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Main Outputs


The Multi-Domain Genome Recovery v1.0 (MuDoGeR v1.0) framework is a tool developed to help users to recover Prokaryotic Metagenome-Assembled Genomes (pMAGs), Uncultivated Viral Genomes (UViGs), and Eukaryotic Metagenome-Assembled Bins (eMABs) from whole-genome sequence (WGS) samples simultaneously. The MuDoGeR v1.0 framework act as a wrapper of several tools. It was designed to be an easy-to-use tool that orchestrates the application of the used bioinformatics tools and outputs ready-to-use comprehensive files. You should be able to run 1 simple command for each of the five modules inside MuDoGeR. Therefore, when using MuDoGeR you will be able to find the relevant outputs for all used tools. Please refer to the Manual to understand where to find the tools-specific outputs and information on how they were created. In the Manual, you can also find the reference to the tools themselves, where you can read their specific documentation. However, to make the Genome recovery analysis easier, MuDoGeR also parses and summaries the resulted files into ready-to-use comprehensive files. Following, you find the description and location of the final files created by MuDoGeR.

Module 1 – Pre-processing and Assembly

From module 1, the 3 main outputs you will find are:

  • The quality-controlled reads located at output_folder/sample_name/qc/final_pure_reads_1/2.fastq. The files are in regular .fastq format;
  • The RAM prediction for metaSPAdes assembly, located at output_folder/sample_name/khmer/final_prediction.tsv. This is a tab-separated-values (tsv) file with only two columns: dataset maxvmem_M. They indicate the file used to predict the memory (dataset), and the memory requirements in megabytes (MB) (maxvmem_M)
  • The assembled sequence in regular .fasta file located at output_folder/sample_name/assembly/final_assembly.fasta

The folder structure from the results of Module 1 should be as follows:

     ├── assembly
     │   ├── final_assembly.fasta
     │   └── …
     ├── khmer
     │   ├── final_prediction.tsv
     │   └── …
     └── qc
         ├── final_pure_reads_1.fastq
         ├── final_pure_reads_2.fastq
         └── …

Module 2 – pMAGs recovery final files

From the recovery of pMAGs, MuDoGeR parses the outputs from the tools mentioned in the Manual and outputs the following comprehensive results to the sample_name/prokaryotes/final_outputs/ folder:

  • The recovered prokaryotic bins are located in the folder all_bins_seq/. Those files are named as “sample_name”-bin.”number”.fa. The numbering simply indicates different sequences. They are all regular fasta files.
  • The allbins_metrics_summary.tsv file. This file contains a summary of all information recovered from all prokaryotic bins. It is a regular .tsv file and its columns are: OTU completeness contamination str.heterogeneity taxonomy genome_size #scaffolds largest_scaff N50 N90 prokka_know prokka_unknown. They are, respectively: the bin name, completeness by CheckM, contamination by CheckM, strain heterogeneity by CheckM, taxonomy by GTDB-tk, bin size, number of scaffolds, size of the largest scaffold, N50 value, N90 value, number of known annotated Prokka genes, number of unknown identified Prokka genes.
  • The bins_genes_prokka_summary/ folder containing the gene annotation summary performed by Prokka for each of the recovered bins. The tsv file contains the following columns: locus_tag ftype length_bp gene EC_number COG product. You can also check the Prokka documentation by clicking on the tool's name.
  • The bins_metrics_summary/ qual_bins_checkm_summary.tsv file. This file contains the summary of the quality estimation procedure performed by CheckM. You can check the official CheckM documentation by clicking on the tool's name.
  • bins_metrics_summary/ taxa_bins_gtdbtk_summary.tsv file. This file contains the summary of the final taxonomical classification procedure performed by GTDB-tk. You can check the official GTDB-tk documentation by clicking on the tool's name.
  • The mags_results_summary.tsv file. This file is subset from the allbins_metrics_summary.tsv file containing only the bins classified as MAGs (completeness – 5*contamination > 50).
  • The only_mags_seq/ folder containing a copy of the fasta file from the bins classified as MAGs.
              ├── all_bins_seq
              │    ├── sample_name-bin.0.fa
              │    ├── sample_name-bin.1.fa
              │    ├── sample_name-bin.2.fa
              │    └── …
              ├── allbins_metrics_summary.tsv
              ├── bins_genes_prokka_summary
              │    ├── sample_name-bin.0_genes_prokka.tsv
              │    ├── sample_name-bin.1_genes_prokka.tsv
              │    ├── sample_name-bin.2_genes_prokka.tsv
              │    └── …
              ├── bins_metrics_summary
              │    ├── qual_bins_checkm_summary.tsv
              │    └── taxa_bins_gtdbtk_summary.tsv
              ├── mags_results_summary.tsv
              └── only_mags_seq
                   ├── sample_name-bin.2.fa
                   ├── sample_name-bin.4.fa
                   └── …

