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Linked Data Interactions Orchestrator

To provide and alternative for extensive data orchestration frameworks, we provide a lightweight Spring Boot based framework for basic use of our Linked Data Interaction Components.

Basic configuration

The Linked Data Interactions Orchestrator can be easily configured with a yaml configuration.

What follows is a template of a default orchestrator. This will need to be extended based on the Input, Output and Transformers that are used.

    name: { Class name of an LdtoInput }
    config: { mapped config properties }
    { chronological list of LdtoTransformers }
    - name: { Class name of an LdtoTransformer }
      config: { mapped config properties }
    { list of LdtoOutputs which will be ran in parallel }
    - name: { Class name of an LdtoOutput }
      config: { config properties map }

LDIO Built-in Components

1. Input

1.1 LdioHttpIn (

The LdioHttpIn serves as a basic Http Listening component which allows the user to send Linked Data as Input for a transformation workflow.

To configure this processor, the following config can be added:


The port can be configured through the default spring property:

  server.port: { desired port the LdtoHttpIn component will listen on }

2. Output

2.1 LdioHttpOut (

The LdioHttpOut will perform a basic HTTP POST of the transformed Linked Data towards a provided endpoint

To configure this processor, the following config can be added:

    content-type: { desired content type to send to endpoint. By default, this will be set to 'application/n-quads'}
    endpoint: { Http endpoint to send transformed linked data to }

2.2 LdioConsoleOut (

The LdioConsoleOut provides a debug tool to locally run a transformation and checking its endpoint in the console.

To configure this processor, the following config can be added:

    content-type: { desired content type to send to endpoint. By default, this will be sent as 'application/n-quads'}

LDI Wrappers

Each LDI Component will be wrapped as a LDIO component. For further details on the functionality of each Component, please refer to the main LDI readme.

1. Transformers

1.1 SparqlConstructTransformer (

To configure this processor, the following config can be added:

    query: { SPARQL Construct query to transform data }
    infer: { Flag that allows the result of the construct query to be added to the provided linked data }