This learning project, inspired by the Udemy course Master Spring Boot 3 & Spring Framework 6 with Java, developed using Spring for the backend and React for the frontend. The application allows users to add, update, and manage their tasks efficiently.
To use this project, you need to have knowledge of:
- Java - Object Oriented Programming Language.
- Spring Boot - Create stand-alone Spring applications.
- React - The library for web and native user interfaces.
- Postman - API testing platform.
To download this project, run the following command down below.
git clone
With Docker Desktop installed, execute the following command down bellow.
docker run --detach --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=dummypassword --env MYSQL_USER=todos-user --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=dummypassword --env MYSQL_DATABASE=todos-database --name mysql --publish 3306:3306 mysql:8-oracle
Open a terminal in the backend project directory and run the following command:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Open another terminal in the frontend project directory and run the following commands:
npm install
npm start
Use your preferred browser and go to localhost:3000 or localhost:3000/login.
This project is a web application for managing tasks (TODOS) that allows users to add, delete, and update their tasks. Each task has the following attributes:
Description: Details of the task.
Target Date: Deadline for completing the task.
Done: Status indicating whether the task is finished.
Add Todos: Allows users to create new tasks with a description, target date, and completion status.
Delete Todos: Enables users to delete existing tasks.
Update Tasks: Provides options to modify the description, target date, and status of the tasks.
- Spring Initializr - Tool used to set up Spring Boot projects.
- Maven - Software project management and comprehension tool.
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment.
- npm - Software package manager and installer.
- Docker - Accelerated container application development.