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79 lines (49 loc) · 2.56 KB

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79 lines (49 loc) · 2.56 KB


About the project

Versity App will be a companion app for university students which will help them with academics and socials, the two aspects of university that our team believes an ‘all-rounder’ student should excel in.

For academics, our app will help students organize their daily schedule. In our university, students are part of classes which have the same schedule, hence the users will be able to join their class’s group in the app. The class’s schedule will show up in the user’s personal calendar view.

For socials, our app will help students be an active part of different societies in their university. It is usually hard to keep track of all the different events, meetings, practices of the societies/clubs that one has joined. Through our app, the society heads can make groups for the society and Other than these two aspects, our users will also be able to add items to their personal schedules which will also appear in their calendar view. :)

How to contribute



First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Star The Repo

Star the repo by pressing the topmost-right button to start your wonderful journey.

Fork The Repo

You can get your own fork/copy of this repo by using the Fork button present at top-right of your screen.

Clone it

You need to clone (download) it to local machine using

$ git clone<Your_Github_Username>/versity.git

Create a new branch

Whenever you are going to contribute. Please create a separate branch using command and keep your main branch clean (i.e. synced with remote branch).

# It will create a new branch with name <your-branch-name> and switch to branch 
$ git checkout -b <your-branch-name>

To add the changes to the branch Use

# To add all files to branch use below command
$ git add File_Name

Type in a message relevant for the code reviewer using

# This message get associated with all files you have changed
$ git commit -m 'relevant message'

Now, Push your awesome work to your remote repository using

# To push your work to your remote repository
$ git push origin <add-your-branch-name>

Finally, go to your repository in the browser and click on compare and pull requests. Then add a title and description to your pull request that explains your precious effort :) .