index f0175362..4f818bf9 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
-* @Yalz @rorlic @WLefever-Cegeka @pj-cegeka @Tomvbe
\ No newline at end of file
+* @Yalz @rorlic @pj-cegeka @Tomvbe @jobulcke
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress.config.ts b/cypress.config.ts
index 17f11b1f..a8469ff7 100644
--- a/cypress.config.ts
+++ b/cypress.config.ts
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ async function setupNodeEvents(on: Cypress.PluginEvents, config: Cypress.PluginC
const parkAndRideDataFolder = './data/parkAndRide';
config.env.parkAndRide = getFiles(parkAndRideDataFolder).map(x => `${parkAndRideDataFolder}/${x}`);
+ const geomobilityDataFolder = './data/geomobility';
+ config.env.geomobility = getFiles(geomobilityDataFolder).map(x => `${geomobilityDataFolder}/${x}`);
// read user environment file
function parseEnvironmentFile(filePath: string) {
const content = filePath && fs.existsSync(filePath) && fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8');
diff --git a/cypress/e2e/discoverer.feature b/cypress/e2e/discoverer.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..398ea187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/e2e/discoverer.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Feature: LDI LDES Discoverer
+ @test-038 @discover @geomobility
+ Scenario: 038: LDES Discoverer Can Discover The Structure of an LDES
+ Given context 'tests/038.discover-ldes-structure' is started
+ And I have aliased the 'geomobility' simulator data set
+ When I start the LDES Discoverer
+ Then the LDES structure contains 10 relations
+ And the LDES structure is equal to "expected-output.txt"
diff --git a/cypress/support/services/ldi-ldes-discoverer.ts b/cypress/support/services/ldi-ldes-discoverer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c74224ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/support/services/ldi-ldes-discoverer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import {CanCheckAvailability} from "./interfaces";
+import {timeouts} from "../common";
+export class LdiLdesDiscoverer implements CanCheckAvailability {
+ constructor(private _serviceName?: string) {
+ }
+ public get serviceName() {
+ return this._serviceName || 'ldes-discoverer';
+ }
+ protected get availabilityMessage() {
+ return "Started Application in";
+ }
+ private containerLogIncludes(containerId: string, includeString: string) {
+ return cy.exec(`docker logs ${containerId}`).then(result => result.stdout.includes(includeString));
+ }
+ waitForDockerLog(includeString: string) {
+ return cy.exec(`docker ps -f "name=${this.serviceName}$" -q`)
+ .then(result => {
+ const containerId = result.stdout;
+ return cy.waitUntil(() => this.containerLogIncludes(containerId, includeString), {
+ timeout: timeouts.slowAction,
+ interval: timeouts.slowCheck,
+ errorMsg: `Timed out waiting for container '${this.serviceName}' log to include '${includeString}'`
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ waitAvailable() {
+ this.waitForDockerLog(this.availabilityMessage);
+ }
+ getContainerId() {
+ return cy.exec(`docker ps -qaf "name=${this.serviceName}$" -q`)
+ .then(result => result.stdout)
+ }
+ extractLogs(containerId: string) {
+ return cy.exec(`docker logs ${containerId}`).then(result => result.stdout)
+ }
+ hasCount(containerId: string, count: number): any {
+ return this.extractLogs(containerId).then(logs => {
+ const totalOfStr = "contains a total of ";
+ const startIndex = logs.indexOf(totalOfStr) + totalOfStr.length;
+ const endIndex = logs.indexOf(" relations:");
+ const actualCount = Number.parseInt(logs.substring(startIndex, endIndex).trim());
+ cy.log(`Actual count: ${actualCount}`).then(() => actualCount === count)
+ });
+ }
+ checkRelationCount(count: number) {
+ return this.getContainerId()
+ .then(containerId => {
+ return cy.waitUntil(() => this.hasCount(containerId, count), {
+ timeout: timeouts.ready,
+ interval: timeouts.check,
+ errorMsg: `Timed out waiting for relation count to be ${count}`
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ checkOutputStructure(expectedOutputFilePath: string) {
+ return cy.exec(`cat ${expectedOutputFilePath}`)
+ .then(result => {
+ this.getContainerId().then(containerId => {
+ this.containerLogIncludes(containerId, result.stdout)
+ })
+ })
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cypress/support/step_definitions/common_step_definitions.ts b/cypress/support/step_definitions/common_step_definitions.ts
index b35a8aa3..d3291038 100644
--- a/cypress/support/step_definitions/common_step_definitions.ts
+++ b/cypress/support/step_definitions/common_step_definitions.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-import { After, Given, When, Then, Before } from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";
-import { DockerCompose, DockerComposeOptions, EnvironmentSettings, checkSuccess, timeouts } from "..";
+import {After, Before, Given, Then, When} from "@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor";
+import {checkSuccess, DockerCompose, DockerComposeOptions, EnvironmentSettings, timeouts} from "..";
import {
- LdesWorkbenchNiFi, LdesServerSimulator, TestMessageSink,
- MongoRestApi, TestMessageGenerator, LdesServer, LdesWorkbenchLdio
