This repository is a compiler for the language HLMP (High-level Microcontroller Programming) and was developed as a 4th semester project at Aalborg University.
Link to the repository:
The project contains the following directories:
- inputCode/ contains two txt files with code written in the HLMP language.
- src/com/compiler/ contains and all other classes we have implemented including the context-free grammar (Hlmp.g4).
- tests/com/tests contains the tests for the project.
- pom.xml contains the dependency injections for ANTLR
- gen/com/compiler/ contains the generated code from ANTLR.
- output/ contains the generated code from the compiler.
- P4_Rapport_SW_4_15.pdf is the report related to the project.
Before the compiler can be run, the ANTLR plugin needs to be installed. Information about this, can be found in pom.xml.
In src/com/compiler/, the directory path for the input code can be specified on line 21. The should be run. The compiler will generate the output code in output/output.ino. The compiler is tested on Java v17.