Based on 'Veyerus' by monsterkodi and porting by JiPi.
Most extensive conversion yet. On the one hand, a solution had to be found for the structure arrays; on the other hand, a global structure led to a completely destroyed image structure. The conversion then took place in several stages. Now the corresponding parameterization for the animation is still missing.
struct VecMap {
vec3[32] vecs;
int num;
VecMap[5] vecMap = VecMap[5](
VecMap(cubo, 26),
VecMap(dodeca, 12),
VecMap(icosa, 20),
VecMap(weirdo, 12),
VecMap(dodecaicosa, 32)
struct _gl {
vec2 uv;
vec2 frag;
vec2 mouse;
vec2 mp;
ivec2 ifrag;
float aspect;
vec4 color;
int option;
float time;
vec3 light;
int zero;
SDF sdf;
} gl;
The first Version with destroyed image structure:
The corrected version: