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Discord bot named Dolores for rolling dice, playing audio, and a number of other helper functions. She was initially created to help facilitiate playing tabletop games over Discord.

Dolores is generally just a python program. I run her in a Docker container, allows for easier updating. An example docker-compose.yml file is included in the project, assuming the user wants to make use of all functionality.

Note: Dolores is largely a personal project created for a few small Discord servers. So there's a number of features or peculiarities that specifically deal with things unique to what I want her to do. Should still be useful in a broader more generalized context, but I will work over time to make her less specific. Or at least make her uses more configurable.


Dolores runs using a number of environment variables for API keys and settings. Not all are required for core functionality. Each cog has a corresponding environment variable to turn it on or off. Will determine whether the cog is loaded when Dolores is run. If a cog isn't loaded, none of the environment variables that are associated with that module are required.

The only explicitly required environment variable is DISCORD_API_KEY.

Env vars can be provided via a .env file in the main directory, if desired. Useful for testing locally. If created and filled out, Dolores can thus be ran with command docker compose --env-file .env up -d --remove-orphans.

Required by Which Module Env Var Name Description
Base DISCORD_API_KEY The main API key for the bot.
Base AUDIO_ENABLED Enables audio cog, when set as true
Base SCHEDULING_ENABLED Enables scheduling cog, when set as true
Base GENERATION_ENABLED Enables URL sumamrization, LLM replies, image generation.
Base LOG_LEVEL Level of logging. Dolores uses DEBUG, INFO, and ERROR.
Scheduling NOTION_API_KEY API Key for querying data from Notion
Scheduling NOTION_VERSION Version of Notion API used for querying.
Scheduling NOTION_BASE_URL Base URL of the Notion API, should be
Scheduling NOTION_DATABASE_ID ID for database where stream info is kept
Generation OPENAI_API_KEY API Key used for generating replies
Generation OPENAI_MODEL Which LLM model to use.
Generation OPENAI_IMAGE_MODEL Which image model to use.
Generation IMAGE_STYLE vivid or natural
Generation MAX_TOKENS Max number of tokens generated in LLM chat.
Generation TEMPERATURE Float value for temperature of LLM chat response.
Generation TOP_P Float value alternative to temperature with LLM chat.
Generation FREQUENCY_PENALTY Frequency penalty for LLM chat.
Generation PRESENCE_PENALTY Presence penalty for LLM chat.
Generation SMMRY_BASE_URL base URL for the SMMRY API.
Generation SMMRY_API_KEY API key for the SMMRY API
Generation SMMRY_QUOTE_AVOID SMMRY boolean option on whether to avoid or include quotes in text that's summarized. Usually true.
Generation SMMRY_LENGTH max number of sentences a summary should be.
Generation SMMRY_MIN_REDUCED_AMOUNT Minium percentage a news article should be reduced by summarization to post it.
Generation NEWS_CHANNEL_ID Not currently used, but was automatically summarizing articles posted into a particular discord channel.


Dolores' functionality is divided into several cogs modules. handles main discord events and processing commands.

Cog Description
Rolling Used to roll dice and for any other randomization-based tasks.
Audio The audio module uses pomice/lavalink to stream audio. Uses a queue system. Largely a copy of the example bot given in pomice's documentation.
Scheduling The scheduling module is used for tasks related to Notion. Pulling schedule in from a Notion database.
Generation Module for text and image generation. Currently using chatGPT, but intent is to move to add ability to use self-hosted LLM. Should be able to choose between something the user is hosting or commercially available alternatives. Also handles simple randomized snarky replies.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.