1.0.1 (2020-06-15)
- electron-builder: icon release not working (325c986)
- build: change path build (e93921d)
- changelog: create script (5e5d38e)
- data-table: create componente data table (4ab12bf)
- electron: add electron to project (0616953)
- menu: create class MainNenu (3f7f564)
- menu-item: add menu item setAlwaysOnTop (dbe21bd)
- modal-form: create modal and renamend files (e1f80e9)
- change app name and add icon (b59c016)
- modal-form-app: add form validation (1a6b215)
- pagination: add pagination component (b6eff39)
- store: create store (a2a0239)
- tsconfig: update paths and throwError (8360704)