- Authors: Ghislain Jeanneau, Jules Denardou
- Technology: Python3
The number of tokens can be obtained by summing how many times a word occurs in each document.
For the CACM collection, it is 105702 For the CS278 collection, it is 15 983 210
We get the size of the vocabulary by checking out the length of the inverted index we have built.
For the CACM collection, it is 15565 For the CS278 collection, it is 244 561
For half of the corpus we have:
On CACM: vocabulary size of 10255 and 54489 tokens.
- Thus we obtain for the Heap Law: k = 9,917, b = 0,636
On CS278: vocabulary size of 151 350 and 7 582 480 tokens
- Thus we obtain for the Heap Law: k = 5,689, b = 0,643
With the values obtained with the CACM collection, for a million token, we end up with a vocabulary size of 64 920 With the values obtained with the CS@76 collection, for a million token, we end up with a vocabulary size of 41 023
Performance can be tested running python3 performance_test.py
tf-idf | tf-idf-norm | norm-freq |
0.392 | 0.332 | 0.313 |
tf-idf | tf-idf-norm | norm-freq |
0.351 | 0.257 | 0.261 |