Restrict/allow access to course when the block is located in the course using cohorts.
Student must be in the selected system cohort(s) to control course access. If student isn't in selected system cohort(s), access is granted by default. Schedule is set using week days, hours and minutes.
There are two modes:
- Restrict user access in a date range.
- Allow user access in a date range.
Steps to follow:
- Create a course schedule block, turn editing on, and add the block "Course Schedule".
- Click Settings and select:
- Scheduling mode: allow or deny access in the selected time range
- Cohort to which it is applied
- Week days
- From/to hours
- Show block: show schedule information or not to students when they access to the course
- Where this block appears Display on page types: Any page. This ensures that the student cannot access any child page in the course
- On this page Visible: Yes
In the "Admin courses schedules" link within the block, it is possible to configure all the blocks added to the platform.
Logo by Madebyoliver from Flaticon is licensed under CC BY 3.0.