UPDATED this tutorial has been changed to define the publish pipeline dynamically. You can find the previous version here.
This tutorial will show you how to consume an existing public Linked Data Event Stream (LDES) using a simple pipeline in the LDIO Workbench and sending the LDES members to a custom backend system for further processing or querying.
Please see the introduction for the pre-requisites, as well as an overview of all examples.
Consuming an LDES is as simple as using and configuring a LDES Client component as part of a pipeline in a LDIO (or NiFi) Workbench. The LDES Client sits at the start of a pipeline and takes care of retrieving the LDES members from the stream. It also keeps polling for changes (based on the max-age
value in the cache-control
HTTP headers). The LDES Client internally outputs the members as RDF models which can be further processed by the transformers (if any) in the pipeline and finally need to be serialized to one of the RDF serialization formats as part of the output component which of course sits at the end of the pipeline.
So, the minimal pipeline that you need is a LDES Client plus one of the supported output components. In this example we use a HTTP out component and send each member to our custom backend system, which is a small tool that simply accepts the member as-is, searches for an identifier (based on an entity type) and stores it in a database.
Note that in your backend system you may not support version objects and therefore need to add one transformer which converts such a LDES member (version object) back to the original (state) object.
Note that if you only want to keep the latest state in your backend system you will typically look at a timestamp or another property to determine if you already have more recent version of this state because LDES members may arrive in any order in your backend.
In fact, the pipeline configuration is the only thing we need in addition to a docker compose file! So, how does our docker compose file look like? Well, it is as simple as this for the workbench part:
image: ldes/ldi-orchestrator:2.12.0
- 9006:80
- public-ldes
- sink-system
test: ["CMD", "wget", "-qO-", "http://ldio-workbench/actuator/health"]
Note that we included a health check for our workbench so we can verify when it is initialized and ready. We put it in the same network as our sink system and add a dependancy to ensure the sink system is fully available to accept the LDES members. We also expose the workbench using port mapping because we need to provide it with a LDES Client pipeline.
Your backend systems will typically already exist but for this tutorial we use a simple message sink backed by a database, as you can see in the docker compose file.
What about the pipeline? It is trivial as well:
# This is a pipeline for demonstrating how to setup a pipeline to follow a publicly available LDES as a Data Client
name: client-pipeline
description: "Replicates & synchronizes a LDES view and sends each member to a sink"
name: Ldio:LdesClient
- https://brugge-ldes.geomobility.eu/observations/by-page
sourceFormat: application/n-triples
- name: Ldio:HttpOut
endpoint: http://sink-system/member
Note that we only specify the LDES url, request the LDES fragments using N-Triples which allows for faster parsing than the default Turtle (text/turtle) format and we send the members as-is to the sink using HTTP. That's all folks!
To see our setup in action, you can use the following:
# start all system and wait until available
docker compose up -d --wait
# start the client pipeline
curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/yaml" http://localhost:9006/admin/api/v1/pipeline --data-binary @./pipeline.yml
You can follow the number of members being replicated using:
while true; do curl http://localhost:9007; echo ""; sleep 1; done
to stop following the count.
Note that this particular LDES is a historical data set which does not change. It contains almost 670.000 members and takes almost 2 hours to replicate. As it is a historical data set, no synchronization happens after the replication phase.
You can see the (first couple of) available members using:
curl http://localhost:9007/member
If you open the above link (http://localhost:9007/member) in a browser you can click on a member to see the content.
Note that the result is in Turtle format as we did not specify a
in theLdioHttpOut
configuration with a different RDF serialization format. E. g. if we wanted N-Triples we can add change the configuration to:
- name: Ldio:HttpOut
endpoint: http://sink-system/member
content-type: application/n-triples
You can wait until the full LDES is replicated and than bring all systems down or you can interrupt the LDES client earlier using:
docker compose down