Module 3 – UViGs recovery final files

From the recovery of UViGs, MuDoGeR parses the outputs from the tools mentioned in the Manual and outputs the following comprehensive results to the sample_name/viruses/final_outputs/ folder:

  • The only_uvigs_seq/ folder contains the viral sequences classified as UViGs following the standard defined by Roux, S., et al.(2019) and Nayfach, S., et al. (2021). The files are regular fasta files and are named as “sample_name”_putative_viral_contig-“number”.fa
  • The putative_vir_contigs_summary.tsv file. This file is a summary of all retrieved information from all the putative_vir_contigs recovered during the complete MuDoGeR pipeline. It is a regular tsv file, and its columns are: uvig original_contig uvig_length provirus proviral_length gene_count viral_genes host_genes checkv_quality miuvig_quality completeness completeness_method contamination kmer_freq warnings putative_host likelihood. The columns mean, respectively, the given name to the uvig, the original contig name from the uvig found in the .fasta file, the uvig length in bp, provirus classification, proviral length (if any), number of genes found, number of viral genes identified, number of identified host genes, quality classification by CheckV, miuvig quality classification, completeness, completeness method used, khmer frequency, any warnings identified, name of the prokaryotic host identified by WiSH, and probability of that prokaryotic being the host.
  • The putative_vir_seq_metrics_summary/host_vir_pair_wish_summary.tsv file. This file contains the summary of the Viral-Host pair estimation performed by WiSH. You can check the official WiSH documentation by clicking on the tool's name.
  • The putative_vir_seq_metrics_summary/quality_checkv_summary.tsv file. This file contains the summary of the quality estimation performed by CheckV. You can check the official CheckV documentation by clicking on the tool's name.
  • The putative_vir_seq_metrics_summary/taxa_estimation_vir_vcontact2_summary.csv file. This file contains a parsed summary of the taxonomical classification performed by vcontact. To check how MuDoGeR parses the Vcontact2 output, please, check MuDoGeR’s Manual. You can check the official vcontact documentation by clicking on the tool's name. The columns of this file are: uvig, original_contig, Domain, Order, Family. The columns indicate, respectively, the uvig name according to the file names created by MuDoGeR, the original contig name from the uvig found with the .fasta file, the domain taxa level, the order taxa level, and the family taxa level.
  • The putative_vir_seq_metrics_summary/vir_contigs_annotation_vibrant_summary.tsv file. This file contains the summary of the viral gene annotation performed by VIBRANT on all putative viral contigs. You can check the official VIBRANT documentation by clicking on the tool's name.
  • The putative_vir_seq_metrics_summary/vir_contigs_genbank_annotation_vibrant.tsv file. This file contains the Genbank summary annotation performed by VIBRANT. You can check the official VIBRANT documentation by clicking on the tool's name.
  • The putative_viral_contigs/ folder containing regular fasta sequences files from all recovered putative viral sequences recovered in MuDoGeR.
  • The uvigs_high_quality_summary.tsv file. This file is a regular tsv and it is a subset from the putative_vir_contigs_summary.tsv containing only complete and High-quality sequences as classified by CheckV.
  • The viral_contigs_seq_names.csv file. This is a regular CSV file containing a direct mapping from the MuDoGeR putative viral sequences names to the original contig names found within the fasta files.

The folder structure from the results of Module 3 should be as follows:

           ├── only_uvigs_seq
           │    ├── sample_name_putative_viral_contig-15.fa
           │    ├── sample_name_putative_viral_contig-16.fa
           │    └── ...
           ├── putative_vir_contigs_summary.tsv
           ├── putative_vir_seq_metrics_summary
           │    ├── host_vir_pair_wish_summary.tsv
           │    ├── quality_checkv_summary.tsv
           │    ├── taxa_estimation_vir_vcontact2_summary.csv
           │    ├── vir_contigs_annotation_vibrant_summary.tsv
           │    └── vir_contigs_genbank_annotation_vibrant.tsv
           ├── putative_viral_contigs
           │    ├── sample_name_putative_viral_contig-0.fa
           │    ├── sample_name_putative_viral_contig-1.fa
           │    └── …
           ├── uvigs_high_quality_summary.tsv
           └── viral_contigs_seq_names.csv

Module 4 – eMABs recovery final files

After using MuDoGeR module 4, we suggest you read the documentation of each used tool. In addition, we also indicate some of the relevant output files for you to check.

