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Braitenberg Vehicles Project


  • Left mouse button: add a robot at the current mouse position.
  • Right mosue button: add a light source at the current mouse position
  • Spacebar: toggle behavior of all active robots.

Command-Line Arguments

  • -r <num>: Initialize world with num number of robots.
  • -l <num>: Initialize world with num number of light sources.
  • --attract: Make robots initially attracted to light sources.
  • --avoid: Make robots initially avoid light sources.

Robot Class

This class contains the necessary methods to implement a basic Braitenberg vehicle. It has variable dimensions and can be attracted to or avoid light sources.

Data Members

  • int length, width: The dimensions of the robot. These dimensions determine sensor positions, which in turn affect the robot's mobility.
  • int color: The robot's ARGB color value (used for SDL rendering).
  • int heading: The robot's orientation in degrees, with 0 defined as facing to the right edge of the window.
  • (vector<vector<double>>) lightMap: A reference to the world's pre-calculated light values (2D grid of floating point values).


  • Robot(int x, int y, int length, int width, vector<vector<double>> lightMap, bool attract): Constructs a robot at the given coordinates with the given dimensions. attract sets robot behavior (i.e. attracted to or repelled by light sources).

  • int getHeading/Color/Length/Width(): Standard getter functions; return robot properties used in rendering.

  • ivec getPos/Sensor1Pos/Sensor2Pos(): Getter functions which return an integer column vector containing the robot's position (center coordinates) or the position of the requested light sensor.

  • vec readLightValues/getWheelValues(): Getter functions which return a floating point column vector containing light sensor values (based on current sensor position) or wheel values (based on current sensor reading and k-matrix).

  • void updateHeading(): Applies a change to the robot's current heading in the following manner:

    1. Fetch the current wheel values and calculate their difference.
    2. Shift the heading by adding the difference times a constant value (can be positive or negative).
  • void move(): Calculates the robot's new orientation (see above) and shifts the robot by calculating the horizontal and vertical components of the robot's heading times a constant magnitude (for simplicity). Note that the robot's position is calculated modulo the window dimensions, so robots wrap around screen boundaries.

  • int mod(int a, int b): Private helper function used for position calculations. Calculates a mod b (a % b returns negative results when a or b is negative).

World Class

This class contains and manages robots and light sources. It also draws robots and light sources to a window using SDL2.

Data Members

  • vector<vector<double>> lightMap: The reference light map used for all robot sensor readings. Any new robot is given a handle to this light map upon its creation. Additionally, this structure is updated (recalculated) any time a new light source is added to the world.
  • vector<pair<int, int>> lightPositions: Container holding the coordinates of all active light sources. This container is iterated over when the world's light intensity is calculated.
  • vector<Robot*> robots: Structure used to track and update active robots.
  • double maxLightVal: Contains the max light intensity of the world (100). Used as a reference for light rendering calculations.
  • bool attract: Specifies robot behavior (can be toggled at any time).
  • SDL_Window* mainWindow: 800x600 window used to draw robots and lights.
  • SDL_Texture* windowTexture: Used as the main rendering target.
  • SDL_Renderer* renderer: Responsible for updating windowTexture and drawing it in mainWindow.
  • uint* lightBuffer: Contains a visual representation of the current light map values. Drawn on windowTexture.
  • SDL_Event event: Used to capture SDL events (for handling keyboard/mouse interaction).


  • World(vector<pair<int, int>> lightPositions, bool attract): Creates a world initially containing lights specified in lightPositions and one robot with behavior specified by attract.
  • vector<vector<double>> getLightMap(): returns a copy of the world's current light values.
  • void addRobot(int x, int y, int length, int width): inserts a robot with the given dimensions at the given coordinates. The newly-created robot is added to the robots container.
  • void addLight(int x, int y): Adds a light source to the world at the given position. After the light is added, lightMap is recalculated.
  • void calcLightValues(): Updates lightMap by updating each point light value by summing the Euclidean distance to each light source and dividing 100 over the sum.
  • void updateWorld(): Moves each robot in robots and redraws the screen.
  • void initVideo(): Initializes the SDL window and rendering.
  • void renderLightMap(): Draws the light-map (and robots) on the screen.
  • void renderRobot(Robot* robot): Draws a pixel at robot's coordinates, and a pixel at each of robot's sensor positions.
  • void setRobotAttraction(bool attract): Toggles behavior of all robots in the world.
  • void handleEvents(): Polls and handles SDL mouse/keyboard events