switch processes
    • Accessing 1 000 000 elements in 8 threads (not overlapping)
      • 5132ms
    • Accessing 1 000 000 elements in 8 threads with overlapping all the values
      • 20559ms - 4M records moved in total, so ~5150ms per 1M items
  • Multithread work with multiple trees
    • Inserting 1 000 000 elements in 4 threads to 4 trees (each tree gets 250 000 items. Each thread writes to its own tree)
      • 13616ms - Shows file system processes switches overhead
    • Accessing 1 000 000 elements in 4 threads (each thread access its own tree)
      • 4711ms


For single thread operations there is no any task switching/threading lock overheads, and with pretty much standard configuration you could get ~100 000 item/second for inserting, and ~250 000 items/second for reading items.

Using engine in multiple threads you could find some overhead when dealing with data (because of processor task switch/thread lock/file operation switch), and the numbers shows a bit less performance for inserting operations, but reading the data shows pretty much the same time.

Potentially those numbers could be a bit better by setting better value for SAVE_SCHEDULE_MKS or even setting it dynamically during the operations.


  • Ability to write when moving through the leafs
  • ZIP data before writing
  • Create custom data structures for hashtable, vector, pair etc.
  • Custom Memory allocators
  • Request analisys (?)
  • Better filesystem (?)

From author

Hello fellow reader! :)

I hope you enjoy using this product as much as I was when writing it! If you find some bugs/issues or if you know the way to make this product better, or if you just want to ask some questions, just let me know in the comments, or create an issue here on github, thank you in advance!

Best wishes and have fun!

-- Immortale



Have fun :)