You should pay extra attention to the files:

  • The eukcc.csv file.
  • The run_eukaryota_odb10/full_table.tsv file.
  • The filtered_euk_bins/ folder. THere you find the .fasta sequences of the eMABs.
  • The genemark.gtf file.
  • The bin.8.maker.output/ folder.

Following, there is the folder structure of a successful run of module 4, indicating where to find the most relevant outputs:

     └── eukaryotes
		├── eukcc_quality
		│   └── bin.8.fa_eukcc
		│       ├── eukcc.csv
		│       └── ...
		├── euk_completeness
		│   ├── bin.8_busco
		│   │   ├── run_eukaryota_odb10
          	│   │   │   ├── full_table.tsv
          	│   │   │   └── ...
		│   │   ├── short_summary.specific.eukaryota_odb10.bin.8_busco.txt
		│   │   └── ...
		│   └── ...
		├── filtered_euk_bins
		│   └── bin.8.fa
		├── genemarker_annotation
		│   └── bin.8.fa_genemark
		│       ├── genemark.gtf
		│       ├── gmhmm.mod
		│       └── ...
		├── maker2_gene_annotation
		│   ├── bin.8.fa_maker2
		│   │   ├── bin.8.maker.output
		│   │   │      ├── OUTPUT.all.maker.genemark.proteins.fasta
		│   │   │      ├── OUTPUT.all.maker.genemark.transcripts.fasta
		│   │   │      ├── OUTPUT.all.maker.non_overlapping_ab_initio.proteins.fasta
		│   │   │      ├── OUTPUT.all.maker.non_overlapping_ab_initio.transcripts.fasta
		│   │   │      └── ...
		│   │   └── ...
		│   └── ...
		└── ...

Module 5 – pMAGs/UViGs/eMABs coverage and relative abundance tables

Initially, on step 5.a, MuDoGeR selects the representative pMAGs using the gOTUpick software. If you are interested in knowing the MAGs belonging to the same OTU group, you can find this information in the mapping_results/gOTUpick_results/ folder. There you will find the results files:

  • The bestbins.txt file. This a two-column file containing the name of the representative bin in the first column and the group it represents in the second. Bins from unique taxonomies are classified as the best bins from that taxonomical group.
  • The final_groups_outputs.csv file. This is a regular CSV file with 3 columns. The first indicates the name of all grouped bins, the second indicates the group that bin was assigned, and the third indicates with a “*” if that bin the representative from its group.

The results from step 5.a are structured as follows:

            ├── final_output
            ├── bestbins.txt
            └── final_groups_output.csv

Step 5.b performs the mapping and calculation of the coverage and relative abundance from the recovered representative eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs. After running step 5.b MuDoGeR creates the mapping_results/euk_mabs_mappings mapping_results/pmags_otu_mapping/, and mapping_results/uvigs_mapping/ for storing the results from the eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs respectively. Inside those folders you should find the map_final_tables_reduced/ folder if you use the MuDoGeR with the --reduced flag, and the map_final_tables_complete/ if you use the --complete flag. Inside those folders you will find the final output files created by MuDoGeR as follows:

  • The map_reduced(complete)_absolute_n_hits_list.tsv file. This is a regular three-column tsv file containing in the first column the eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs, the second is the sample used for the mapping, and the third is the absolute number of mapped reads. This file is created if you use the --reduced (--complete) flag.
  • The map_reduced(complete)_absolute_n_hits_table.tsv file. This file is created based on the map_reduced(complete)_absolute_n_hits_list.tsv file. This is a regular tsv file with samples used for mapping as columns and target eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs as rows.
  • The map_reduced(complete)_coverage_list.tsv file. This is a regular three-column tsv file containing in the first column the target eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs, the second is the sample used for the mapping, and the third is the coverage calculated for the eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs. This file is created if you use the --reduced (--complete) flag.
  • The map_reduced(complete)_coverage_table.tsv file. This file is created based on the map_reduced(complete)_coverage_list.tsv file. This is a regular tsv file with samples used for mapping as columns and target eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs as rows.
  • The map_reduced(complete)_relative_abundance_list.tsv file. This is a regular three-column tsv file containing in the first column the target eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs, the second is the sample used for the mapping, and the third is the relative abundance of the eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs on the used samples. This file is created if you use the --reduced (--complete) flag.
  • The map_reduced(complete)_relative_abundance_table.tsv file. This file is created based on the map_reduced(complete)_relative_abundance_list.tsv file. This is a regular tsv file with samples used for mapping as columns and target eMABs, pMAGs, and UViGs as rows.

