This executable shows how to link against the library ComponentLibrary
. You first need to build
and install the library as per these instructions. After that
run the following commands:
cd executable_componentlibrary
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DComponentLibrary_DIR=$(pwd)/../../componentlibrary/build/install/lib/cmake/ComponentLibrary
make -j4
points to the directory where the installed version of the file
can be found. That file contains all the information required
by CMake to link against that library.
Linking against the ComponentLibrary
is done as follows:
# Find the package ComponentLibrary, and make sure that components StoryBoard
# and Other are available
find_package(ComponentLibrary 1.0 REQUIRED COMPONENTS StoryBoard Other CONFIG)
# Create an executable
add_executable(executable_componentlibrary ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/main.cpp)
# Link against the StoryBoard- and Other components