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Godot GameJolt API

GameJolt API icon

A simple GameJolt API plugin for Godot 4.

Forked from Deakcor's GameJolt API plugin

The same GameJolt API used in IrønBrandon's Home Grown (beta and full release).


Plugin Version: 1.1


  • Verbose mode with detailed comments
  • Full offline code documentation in the form of Godot's custom docs
  • Code regions to easily review the plugin's code
  • Refactored to fit with Godot 4.1+



Choose one of the official releases and follow its Installation instructions.


  1. Click "Code" and then "Download ZIP".
  2. Drag and drop the "Godot-GameJolt-API" folder into your project's addons folder.
    • You do not need the files '.gitattributes' or ''. All the other files are required.
  3. Rename the plugin's folder from "Godot-GameJolt-API" to "gamejolt_api" to follow Godot's naming conventions.
  4. Next, go to Project > Project Settings... > Plugins and enable the "GameJolt API" plugin.
  5. Lastly, go to '', add a line and save*, then remove it and save again, and click Project > Reload Current Project.

And it's installed!

*This properly loads the offline documentation

How To Use

To add the GameJoltAPI node, select "Add Child Node" and add the GameJoltAPI to your main scene or under an Autoload scene (if you have multiple scenes).

You should only have one GameJoltAPI node per game.

Next, you have two options depending on whether your game is open-source.

Option A (most games): Set the export variables private_key and game_id to your game's private key and game ID.

Option B (open-source): Create a JSON file in your Resources with the contents:

	"private_key": "<your_private_key>",
	"game_id": "<your_game_id>"

and set the export variable key_path to that JSON file's path, such as "res://gamejolt.json".
This is useful for open-source projects that you still want to have GameJolt API functionality, as you can now add that file to your repository's .gitignore and not have to worry about cheaters.

Optionally, you can add a "trophy_ids" Array as a key:

	"private_key": "<your_private_key>",
	"game_id": "<your_game_id>",
	"trophy_ids": [123456, 789012]

Which will be loaded into trophy_ids during runtime.

Now you can call GameJoltAPI methods through a parent node or an extended script!

Authenticating Users

Plugin Version: 1.0, 1.1

If your game is going to be distributed as a Web build on GameJolt, you can execute the method user_auto_auth() which will retrieve the player's username and token via the URL.
When debugging, add ?gjapi_username=<username>&gjapi_token=<token> to the URL (replace <username> and <token> with your username and token).

However, if you're distributing it as a program (or want a manual option), you can instead use user_auth(username, token) to authenticate the user. Just create a simple "log-in" menu and have the player enter their username and token.

Next, you can connect the gamejolt_request_completed signal to a node. Do this either through the editor or the code. Here is some example code:

# In the below example, the GameJoltAPI node is a child of this node.

var user_authenticated: bool = false

@onready var gamejolt_api: GameJoltAPI = get_node("GameJoltAPI")
@onready var username_box: LineEdit = get_node("username_box")
@onready var token_box: LineEdit = get_node("token_box")
@onready var login_button: Button = get_node("login_button")

func _ready() -> void: # Connect the signals to the methods in ready.

func _on_login_pressed() -> void:
	gamejolt_api.user_auth(username_box.text, token_box.text)
	login_button.disabled = true

func _on_gamejolt_request_completed(request_type, response) -> void:
	match request_type:
			user_authenticated = response['success']
			if user_authenticated:
				pass # Add code for when the user is authenticated.
				pass # Add code for when the user fails to authenticate.
			login_button.disabled = false
		# Use a match statement so you can add more request_types later

Unlocking Trophies

Plugin Version: 1.0, 1.1

Be sure to read the Authenticating Users tutorial before this one.

In the method GameJoltAPI.gamejolt_request_completed is connected to, add '/trophies/add-achieved/' to your match request_type statement:

func _on_gamejolt_request_completed(request_type, response) -> void:
	match request_type:
			user_authenticated = response['success']
			if response['success']:
				print("Trophy Achieved!")
				print("Achieve Failed: ", response['message'])

Note the response Dictionary has the same contents laid out in the official GameJolt API docs' trophies/add-achieved section.

Next, add the following method call to a method you can easily call in-game, such as one that runs when a button is clicked, an enemy is killed, etc.:


Finally, run your project, make sure you're authenticated in-game, and do the action that should run the method with the trophy_add_achieved() call.

If it was a success, it should print out "Trophy Achieved!". If you receive "Achieve Failed: ..." you can debug it by reading the given error.

Fetching Any Data

Plugin Version: 1.0, 1.1

Be sure to read the Authenticating Users tutorial before this one.

Fetching any data from GameJolt is pretty easy. For example, if you want to fetch the time, add the request_type '/time/' to your match statement, receive any data from Time Fetch's returns via response, and then call gamejolt_api.time_fetch() from the _ready() method. Example:

func _on_gamejolt_request_completed(request_type, response) -> void:
	match request_type:
			user_authenticated = response['success']
			print("Date: ",response['year'],".",response['month'],".",response['day'])

Note the difference between "Fetch" and "Get" as all the API call methods do not directly return data, but some of the GameJoltAPI's methods, such as get_username() and get_token() do.

What if you want to check for the current user's best score?

Once again, add a new request_type as "/scores/". In the official GameJolt Docs, you will see everything the response can contain for the "/scores/" type.
For testing purposes, we will add the scores_fetch() method after authentication.

func _on_gamejolt_request_completed(request_type, response) -> void:
	match request_type:
			user_authenticated = response['success']
			if response['success']:
			if response['success']:
				if response['scores'] is Array:
					print("User ",response['scores'][0]['user'],"'s Best Score: ", 
				print("Score Fetch Failed! Error: ", response['message'])

Here's an example output:

User nilllzz's Best Score: 234 Coins

If you replace [0]['score'] with [0]['sort'] it will print out the integer value of the score instead (you get 234 as an int instead of "234 Coins" as a String)

For details on all methods, read the custom docs in-engine by pressing F1 and typing GameJolt!
You can also read the online documentation here: