Jr.DevJobs Challenge: English Numbers
In this challenge you will create a tool that will take a number and return the English translation.
You are free to do this in any language or framework, however the sample is written in JavaScript.
For bonus points, turn this into a webpage that allows users to submit input and have the translation returned to the screen.
To begin, Fork this repository to your GitHub account by clicking the Fork icon in the upper-right section of this page.
If you're new to Forking, we suggest reading the GitHub documentation before moving forward.
As a user, I want to translate numbers into their English word form.
- Start with numbers less than one thousand then work your way up to one trillion
- Don't worry about connecting words with 'and'
- Make sure to strip out any commas
- 13: Thirteen
- 141: One hundred forty one
- 6,500,016: Six million five hundred thousand sixteen
We've included specs to test your code using Mochai and Chai.
- The spec-runner expects your JavaScript code to be in js/scripts.js - if you change this make sure to update spec/spec-runner.html line 9 with the path to your code
- To run the tests, open
in your browser