Config and other Dotfiles for my Arch setup. You can also find my modified version of Luke Smith's dwmblocks scripts, since I really hate colored emotes
Shell: | zsh |
Display Server: | xorg |
WM: | dwm+dwmblocks |
Terminal: | st |
Launcher: | dmenu |
Browser: | firefox |
Text Editor: | neovim |
Compositor: | picom |
Email-Client: | neomutt+muttwizard |
File Manager | pcmanf |
Luke Smith's dwmblocks and his dwmblocks scripts
Diogo Correia, Luís Fonseca, Diogo Cardoso, Rafael Girão for the friendship and help given during my first Arch GNU/Linux Enlightenment!
José Lopes, Filipe Piçarra, Diogo Fernandes, Eduardo Faustino for the continous GNU/Friendship and for motivating the betterment of my dotfiles