- @hax 贺师俊, 360, Senior Front-end Architect, TC member of Web Front-end Branch of 360 Technical Committee, TC39 delegate of 360
Alphabetical order by company name
- @holyjunhui 李俊辉, 360, Web Front-end Engineer
- @yuanyan 元彦, Alibaba, TC member of Alibaba Front-end Technical Committee
- @yusj 喻世江, Alibaba UCWeb, Browser Engine Developer
- @island205 寸志, Alibaba Ele.me, Front-end Expert
- @Saviio 王嘉祺, Alibaba Teambition, Front-end Team Leader
- @kuitos 有知, Ant Financial, Front-end Expert
- @Justineo 顾轶灵, Baidu, TC member of Baidu Excellent Front-end Technical Committee
- Radioactive, Bilibili, Node.js Architect
- 张煜航, Bilibili, TypeScript Evangelist
- 李玉北, ByteDance, Front-end Team Leader
- @amio 晋晓炜, ByteDance, Front-end Senior Engineer
- 刘晓莹, Huawei Compiler and Programming Language Lab
- 钟大兵, Hujiang, Front-end Architect
- 李天佑, Intel, Principal Engineer, Lead of Intel JavaScript Technology Center
- @madlordory 张强, Meituan-Dianping, Senior Front-end Architect
- @Becavalier 于航, PayPal, freeCodeCamp Shanghai Organizer
- @jacksky007 刘小杰, Poizon (Du App), Front-end Architect
- @ufoqhmdt 谯洪敏, Qutoutiao, Platform Runtime Team Leader, Chair of Qutoutiao Front-end Union
- 陈小白, Qutoutiao, Mengtuiapp Front-end Team Leader
- 戴文俊, Qutoutiao, Front-end Engineer
- @aimingoo 周爱民, Ruff, Architect, Tech VP, Author of JavaScript语言精髓与编程实践
- @Jocs 罗冉, Shimo Docs, Front-end Engineer, Author of Mark Text
- 马晓东(kacakong), Tencent
- @louiszhai 翟灿东, Tencent
- @kingbird Webb, Tencent
- @EricTiger Eric(寅午), Tencent
- 亢中翼(Clement), Tencent
- @trotyl 余泽江, ThoughtWorks, Front-end Engineer, Active contributor of Angular
- 陈天宇, ThoughtWorks, Front-end Engineer
- @Maxwin-z 文东, Tuhu, Tech Director
- @xeodou 青蛙, Udacity, Senior Engineer
- @makara 王浩宇, Wiredcraft, Tech Lead, JSConf China Organizer
- 魏晓军, Ctrip, Senior R&D Manager
- @zhangxinxu 张鑫旭, Yuewen (China Literature)
- @Smadey 张成荣, Yuewen (China Literature)
- @rdkmaster 陈旭, ZTE, Tech Lead of ZTE Front-end Technical Committee
- @TechQuery 石垚(水歌), freeCodeCamp Chengdu Organizer, Author of WebCell Framework, Microsoft MVP
- @xieranmaya 谢然, Educator