+ LdesServer,
+ LdesServerSimulator,
+ LdesWorkbenchLdio,
+ LdesWorkbenchNiFi,
+ MongoRestApi,
+ TestMessageGenerator,
+ TestMessageSink,
} from "../services";
-import { Gtfs2Ldes } from "../services/gtfs2ldes";
-import { Fragment } from "../ldes";
-import { LdesClientWorkbench } from "../services/ldes-client-workbench";
+import {Gtfs2Ldes} from "../services/gtfs2ldes";
+import {Fragment} from "../ldes";
+import {LdesClientWorkbench} from "../services/ldes-client-workbench";
+import {LdiLdesDiscoverer} from "../services/ldi-ldes-discoverer";
let testContext: any;
const ldesMemberCollection = 'ingest_ldesmember';
@@ -22,6 +28,7 @@ export const mongo = new MongoRestApi('http://localhost:9019');
export const jsonDataGenerator = new TestMessageGenerator();
export const server = new LdesServer('http://localhost:8080');
export const gtfs2ldes = new Gtfs2Ldes();
+export const ldesDiscoverer = new LdiLdesDiscoverer();
export const byPage = 'by-page';
@@ -59,7 +66,7 @@ export function ensureRelationCount(fragment: Fragment, amount: number) {
export function setTargetUrl(targeturl: string) {
const command = `echo ${targeturl} > ${testContext.testPartialPath}/data/TARGETURL`;
return cy.log(command)
- .exec(command, { log: true, failOnNonZeroExit: false })
+ .exec(command, {log: true, failOnNonZeroExit: false})
.then(result => checkSuccess(result).then(success => expect(success).to.be.true))
@@ -81,8 +88,12 @@ export function obtainRootFragment(ldes: string, view: string) {
export function waitForFragment(fragment: Fragment, condition: (x: Fragment) => boolean, message: string) {
return cy.waitUntil(() =>
- fragment.visit().then(fragment => condition(fragment)),
- { timeout: timeouts.fastAction, interval: timeouts.check, errorMsg: `Timed out waiting for ${fragment.url} to ${message}.` }).then(() => fragment);
+ fragment.visit().then(fragment => condition(fragment)),
+ {
+ timeout: timeouts.fastAction,
+ interval: timeouts.check,
+ errorMsg: `Timed out waiting for ${fragment.url} to ${message}.`
+ }).then(() => fragment);
export function clientConnectorFailsOnStatusCode(code: number) {
@@ -171,7 +182,8 @@ Given('the {string} workbench is available', (workbench) => {
- default: throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
@@ -193,7 +205,8 @@ When('I start the LDES Client {string} workbench', (workbench) => {
createAndStartService(clientWorkbench.serviceName).then(() => clientWorkbench.waitAvailable());
- default: throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
@@ -207,7 +220,8 @@ When('I start the {string} workbench', (workbench) => {
createAndStartService(workbenchLdio.serviceName).then(() => workbenchLdio.waitAvailable());
- default: throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
@@ -223,7 +237,8 @@ When('I pause the {string} pipeline on the {string} workbench', (pipeline: strin
- default: throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
@@ -239,10 +254,15 @@ When('I resume the {string} pipeline on the {string} workbench', (pipeline: stri
- default: throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unknown workbench '${workbench}'`);
+When('I start the LDES Discoverer', () => {
+ createAndStartService(ldesDiscoverer.serviceName);
export function createAndStartService(service: string, additionalEnvironmentSettings?: EnvironmentSettings) {
return dockerCompose.create(service, additionalEnvironmentSettings)
.then(() => dockerCompose.start(service, additionalEnvironmentSettings));
@@ -253,7 +273,7 @@ export function stopAndRemoveService(service: string) {
When('I start the JSON Data Generator', () => {
- createAndStartService(jsonDataGenerator.serviceName, { JSON_DATA_GENERATOR_SILENT: false })
+ createAndStartService(jsonDataGenerator.serviceName, {JSON_DATA_GENERATOR_SILENT: false})
.then(() => jsonDataGenerator.waitAvailable());
@@ -281,8 +301,12 @@ export function waitUntilMemberCountStable() {
let previousCount: number;
currentMemberCount().then(count => previousCount = count).then(count => cy.log(`Previous count: ${count}`));
return cy.waitUntil(() =>
- currentMemberCount().then(count => cy.log(`Current count: ${count}`).then(() => count === previousCount ? true : (previousCount = count, false))),
- { timeout: timeouts.fastAction, interval: timeouts.check, errorMsg: `Timed out waiting for database '${testContext.database}' ingest count to retain the same (last: ${previousCount})` }
+ currentMemberCount().then(count => cy.log(`Current count: ${count}`).then(() => count === previousCount ? true : (previousCount = count, false))),
+ {
+ timeout: timeouts.fastAction,
+ interval: timeouts.check,
+ errorMsg: `Timed out waiting for database '${testContext.database}' ingest count to retain the same (last: ${previousCount})`
+ }
@@ -331,3 +355,10 @@ Then('the LDES member count increases', () => {
(actual, expected) => actual > expected));
+Then("the LDES structure contains {int} relations", (relationCount: number) =>
+ ldesDiscoverer.checkRelationCount(relationCount)
+Then("the LDES structure is equal to {string}", (expectedOutputFileName: string) => {
+ ldesDiscoverer.checkOutputStructure(`${testContext.testPartialPath}/data/${expectedOutputFileName}`)
