Publish a dataset
upload an object
- upload an object from their computer
- drag & drop an object on an upload target
- select an object using the system file picker
- upload an object from cloud storage
- link to cloud storage account
- select an object using the storage provider's interface
- upload multiple files at once
- select multiple files at once
- select a folder/directory with internal structure
- upload without flattening the internal structure
- select muliple files with system picker
- select a folder/directory with internal structure
- add files one at a time to an upload queue
- select multiple files at once
- review files to be uploaded before upload starts
- initiate upload
- cancel upload
- edit upload list
- remove object(s)
- add object(s)
- change the order in which upload will proceed
- cancel upload while in-progress (e.g., if taking too long)
- delete an object after upload
- upload a newer version of an object
- revert to older version *** previous versions not supported here
- upload an object from their computer
describe an object
- enter DataCite minimum required metadata
- enter a title
- enter a creator
- enter an arbitrary number of creators
- enter the creator(s) ORCiD(s)
- enter an arbitrary publication date (i.e., not today)
- enter an abstract
- enter methods
- enter the type of object
- enter item-type specific metadata (e.g., thesis date, advisor, and university)
- enter subject keywords
- enter an arbitrary number of keywords
- link the object another object
- link to a dataset
- link to a publication
- link to an arbitrary object that has a PID
- describe the relationship
(Technical note: using the relationships in the DataCite metadata schema)
- this cites that
- that cites this
- this is part of that
- that is part of this
- that is a newer version of this
- that is an older version of this
- this supplements that
- that supplements this
- this documents that
- that documents this
- this == that
- etc.
- link to an arbitrary number of other objects
- save an incomplete description
- return to a saved description
- delete a saved but npublished description
- cancel an in-progress description
- describe multiple objects at once
- update metadata of a published object
- cancel an in-progress revision
- revert to older version **** auto save will not users to revert back to previous versions
- enter DataCite minimum required metadata
link object to a PID
- obtain a PID
- obtain a DOI
- pre-reserve a PID for an object that is not public
- link object to a pre-existing PID
- obtain a PID
select a usage license
- select a CC license
- select an alternate license
- understand licensing options
- access simple explanation
- access exact language
select access rights **** limitations on what embargo functionality we will allow. these seem to be outstanding?
- make immediately public
- set an embargo period, after which the object becomes public
- limit access
- limit access to specified user(s)
- limit access to group of users
- limit access to users at same institution
- limit access to academic users
publish an object
- review metadata before publishing
- save object and metadata to publish later
- return to a saved object/metadata package
- delete a saved object/metadata package without publishing
- delete a published object (probably not a good idea) **** not allowed
get credit
- get formally cited
- show dataset on ORCiD/ImpactStory/etc. profile *** not in current requirements
- report metrics *** views and / or social media shares haven't been addressed
- citations
- downloads
- views
- social media shares
curate a collection of objects *** not in current requirements
- enter collection-level metadata
- set collection level permissions
- add objects to collection
- remove objects from collection