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271 lines (201 loc) · 10.5 KB


Maupassant theme, ported to Hugo.



Clone this repository inside themes directory of your Hugo site:

git clone

Then add theme = "maupassant-hugo" to your site config (config.toml). Read ahead for a complete sample config file.


A simple sample:

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "zh-CN"
title = "My Nook"
hasCJKLanguage = true
theme = "maupassant-hugo"
enableRobotsTXT = true
PaginatePath = "page"

    name = "Joker Qyou"
    homepage = ""

    subtitle = "What else did you expect me to say?"
    description = "A nook preserved in Cyberspace where I can be myself."
    keywords = "MyNook,博客,Web,软件,Python"

    customCSS = ["style.extra.css"]
    customJS = ["app.extra.js"]

    repo = "JokerQyou/comments"
    issueTerm = "url"
    theme = "github-light"

    alipay = "alipay_qrcode.png"
    wechat = "wechat_donation_qrcode.png"

    name = "比尔盖子 博客"
    url = ""
    title = "代码如诗,人生无限。"

    identifier = "gpg"
    name = "GPG"
    url = "/gpg-public-key/"
    weight = 1

    identifier = "archives"
    name = "存档"
    url = "/archives/"
    weight = 3

    identifier = "about"
    name = "关于"
    url = "/about/"
    weight = 4

        codeFences = true
        noClasses = false
        tabWidth = 4
        lineNos = true
        ordered = false
        startLevel = 1

The above configuration was excerpted from my blog.


  • baseURL sets the base URL for your whole block, every permanent link is based on it.
  • theme = "maupassant-hugo" is required to enable this theme.
  • title sets the title of your blog.
  • subtitle in [params] block specifies a short message to be displayed under your blog name.
  • description in [params] block is used purely for SEO purpose.
  • keywords in [params]: this is where you could set SEO keywords for your website. Separate them with a comma.
  • customCSS and customJS in [params] are used to load custom CSS and JS file. Please use bare filenames. Files will be loaded respectively from static/js and static/css.
  • [[menu.main]] blocks are used to add tab entries to blog navigation area. See detailed usage below.
  • [markup] related configuration is required for Hugo v0.60.0 and above.
    • codeFences = true / noClasses = false are required for syntax highlighting
    • startLevel = 1 is required for table of contents if your section heading uses h1
  • [params.donation.qrcodes] is for donation QR codes. Alipay and Wechat donation code is currently supported.

Post summary

This theme uses Hugo's built-in .Summary mechanism when rendering index and taxonomy page. By default the first 70 words of a post are taken as summary. You can change this number by using summaryLength in your site config.

You can also override the summary content of a specific post by providing summary or description value in its front matter. Please be caution, however, to properly encode your summary or description value if there's multiple line. Take a look.

If you use YAML front matter (in which case it's surrounded by ---):

description: |
    This is a description.
    But there is multiline of texts.
    So there is a `|` at the first line, and all other lines are indented.
author: "My Name"

If you use TOML front matter (surrounded by +++):

description = '''
This is a description.
There are multiple lines.
But the front matter is in TOML format, so a triple quote would do the trick.
And no need to indent the lines.
author = "My Name"

Syntax highlighting

This theme uses built-in Chroma code highlighter, and defaults to dracula style. You can provide your own static/css/syntax.css file to override with your preferred color theme. For example, to change to monokai colors:

# Make sure you are in the root path of your blog
# Make sure static assets directory exists
mkdir -p static/css
# Generate styles
hugo gen chromastyles --style=monokai > static/css/syntax.css
# Notice: if your blog is managed by git, please add and commit static directory

You can view all styles supported by Hugo here, and change to the one you like using the above steps.


This theme includes simple donation feature via QR codes, supporting Alipay and Wechat donation codes. You need to save these QR code images to somewhere inside the static directory of your site.

    alipay = "path of Alipay QR code image, relative to static directory. e.g. images/alipay.png"
    wechat = "path of Wechat QR code image, relative to static directory."

Donation information will be displayed between the post content and comments. QR codes are expanded by default. Users can click a button to collapse them.

You can also disable donation for a specific post, by putting donation: false (YAML) or donation = false (TOML) into frontmatter of the post.


You can add as many links as you like by adding [[params.links]] blocks. In which:

  • name is displayed as link text;
  • url sets the link URL;
  • title is used for, well, link title: short text that shows upon mouse hover;


The [author] block is for fallback use only. If a post has author: "My Name" in its front matter, the value My Name will be used as author name. Otherwise the [author] block in site config will be used.


The navigation tabs is on the top right area of the screen. The only default tab is "Home". To add more tabs, just add corresponding [[menu.main]] blocks in your site config. You can add any page as a menu entry, even if it points to an external URL.

The sample config contains three additional tabs: one points to /gpg-public-key/ and the other /about/, the last points to /archives/ which is an archive list page.

  • The only constraint is that each menu's identifier field must be unique.
  • weight field is used to sort menu entries, it must be an integer. Menu entries are sorted in ascending order.

There are two internal taxonomy page you can use: /tags/ and /categories/, each will list all terms and all posts containing each term.

Archive list

To enable the archive list page (located at /archives/), you need to create file inside your site's content folder. Fill this file with following content:

title: "Archives"
type: "archives"

Either content/ or content/archives/ will do. However, do notice that type: "archives" is mandatory, the type must be archives.

You can also customize URL of your archive list page via slug:

title: "Archives"
type: "archives"
slug: "test"

And your archive list page will be available at /test/. Don't forget to edit URL of corresponding menu item.

Comments comment service is supported, configure it via [params.utteranc] block.

  • repo the public GitHub repository to use, in the format of username/repo_name
  • issueTerm in which way the blog posts and GitHub issues are associated. Possible values are:
    • url the title of GitHub issue would contain the full URL of corresponding blog post
    • pathname the title of GitHub issue would contain the pathname of corresponding blog post
    • title and og:title use the title or og:title meta value of the blog post as title of corresponding issue
    • Notice: support custom issue term and user-specified issue number, but these are not supported by this theme
  • theme name of the theme to be used by Currently there are github-light and github-dark

If [parmas.utteranc] is not defined in config.toml, comments will be disabled. You can also disable comment specific post or page, by setting commentDisabled to true in the front matter.

Site search

By default DuckDuckGo is used when searching from sidebar. You can switch to Google by setting search_provider = "google" in [params] in your site config.

Content Security Policy

If strict content security policy was configured on your server, please mind that:

  • This theme uses MathJax to render mathematical expressions. We’re currently using the official MathJax CDN provided by CLoudflare. You should add to script-src. Also to allow MathJax to apply inline styles, unsafe-inline should be added to style-src.
  • If you’ve enabled comment service, please add to default-src.
  • The code block copying feature might load a clipboard API polyfill from for old browsers, so be sure to add it to script-src.

If you don't know what CSP is, or have never configured one, it's most likely these extra configurations are unnecessary.


As a reader / user of the Internet I hate tracking, because we deserve privacy. But as a blogger I was always trying out for new and more accurate tracking / analytics product.

At last I decided to let go. I want my readers to have privacy. Other Hugo themes (or Hugo itself) might have Google Analytics or other analytics product integrated. But I decided not to use them by default. That's why this theme by default does not track you.
