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🪐 Weasel Project: Using SpanRuler for rule-based Named Entity Recognition

This example project demonstrates how you can use the SpanRuler, a component introduced in spaCy 3.3, for rule-based named entity recognition (NER). In spaCy v3 and below, this functionality can be achieved via the EntityRuler. However, we will start deprecating the entity_ruler component in favor of span_ruler in v4.

Here, we will be using the MIT Restaurant dataset (Liu, et al, 2013) to determine entities such as Rating, Location, Restaurant_Name, Price, Dish, Amenity, and Cuisine from restaurant reviews. Below are a few examples from the training data:

First, we will train an NER-only model and treat it as our baseline. Then, we will attach the SpanRuler component after the ner component of the existing pipeline. This setup gives us two pipelines we can compare upon. The rules for each entity type can be found in the scripts/ file.

If we look at the results, we see an increase in performance for the majority of entities with rules:

NER only With Spanruler
Price 81.68 83.23
Rating 78.42 78.06
Hours 64.91 65.80
Amenity 64.26 64.96
Location 82.28 82.82
Restaurant_Name 76.88 78.92

Overall, we have better performance for the combined ner and span_ruler pipeline with our set of rules.

NER only With Spanruler
Precision 76.39 77.06
Recall 76.64 77.40
F-score 76.52 77.23

When we noticed some inconsistencies in the original dataset, we went back and fixed them with a Prodigy workflow. The commands are included here to reproduce our process for annotation, but we've also included the outputted datasets so you can directly skip to training a new model.

With the new annotations and rules, we saw an improvement in both the NER and NER with Spanruler pipelines.

NER only With Spanruler
Price 87.00 87.25
Rating 89.39 92.55
Hours 82.12 82.52
Amenity 80.95 83.07
Location 92.03 92.70
Restaurant_Name 82.90 87.48
Cuisine 90.00 91.09
Dish 83.05 85.66

Overall, we have better performance for the combined ner and span_ruler pipeline with our new set of rules.

NER only With Spanruler
Precision 87.05 88.86
Recall 86.31 88.10
F-score 86.68 88.48


  • J. Liu, P. Pasupat, S. Cyphers, and J. Glass. 2013. Asgard: A portable architecture for multilingual dialogue systems. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pages 8386-8390

📋 project.yml

The project.yml defines the data assets required by the project, as well as the available commands and workflows. For details, see the Weasel documentation.

⏯ Commands

The following commands are defined by the project. They can be executed using weasel run [name]. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Command Description
download Download a spaCy model with pretrained vectors.
preprocess Preprocess the raw IOB, convert them into spaCy format, and split them into train, dev, and test partitions.
train Train a baseline NER model.
assemble Assemble trained NER pipeline with SpanRuler.
evaluate Evaluate each model.
preprocess-prodigy Preprocess raw IOB data into JSONL format for Prodigy review recipe.
db-in Add datasets to Prodigy database.
prodigy-review-train Annotate the train data with the Prodigy review recipe.
prodigy-review-test Annotate the test data with the Prodigy review recipe.
db-out Export Prodigy data.
prodigy-convert Convert JSONL files into spaCy's binary format for model training.
train-review Train a NER model with reviewed data.
assemble-review Assemble trained NER pipeline with SpanRuler with reviewed data.
evaluate-review Evaluate each model with reviewed data.

⏭ Workflows

The following workflows are defined by the project. They can be executed using weasel run [name] and will run the specified commands in order. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Workflow Steps
all downloadpreprocesstrainassembleevaluateprodigy-converttrain-reviewassemble-reviewevaluate-review
prodigy preprocess-prodigydb-in
before-review downloadpreprocesstrainassembleevaluate
after-review prodigy-converttrain-reviewassemble-reviewevaluate-review

🗂 Assets

The following assets are defined by the project. They can be fetched by running weasel assets in the project directory.

File Source Description
assets/train_raw.iob URL Training data from the MIT Restaurants Review dataset
assets/test_raw.iob URL Test data from the MIT Restaurants Review dataset
assets/train_review.jsonl Local JSONL-formatted training data exported from Prodigy (7662 examples)
assets/test_review.jsonl Local JSONL-formatted test data exported from Prodigy (1521 examples)