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Class 23

Containers of values

Containers use templates, so they can hold any type, including custom types created with the class mechanism

class Gorilla
		~Gorilla( )
			cout << "Gorilla dtor: " < name << "\n";
		Gorilla( const Gorilla &other )
			name = + " clone";
			cout << "Gorilla copy ctor: " << name << "\n";
		Gorilla &operator=( const Gorilla &rhs )
			name = + " clone";
			cout << "Gorilla operator=: " << name << "\n";
			return *this;

How many constructors run below?

struct Node
	Node *next;
	T datum;

void List< T >::PushFront( T datum )
	Node *p = new Node;
	p->datum = datum;
	p->next = front;
	front = p;

class Gorilla
	// A big, expensive class ...

int main( )
	List< Gorilla > zoo;
	zoo.PushFront( Gorilla( "Colo" ) );
Gorilla ctor: Colo
Gorilla copy ctor: Colo clone
Gorilla default ctor
Gorilla operator=: Colo clone
clone Gorilla dtor: Colo clone
Gorilla dtor: Colo
Gorilla dtor: Colo clone clone

We can fix the first copy by passing by reference

void List< T >::PushFront( T &datum )
	Node *p = new Node;
	p->datum = datum;
	p->next = front;
	front = p;

The second one is harder to fix inside the list template

A better solution is to use the list as a container of pointers

int main( )
	List< Gorilla * > zoo;
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Colo" ) );


  1. Avoid slow copies of big objects
  2. Allows you to manage the lifetime of the variable yourself
  3. Allows you to create unique objects shared on multiple lists
  4. Useful when many parts of the code refer to an object, but you only want one copy in memory


Francine says hi to each animal by name as she feeds it, e.g., "Hi, Colo", and then removes it from her todo list

int main( )
	List< Gorilla * > zoo;
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Colo" ) );
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Koko" ) );
	List< Gorilla * > todo = zoo;
	while ( !todo.Empty( ) )
		Gorilla *g = todo.Front( );
		cout << "Hi, " << g->GetName( ) << "\n";
		todo.PopFront( );

Problem: The list destructor removes the Node objects, but not the Gorilla objects. Thus, there are orphan Gorillas on the heap

A bad solution

List< T >::PopFront( )
	assert( !Empty( ) );
	Node *victim = front;
	front = front->next;
	delete victim->datum;
	delete victim;

int main( )
	List< int > li;
	li.PushFront( 7 );

This won't compile, because PopFront( ) tries to delete an object that is not a pointer

And this breaks with a dangling pointer

List< T >::PopFront( )
	assert( !Empty( ) );
	Node *victim = front;
	front = front->next;
	delete victim->datum;
	delete victim;

int main( )
	List< Gorilla * > zoo;
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Colo" ) );
	Gorilla *g = zoo.Front( );
	zoo.PopFront( );
	g->GetName( );

This could be fixed by adding

int main( )
	List< Gorilla * > zoo;
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Colo" ) );
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Koko" ) );
	List< Gorilla * > todo = zoo;
	while ( !todo.Empty( ) )
		Gorilla *g = todo.Front( );
		cout << "Hi, " << g->GetName( ) << "\n";
		todo.PopFront( );
	for ( auto i:zoo )
		delete i; //fixed

Another problem

int main( )
	List< Gorilla * > zoo;
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Colo" ) );
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Koko" ) );
	List< Gorilla * > todo = zoo;
	// Koko moves to another zoo
	delete zoo.Front( );
	zoo.PopFront( );
	// Francine starts feeding Gorillas ...

Francine will try to feed koko, not knowing that he's not here any more

Pattern of use for a container of pointers

Containers-of-pointers are subject to two broad kinds of bugs:

  1. Dangling pointers: using an object after is has been deleted
  2. Memory leaks: leaving an object orphaned by never deleting it

Containers do not manage memory outside of themselves. The container doesn't know what you want to do

Pattern of use for avoiding these bugs:

  1. Whoever creates memory is responsible for deleting it
  2. Every time you create memeory with new, you must remove it with delete
  3. This is called ownership

Disabling copy

Somtimes, it's helpful to disable copying if you truly don't ever want the objects copied, not even by member functions

class Gorilla
		Gorilla( const Gorilla &other );
		Gorilla &operator=( const Gorilla &rhs )
			= delete;

Motivation continued

  1. Also useful for polymorphism

Containers of polymorphic types

Let's make our zoo work with many kinds of animals

Abstract base class Animal

Derived types Gorilla and Zebra

class Animal
		string name;
		Animal( string name ) : name( name )
		virtual string GetName( ) const
			return name;
		virtual string says( ) const = 0;

class Gorilla : public Animal
		Gorilla( string name ) : Animal( name )
		virtual string says( ) const
			return "bananas!";

class Zebra : public Animal
		Zebra( string name ) : Animal( name )
		virtual string says( ) const
			return "stripes!";

The virtual keyword is optional in the derived class

int main( )
	List< Animal * > zoo;
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Colo" ) );
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Koko" ) );
	zoo.PushFront( new Zebra( "Zebo" ) );
	for ( auto i:zoo )
		cout << i->GetName( ) << " says " <<
			i->says( ) << endl;

Now, zoo is a container of pointers to polymorphic types

Destructors and polymorphism

When you create an object, all the contructors run, starting with the base class

Now, let's see what happens when we mix destructors with polymorphism

If we add print messages to Animal, Gorilla and Zebra constructors and destructors, what will the output be?

class Animal
		Animal( string name ) : name( name )
			cout << "Animal ctor\n";
		~Animal( )
			cout << "Animal dtor\n";
Animal ctor
Gorilla ctor
Animal ctor
Gorilla ctor
Animal ctor
Zebra ctor
Zebo says stripes!
Koko says bananas!
Colo says bananas!

However, this code leakes memory. Since we allocated the animals, must free them

int main( )
	List< Animal * > zoo;
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Colo" ) );
	zoo.PushFront( new Gorilla( "Koko" ) );
	zoo.PushFront( new Zebra( "Zebo" ) );
	for ( auto i:zoo )
		cout << i->GetName( ) << " says "
			<< i->says( ) << endl;
	for ( auto i:zoo )
		delete i;
Animal ctor
Gorilla ctor
Animal ctor
Gorilla ctor
Animal ctor
Zebra ctor
Zebo says stripes!
Koko says bananas!
Colo says bananas!
Zebra dtor
Animal dtor
Gorilla dtor
Animal dtor
Gorilla dtor
Animal dtor

Virtual destructors

Polmorphic objects need virtual destructors

If you have a virtual function and a destructor, then the destructor probably needs to be virtual too

class Animal
		Animal( string name ) : name( name )
			cout << "Animal ctor\n";
		virtual ~Animal( )
			cout << "Animal dtor\n";