Supercharged Dart brings all the comfort features from languages like Kotlin to all Dart developers.
- 💪 fully tested
- 📝 well documented
- 💼 enterprise-ready
For dart Flutter projects you can use ⚡ Supercharged.
Add the dependency supercharged_dart: ^1.X.X
(find recent version) to your project and start using Supercharged Dart everywhere:
import 'package:supercharged_dart/supercharged_dart.dart';
Helpful string functions:
"mode:production".allAfter(":"); // "production"
"<html>".allBetween("<", ">"); // "html"`
"flutter is cool".allBefore(" is"); // "flutter"
Handle user input:
"2.1".toDouble(); // 2.1
"42".toInt(); // 42
12.isBetween(0, 30); // true
Effortless aggregation for Iterable<int>
and Iterable<double>
[1, 2, 3].sum(); // 6
[1, 2, 3].average(); // 2
[1, 2, 3].min(); // 1
[1, 2, 3].max(); // 3
Advanced aggregation for any Iterable
var persons = [Person(age: 20), Person(age: 30), Person(age: 40)];
persons.sumBy((p) => p.age); // 90
persons.averageBy((p) => p.age); // 30
persons.count((p) => p.age < 35); // 2
persons.minBy((a,b) => a.age.compareTo(b.age)); // Person(age: 20)
persons.maxBy((a,b) => a.age.compareTo(b.age)); // Person(age: 40)
Safely access Iterable
[].firstOrNull(); // return null instead
[].lastOrNull(); // of throwing error
[].firstOrElse(() => Placeholder()); // Produce default values
[].lastOrElse(() => Placeholder()); // on the fly
[1, 2, 3].elementAtOrNull(4); // Never go out of bounds
[1, 2, 3].elementAtOrElse(4, () => 0);
[1, 2, 3].pickOne(); // Get a random item
[1, 2, 3].pickSome(2); // or multiple random items
Group up data to match view:
var persons = [
Person(name: "John", age: 21),
Person(name: "Carl", age: 18),
Person(name: "Peter", age: 56),
Person(name: "Sarah", age: 61)
(p) => p.age < 40 ? "young" : "old",
valueTransform: (p) =>
); // {"young": ["John", "Carl"], "old": ["Peter", "Sarah"]}
Chunking for easy pagination:
["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"].chunked(3); // [ ["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e"] ]
["a", "b", "c"].chunked(2, fill: () => ""); // [ ["a", "b"], ["c", ""] ]
More natural durations and dates:
var duration = 5.minutes + 30.seconds;
duration += 0.5.hours;
var future = 2.days.fromNow() + 20.minutes;
var past = 15.minutes.ago();
var allDaysOf2020 = DateTime(2020).until(DateTime(2021));
var allFullHoursOfFirstJanuary2020 =
DateTime(2020, 1, 1).until(DateTime(2020, 1, 2), by: 1.hours);
await 2.seconds.delay; // waits for 2 seconds
Simplified data sorting:
persons = [
Person(name: "John", age: 21),
Person(name: "Carl", age: 18),
Person(name: "Peter", age: 56),
Person(name: "Sarah", age: 61)
persons.sortedByNum((p) => p.age); // list sorted by age
persons.sortedByString((p) =>; // list sorted by name
persons // sorted with comparator
.sortedBy((a, b) =>;
persons // sorting is fully integrated into processing chain
.filter((p) => < 5)
.sortedByNum((p) => p.age)
.map((p) =>
Replace your classic for-loop:
0.rangeTo(5); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
3.rangeTo(1); // [3, 2, 1]
var list = ["dog", "cat", "mouse"];
0.until(list.length); // [0, 1, 2]
list.forEachIndexed((index, value) {
// index: 0, value: "dog"
// index: 1, value: "cat"
// index: 2, value: "mouse"
You can discover all the API documentation. Each feature is well documented with an example.
Supercharged will improve in future updates. Help me by reporting bugs, submit new ideas for features or anything else that you want to share.
- Just write an issue on GitHub. ✏️
- And don't forget to hit the like button for this package ✌️