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SpectNet : End-to-End Audio Signal Classification using Learnable Spectrogram Features

Pattern recognition from audio signals is an active research topic encompass- ing audio tagging, acoustic scene classification, music classification, and other areas. Spectrogram and mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) are among the most commonly used features for audio signal analysis and classification. Re- cently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been successfully used for audio classification problems using spectrogram-based 2D features. In this paper, we present SpectNet, an integrated front-end layer that extracts spec- trogram features within a CNN architecture that can be used for audio pattern recognition tasks. The front-end layer utilizes learnable gammatone filters that are initialized using mel-scale filters. The proposed layer outputs a 2D spectro- gram image which can be fed into a 2D CNN for classification. The parameters of the entire network, including the front-end filterbank, can be updated via back-propagation. This training scheme allows for fine-tuning the spectrogram- image features according to the target audio dataset. The proposed method is evaluated in two different audio signal classification tasks: heart sound anomaly detection and acoustic scene classification. The proposed method shows a sig- nificant 1.02% improvement in MACC for the heart sound classification task and 2.11% improvement in accuracy for the acoustic scene classification task compared to the classical spectrogram image features

The Proposed front-end layer - learnable filterbank

The front-end layers provides control over the number of filterbanks, range of frequnecy of the signal domain and the order of the filters. The layers can be found in this. The MFCC_gen module generates MFCC features using a Convolutional Gammatone Filterbank. By default the the center frequencies are chosen according to the MEL Scale within the range defined. It can be set using any distribution or constant values also.

The front-end layer

Experiments | Datasets | Results

We use the Physionet HeartSound Dataset for experiments on Heart Sound signal. Data distribution are given below:

Subset Total Subject Normal recordings Abnormal recordings Used device
a 121 117 292 Welch Allyn Meditron
b 106 385 104 3M Littmann E4000
c 31 7 24 AUDIOSCOPE
d 38 27 28 Infral Corp. Prototype
e (Norm.) 174 1867 0 MLT201/Piezo
e (Abn.) 3352 0 151 3M Littmann
f 112 80 34 JABES

We experimented with multiple setups. The Static keyword means the front-end layers was kept static AKA non-learnable or default MFCC feature. Our proposed method let's the front-end layer fine-tune the filterbank parameters.

Performance Comparison on Physionet Heart Sound Classification Task

Method Accuracy F1 Macc Sensitivity Specificity Precision
Baseline Methods
Gammatone 1D-CNN 75.80 83.17 82.30 91.30 73.29 76.36
Gammatone 2D-CNN 76.69 84.67 84.03 92.03 76.03 78.39
SpectNet (Static SpectNet)
SpectNet-4 + ResNet 77.42 81.91 80.30 93.48 67.12 72.88
SpectNet-8 + ResNet 81.64 87.27 87.66 86.96 88.36 87.59
SpectNet-16 + ResNet 81.79 87.37 87.68 87.68 87.67 87.05
Proposed System (Learnable SpectNet)
SpectNet-16 + ResNet 80.36 88.32 88.70 87.68 89.73 88.97

We also experimented with the DCASE dataset. The DCASE 2016 acoustic scene classification challenge dataset consists of audio samples from 15 (fifteen) different indoor and outdoor locations or envi- ronments. These are Beach, Bus, Cafe/Restaurant, Car, City Center, Forest Path, Grocery Store, Home, Library, Metro Station, Office, Park, Residential Area, Train, and Tram. There are 1170 and 390 audio segments in the training and validation dataset, respectively. Each class has 234 samples for training and 78 samples for validation.

The results on this datasets are as follows:

Methods Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Precision F1 MACC
Static SpectNet
SpectNet-16 + CNN 66.92 65.44 97.53 65.88 65.66 81.47
SpectNet-32 + CNN 73.59 73.59 98.11 74.37 73.98 85.85
SpectNet-46 + CNN 74.44 74.50 98.18 74.95 74.10 86.34
SpectNet-64 + CNN 73.93 73.56 98.11 74.05 73.81 85.84
SpectNet-128 + CNN 75.55 75.56 98.25 76.10 75.83 86.91
SpectNet-149 + CNN 74.81 74.22 98.16 74.94 74.58 86.19
Proposed System (Learnable SpectNet)
SpectNet-46 + CNN 76.55 76.47 98.32 77.15 76.07 87.39


Gpu titan Xp, Gpu driver 430.50, Cuda driver 10.1 ,Cuda runtime library 10.0 ,Cudnn library 7.4.1

Cudnn conda 7.6.1 (came with tensorflow-gpu), tensorflow 1.13.1