- CubeMapLoader.fuse
... can be downloaded and copied manually into your fuses folder if needed - CubeMapLoader.comp
... needs the repository to be checked out as described in the README
Fuse to create a 2D representation of a cube map.
What you can do with it:
- Use it as an input for Fusion's CubeMap (3Cu) tool ... but I have no idea what this 3Cu tool is good for.
- Use it as an input for DCTL fragment shaders that work with a cube map texture (see CubeMapUnfold) ... but that's a very special use case.
- No idea if it is even needed - most probably there are already built-in tools that do all of this and a lot more?!?
- Or maybe it can be done with some images and transform nodes as a simple composition / macro / whatsoever?
- Find out when and why
shreds Fusion!?!
Things to discover in its source code:
- Simple but often forgotten things like setting tooltips on buttons and status texts
- Loading a sequence of pictures as a clip
- Creating a single image copying the clip pictures into a single texture
- Copy, translate, rotate images into a target texture (i.e. the vertical cross)