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Autonomous Driving Car Detection Application using YOLO algorithm (Tensorflow/Keras)

YOLO (You Only Look Once) is the state of the art fast and accurate object detection algorithm, which is used here for the Autonomous driving car detection application. YOLO uses bounding boxes and class probabilities to detect objects. The Deep CNN is trained using 608 x 608 x 3 images to identify 80 classes and uses 5 Anchor boxes.

This project was completed for "Convolutional Neural Networks" course by Coursera and (part of Deep Learning Specialization taught by Prof. Andrew Ng)

How does YOLO work?

  1. It uses Depp CNN that takes an input image of m X 608 X 608 X 3 and returns 19 x 19 x 5 x 85 volume, where m is the number of training samples.

  1. Flatten the last two dimensions, 5 anchor boxes and 85 boxes (1 confidence probability, 4 bounding boxes [x, y, h, w] and 80 classes) to output 19 x 19 x 425 volume

  1. Compute the class Score given by $score_{c,i} = p_{c} \times c_{i}$: the probability that there is an object $p_{c}$ times the probability that the object is a certain class $c_{i}$.

  1. Selecting the predicted boxes

Score-Thresholding: Apply a threshold over the computed scores for each grid and discard the detected boxes that did not meet the threshold

Non-Max Suppression: Even after score thresholding, we could end up with a lot of overlapping boxes for each grid. Non-max supression filtering can be used to get rid of these boxes by removing the ones that do not meet Intersection over Union (criteria) threshold

  1. Visualizing the predictions

This shows the predicted class for each of the 19 x 19 grid, based on the maximum probablities takes from the 80 classes over 5 anchor boxes


The execution environment is specified in the requirements.txt file (created by pip freeze). The code was developed using Tensorflow 1.2.1 and Keras 2.0.7

How I generated yolo.h5 from YAD2K repository

Creating env from environment.yml did not work for me. I created a new env locally and installed necessary packages from scratch.

  1. Clone the YAD2K repo
  2. Download the yolo.weights file from here
  3. Download the v2 config from here
  4. Create the YAD2K env locally. (conda env create -f environment.yml) If step 4 does not work, install packages manually using instructions in YAD2K repo
  5. To generate the yolo.h5 file, run the command: python yolo.cfg yolo.weights model_data/yolo.h5



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