The examples in the the Views example folder illustrates how views can be used in a nested fashion to achieve complex behaviors. Take a look at them for examples and working code.
View nest naturaly; using a view in side a view is as simple as:
<span>This is in the template for a view!</span>
<div data-view="MyNestedView"></div>
Where the outer div
in the above example is the template for the parent view.
To assign view models dynamically to a nested view use the 'o-view-model' binding:
<span>This is in the template for a view!</span>
data-bind="o-view-model: aViewModelMadeAvailableViaTheParentViewModel">
Where the outer div
in the above example is the template for the parent view.
Loops work as well:
<span>This is in the template for a view!</span>
<!-- ko foreach: viewModelItems -->
data-bind="o-view-model: $data">
<!-- /ko -->