The results from step 5.b are structured as follows:

                    ├── map_final_tables_complete
                    │	    ├── map_complete_absolute_n_hits_list.tsv
                    │	    ├── map_complete_absolute_n_hits_table.tsv
                    │	    ├── map_complete_coverage_list.tsv
                    │	    ├── map_complete_coverage_table.tsv
                    │	    ├── map_complete_relative_abundance_list.tsv
                    │	    └── map_complete_relative_abundance_table.tsv
                    └── map_final_tables_reduced
                        ├── map_reduced_absolute_n_hits_list.tsv
                        ├── map_reduced_absolute_n_hits_table.tsv
                        ├── map_reduced_coverage_list.tsv
                        ├── map_reduced_coverage_table.tsv
                        ├── map_reduced_relative_abundance_list.tsv
                        └── map_reduced_relative_abundance_table.tsv

Step 5.c performs the genes' relative abundance calculation from the samples' assembly. After using MuDoGeR module 5 using the --gene flag you should have the folders mapping_results/assembly_gene_map/. Inside that folder you should find the following most relevant output files:

  • The functional_annotation/sample_name/ folder. There you will find the Prokka gene annotation performed on the final_assembly.fasta file from the sample_name library.
  • The genelength/sample_name.genelength file. This is a two-column file with the gene id in the first and the gene length in the second from the genes annotated by Prokka.
  • The map_absolute_count/sample_name.count file. This is a two-column file with the gene id in the first and the absolute number of reads mapped to that gene.
  • The map_coverage_norm/sample_name.cov file. This is a two-column file with the gene id in the first and the gene coverage on the sample_name where that gene was annotated. The coverage is calculated as: (average read length)*(number of hits)/(gene length)
  • The map_tpm_norm/sample_name.tpm file. This is a two-column file with the gene id in the first and the gene TPM calculation on the sample_name where that gene was annotated. The TPM calculation is done as: (reads mapped)/(average read length)*10^6/(gene length)*Sum[(reads mapped)*(average read length)/(gene length)].

The folder structure from the results of 5.c should be as follows:

mapping_results/ assembly_gene_map/
                     ├── functional_annotation
                     │   	└── sample_name
                     ├── genelength
                     │   	└── sample_name.genelength
                     ├── map_absolute_count
                     │   	└── sample_name.count
                     ├── map_coverage_norm
                     │   	└── sample_name.cov
                     └── map_tpm_norm
                          └── sample_name.tpm

Using the tools independently

A complete metagenome recovery pipeline can require several bioinformatics tools with complex installation and usage procedures. The MuDoGeR pipeline makes it easy to install and run a complete metagenome-assembled genome recovery. Consequently, the MuDoGeR pipeline installs several tools that have multiple dependencies. More often than not, those tools require conflicting dependencies. To solve this problem, MuDoGeR will use miniconda to create multiple environments that are automatically orchestrated during the pipeline's functioning. Therefore, after installing MuDoGeR the user will have a working conda environment for each of the integrated tools. If the user wants to customize the use of any tool, you can use MuDoGeR to configure your machine and activate its environments independently. The MuDoGeR installation procedure uses the variable $CONDA_PREFIX to detect your base environment, so make sure you have conda properly installed on your system. During installation, MuDoGeR saves several relevant system paths from your system on the file called In addition, MuDoGeR creates a mudoger_env and configures several new environments within the mudoger_env directory. The environments' names are called toolname_env. The MuDoGeR configures and installs are the following environments named according to their main tool:

bbtools_env		brat_env		busco_env		checkv_env
eukcc_env		eukrep_env		extract_env		genemarker_env
gtdbtk_env		htseq_env		khmer_env		maker2_env
metawrap_env		otupick_env		prokka_env
stampede_clustergenomes_env		vcontact2_env		vibrant_env
virfinder_env		virsorter2_env		wish_env

Essentially, the user can activate a tool-specific environment by running:

$ conda activate path/to/your/miniconda/envs/mudoger_env/dependencies/conda/envs/toolname_env

However, since the user’s conda path is also saved by MuDoGeR during installation, the user can also activate a tool-specific environment by doing the following:

$ conda activate mudoger_env
$ config_path="$(which"
$ database="${config_path/config/database}"
$ source $config_path
$ source $database
$ conda activate "$MUDOGER_DEPENDENCIES_ENVS_PATH"/toolname_env