Setup | Repository Tools | Snipptes
WARNING! All the stuff in Tools/
is very fragile and to be handled with great care!
Drag'n'drop Setup.lua
on your Fuison working area - and you are done or nuked. For details proceed reading ...
- Drag and drop
from your working copy on your DaFusions working area - Check the 'Integrate the repository Tools into Script menu' to - guess what - integrate the repository Tools into the Script menu
IMPORTANT! In particular if you are on Windows: don't forget to uncheck all options and to then save the configuration before moving or deleting your Shadertoys working copy!
You can drag'n'drop Tools/Setup.lua
whenever you want to change any of these options.
You can ignore the following sections if you use the Setup.lua
as described above. The following instruction might help if you want to do the installation manually, if you want to understand what the setup script does, or if you want to get things right again, if the Setup.lua
messed up your system.
Should work on macOS as well as on Windows (if you know where to find the corresponding DR and/or Fusion folders).
- Copy the folder
to yourScripts/Comp/
folder. - Copy the folder
to yourModules/Lua
folder. - Create a file
in yourModules/Lua/
folder. - Edit that
file to contain the following text with<PATHTOYOURREPO>
the path to your working copy of the repositoy:
local user_config = { pathToRepository = '<PATHTOYOURREPO>/' }
return user_config
cd into your working copy ... in my case I cloned the repository into ‘~/Projects/':
cd ~/Projects/Shadertoys/
Persist the information on where to find the repository ...
echo "local user_config = { pathToRepository = '$REPO/' }\nreturn user_config" \
> $REPO/Tools/Modules/Lua/Shadertoys/\~user_config.lua
BMD=~/Library/Application\ Support/Blackmagic\ Design
... and in the same shell set symbolic links for Fusion to point into your working copy:
cd "$BMD/Fusion/Modules/Lua"
ln -s "$REPO/Tools/Modules/Lua/Shadertoys" Shadertoys
cd "$BMD/Fusion/Scripts/Comp"
ln -s "$REPO/Tools/Scripts/Comp/Shadertoys" Shadertoys
... resp. do so for Resolve:
cd "$BMD/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Modules/Lua"
ln -s "$REPO/Tools/Modules/Lua/Shadertoys" Shadertoys
cd "$BMD/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Comp"
ln -s "$REPO/Tools/Scripts/Comp/Shadertoys" Shadertoys
With Setup.lua
's 'Integrate the Repository tools into script menu' option, the folder Tools/Scripts/Comp/Shadertoys/
is linked into DaFusions Fusion/Scripts/Comp/
folder. Thereby all the scripts in Tools/Scripts/Comp/Shadertoys/
are accessible via the 'Workspace→Scrips→Shadertoys' menu in DaVinci Resolve, resp. the 'Script→Shadertoys' menu in Fusion.
Mainly these make up the 'Repository Tools' submenu items which are meant to perform one or the other action on your local copy of the repository. This being said: these Repository Tools are only of interest for you, if you actively work on the repository and the Fuse's source code.
See Scripts/Comp/Shadertoys/Repository Tools/ for further details.
Code fragments used by the 'BOILERPLATE' Repository Tools script.
See Snipptes/ for further details.
Folder: Documentation/
Folder: Modules/Lua/Shadertoys/