diff --git a/data/geomobility/by-page-1.ttl b/data/geomobility/by-page-1.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2b609f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/geomobility/by-page-1.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,16279 @@
+@prefix A-B: .
+@prefix B-A: .
+@prefix LinkDirectionValue: .
+@prefix MeasureTypes: .
+@prefix VkmMeetInstrumentType: .
+@prefix VkmVerkeersKenmerkType: .
+@prefix VkmVoertuigType: .
+@prefix geosparql: .
+@prefix ldes: .
+@prefix prov: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix sf: .
+@prefix sosa: .
+@prefix terms: .
+@prefix time: .
+@prefix tree: .
+@prefix verkeersmetingen: .
+@prefix weg: .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-23T08:15:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf A-B:P-C ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-23T08:15:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:fiets ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 43 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-23T06:00:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf A-B:LGV ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-23T06:00:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:auto ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 2 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-20T13:15:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf B-A:CAR ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-20T13:15:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inOppositeDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:auto ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 18 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-23T07:30:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf A-B:LGV ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-23T07:30:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:auto ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 9 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-20T15:15:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf A-B:M-C ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-20T15:15:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:auto ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 2 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-20T14:45:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf B-A:CAR ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-20T14:45:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inOppositeDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:auto ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 7 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-23T04:30:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf B-A:CAR ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-23T04:30:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inOppositeDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:auto ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 2 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-20T20:15:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf A-B:P-C ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-20T20:15:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:fiets ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 6 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-20T14:45:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf B-A:OGV1 ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-20T14:45:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inOppositeDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:vrachtwagen ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 1 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-23T08:30:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^
+ ] ;
+ terms:isVersionOf B-A:LGV ;
+ prov:generatedAtTime "2022-11-23T08:30:00.000Z"^^ ;
+ sosa:madeBySensor [ rdf:type sosa:Sensor ;
+ terms:type VkmMeetInstrumentType:rubberslang
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:geobserveerdObject
+ [ rdf:type verkeersmetingen:Verkeersmeetpunt ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ verkeersmetingen:bemonsterdObject
+ [ rdf:type weg:Rijrichting ;
+ weg:rijrichting LinkDirectionValue:inOppositeDirection ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegsegment ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:LineString ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "LINESTRING (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886, 3.22994761168957 51.1994773490174, 3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.23008742183447 51.1993964651886)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type weg:Wegknoop ;
+ [ rdf:type sf:Point ;
+ geosparql:asWKT "POINT (3.22981584817171 51.1995498292108)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type MeasureTypes:Length ;
+ "m"^^ ;
+ 13.284166030053779e0
+ ] ;
+ LinkDirectionValue:bothDirection
+ ]
+ ] ;
+ [ rdf:type ;
+ verkeersmetingen:voertuigType VkmVoertuigType:auto ;
+ VkmVerkeersKenmerkType:aantal
+ ] ;
+ 4 .
+ rdf:type ;
+ [ rdf:type time:TemporalEntity ;
+ time:hasBeginning [ rdf:type time:Instant ;
+ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp "2022-11-20T16:15:00.000Z"^^
+ ] ;
+ time:hasXSDDuration "PT15M"^^