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Bert Multitask Classifier

This project aims to implement a multitask NLP model based on HuggingFace's Bert model bert-base-uncased (110M parameters) to perform three downstream task: sentiment analysis (multitask classification), paraphrase detection (binary classification) and semantic textual similarity prediction (regression).

Our model was trained on the following datasets:

  • SST-5: Stanford Sentiment Treebank.
  • SemEval STS Benchmark Dataset: for Semantic Textual Similarity
  • Quora Dataset: question pairs (paraphrase).


This project was the default final project of the class CS224N at Stanford for the year 2022-2023. You can find the handout here.

We finished first (both on the Dev and the Test set) amonst approximately 140 teams.

Installing the requirements

To install the requirements, run the command source This will create and install the conda environment cs224n_dfp_final with all needed requirements.

Running the code

We grouped everything in one script You can call this script with many parameters to choose what you want to do. Here is a quick overview of the most important parameters (Feel free to run python --help to get more info):

  • --option [OPTION], with [OPTION] = test, pretrain, individual_pretrain, finetune. Choose what you want to do with the model.
  • --use_gpu, --use_amp to run the code on GPU and use AMP (Automated Mixed Precision) in order to have the best performances.
  • --pretrained_model_name [PATH] with [PATH] the path to you *.pt file containing the model.
  • --save_path [PATH] to save the logs, model, predictions and the command to recreate the experiment. We recommand locating your file in runs/[YOUR-EXPERIMENT-NAME] to use Tensorboard.
  • --task_scheduler [SCHEDULER] to choose how to schedule the tasks during training. Options include random, round_robin or pal (recommended).
  • --projection [PROJECTION] to choose how to handle competing gradients from different tasks. Options include none, pcgrad or vaccine. *(Make sure to use --combine_strategy [STRATEGY] if you plan to use a scheduler as weel as a projection. We recommend encourage).
  • --use_pal to add Projected Attention Layers (PAL).
  • Some hyperparameters: --lr [LR] for the learning rate, --epochs [EPOCHS] for the number of epochs, --num_batches_per_epoch [NB] for the number of batches per epoch (Not always apllicable depending on your scheduler), --batch_size [BATCH-SIZE] for the batch_size, --batch_size_sts [BATCH-SIZE] (valid for sts, sst and para) to reduce the batch size of a specific task using gradient accumulations.
  • More arguments using --help.

Example of how to train a working model from pretraining to finetuning

First, you can run the pretraining phase with the option individual_pretrain.

python3 --option individual_pretrain --epochs 3 --lr 1e-3 --batch_size 256 --hidden_dropout_prob 0.2 --use_gpu --use_amp --patience 3 --n_hidden_layers 1 --max_batch_size_sst 256 --max_batch_size_para 32 --max_batch_size_sts 128

The command above will save a model in runs as a pt file. The name of the file will be indicated in the terminal under Evaluation Multitask section after Saved model to: in blue. For now, let us denote the model INDIVIDUAL_PRETRAIN_MODEL.PT.

Second, you can run the beginning of the finetuning phase and load the previous aforementionned pretraining model that is saved in runs. The learning rate is 1e-5 to start.

python3 --pretrained_model_name [INDIVIDUAL_PRETRAIN_MODEL.PT] --option finetune --epochs 10 --lr 1e-5 --batch_size 128 --hidden_dropout_prob 0.2 --use_gpu --num_batches_per_epoch 300 --task_scheduler pal --use_amp --patience 3 --n_hidden_layers 1

The command above will save a model in runs as a pt file. The name of the file will be indicated in the terminal section after Saved model to: in pink. For now, let us denote the model FINETUNE_MODEL.PT.

Finally, you can finish the finetuning phase and load the previous aforementionned finetuned model that is saved in runs. We set manually the learning rate is 1e-6 to start.

python3 --pretrained_model_name [FINETUNE_MODEL.PT] --option finetune --epochs 10 --lr 5e-6 --batch_size 32 --hidden_dropout_prob 0.2 --use_gpu --num_batches_per_epoch 1800 --projection vaccine --use_amp --patience 3 --n_hidden_layers 1 --max_batch_size_sst 16 --max_batch_size_para 16 --max_batch_size_sts 16

The command above will save a final model in runs as a pt file. The name of the file will be indicated in the terminal section after Saved model to: in pink.

Running tensorboard

Data available

Many metrics are logged to tensorboard:

  • Loss [TASK] plots the loss of a task after training for x inputs for all tasks.
  • Specific Loss [TASK] plots the loss of a task after training for x inputs for that task
  • Dev accuracy [TASK] plots the accuracy on the Dev set after x inputs on the task.
  • Dev accuracy mean plots the arithmetic mean of the accuracry for all tasks on the Dev set.
  • [EPOCH] Loss [TASK] plots the loss per epoch for that task (not always relevant as the size of one epoch can be defined by --num_batches_per_epoch).
  • Confusion Matrix [TASK] shows the confusion matrix (available for SST and Paraphrase detection).

Running tensorboard

The logs are located in your --save_path, we recommand using runs/[YOUR-EXPERIMENT-NAME]. You can then run:

tensorboard --logdir=./runs/ --port=6006

If you are running this on AWS EC, follow these steps:

  1. Run python to do your training.
  2. Open another SSH console and run: tensorboard --logdir=./runs/ --port=6006 --bind_all on your EC2 instance.
  3. Open a local terminal and create an SSH tunnel: ssh -i <YOUR-KEY-PATH> -NL 6006:localhost:6006 ec2-user@<YOUR-PUBLIC-IP>
  4. In the browser, visit: http://localhost:6006/

Using our models (Please ignore this section for now, the models were too heavy and we had to take them down for the time being.)

Our trained models are located in models/. To download them you will need git-lfs. You cna install git-lfs locally by running (source here)

curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install git-lfs 

On AWS EC2, follow the steps detailed here.

Our models available are:

  • a finetuned model with 1 hidden layer for each task. You can try it with: python --use_gpu --option test -n_hidden_layers 1 --pretrained_model_name models/ --save_path runs/Bert_hidden1.
  • a finetuned model with 1 hidden layer for each task and some Projected Attention Layers (PAL) of size 128 for each task. You can try it with: python --use_gpu --option test -n_hidden_layers 1 --pretrained_model_name models/ --save_path runs/BertPal_hidden1 --use_pal.
  • a pretrained model with 1 hidden layer for each task (the BERT layers are untouched and are the ones from HuggingFace's bert-base-uncased). You can try it with: python --use_gpu --option test -n_hidden_layers 1 --pretrained_model_name models/ --save_path runs/Bert_pretrained1.
  • a finetuned model with 1 hidden layer for each task. I was trained using a pal scheduler as well as gradient vaccine with our NEW COMBINE STRATEGY: encourage. You can try it with: python --use_gpu --option test -n_hidden_layers 1 --pretrained_model_name models/ --save_path runs/Bert_fast_finetuned1.

The performances of the models are summarized here:

Model SST Para STS Mean
Bert_hidden1 0.52044 0.88319 0.87146 0.75836
BertPal_hidden1 - - - -
Bert_pretrained1 - - - -
Bert_fast_finetuned1 - - - -