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How to run NARPS open pipelines ? 🏃

Using the runner application

The narps_open.runner module allows to run pipelines from the command line.


In the following examples, use narps_open_runner or python narps_open/ indifferently to launch the command line tool.

narps_open_runner -h
	usage: narps_open_runner [-h] -t
	                         (-s SUBJECTS [SUBJECTS ...] | -n NSUBJECTS | -r RSUBJECTS) [-l {p,r,s,g} [{p,r,s,g} ...]]
	                         [-c] [-e]

	Run the pipelines from NARPS.

	  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
	  -t {08MQ,2T6S,3TR7,4SZ2,4TQ6,51PW,98BT,B23O,C88N,J7F9,L7J7,O21U,O6R6,Q6O0,R9K3,T54A,U26C,UK24,X19V}, --team {08MQ,2T6S,3TR7,4SZ2,4TQ6,51PW,98BT,B23O,C88N,J7F9,L7J7,O21U,O6R6,Q6O0,R9K3,T54A,U26C,UK24,X19V}
	                        the team ID
	  -s SUBJECTS [SUBJECTS ...], --subjects SUBJECTS [SUBJECTS ...]
	                        a list of subjects to be selected
	  -n NSUBJECTS, --nsubjects NSUBJECTS
	                        the number of subjects to be selected
	  -r RSUBJECTS, --rsubjects RSUBJECTS
	                        the number of subjects to be selected randomly
	  -l {p,r,s,g} [{p,r,s,g} ...], --levels {p,r,s,g} [{p,r,s,g} ...]
	                        the analysis levels to run (p=preprocessing, r=run, s=subject, g=group)
	  -c, --check           check pipeline outputs (runner is not launched)
	  -e, --exclusions      run the analyses without the excluded subjects

narps_open_runner -t 2T6S -s 001 006 020 100 # Launches the full pipeline on the given subjects
narps_open_runner -t 2T6S -r 4 # Launches the full pipeline on 4 random subjects
narps_open_runner -t 2T6S -r 4 -l s # Launches the subject level of the pipeline on 4 random subjects
narps_open_runner -t 2T6S -r 4 -l p r s -c # Check the output files of the prerprocessing, run level and subject level parts of the pipeline, without launching it.


In this usecase, the paths where to store the outputs and to the dataset are picked by the runner from the configuration.

Using the PipelineRunner object

The class PipelineRunner is available from the narps_open.runner module. You can use it from inside python code, as follows :

from narps_open.runner import PipelineRunner, PipelineRunnerLevel

# Initialize a PipelineRunner by choosing the team ID
runner = PipelineRunner(team_id = '2T6S')

# Set input and output directories
runner.pipeline.directories.dataset_dir = '/data/ds001734/'
runner.pipeline.directories.results_dir = '/output/'

# Set participants / subjects
runner.subjects = ['001', '006', '020', '100']

# Alternatively, ask the runner to pick a random number of subjects
# runner.random_nb_subjects = 4

# Start the runner (all available levels)

# Start the subject level only

# Or start the "first level" (preprocessing + run level + subject level)

# Or start the group level only

# Get the list of missing files (if any) after the pipeline finished
runner.get_missing_outputs() # for all available levels
runner.get_missing_outputs(PipelineRunnerLevel.PREPROCESSING) # for preprocessing only