Releases: Jumoo/Jumoo.TranslationManager.Issues
12.3.3 (plus 11..3.3 & 10.3.3) Patch release
This is a patch release for Translation Manager for Umbraco 10/11/12 - it contains minor patches to reported issues.
Please note this is the LAST non-security update for v11 - as Umbraco v11 has now entered a security only phase
- Fix for grouped Translation connectors using pending queue (connectors that send multiple jobs to a single project/job on the provider's system)
- DeepL connector Library upgrade (fixes use of free/paid service tiers)
v10/11/12.3.0 Mega release
This is the next super shared release of Translation Manager for Umbraco 10, 11 and 12 .
We release 3 nuget versions (on for each version) but they all come from a shared codebase so include the same features.
- Notification Email templates not found in RCL package
- improve error messaging around missing target nodes, limit error so less false positives for missing nodes
- Fix 'Add all configured domains' so it actually adds all configured domains
- Linux container file case issues #48
- Setting to allow on published items to go into the Pending queue
- Ensure all blocklist elements have unique id's in translated content
- allow for splitting of xliff responses into multiple files, and upload of multiple xliff files for a single job
- add ability to show word count for content item and all decendents
Getting Translation Manager
Install the version for your version of Umbraco . eg.
Umbraco 10
dotnet add package Jumoo.TranslationManager --version 10.3.0
Umbraco 11
dotnet add package Jumoo.TranslationManager --version 11.3.0
Umbraco 12
dotnet add package Jumoo.TranslationManager --version 12.3.0
Detailed Notes
This version is multi-targeted but does not produce a multi-targeted package, rather it produces two versions of the package from the same code on for version 10.x of Umbraco and one for v11.x.
This means you still install the version that is relevant for your release as it has been targeted for your Umbraco release rather than the .net runtime that release is actually running on.
Development wise this means
- We only have one code base to support for v10, v11 & v12
- All updates can go back to the Long Term Support release (v10.x)
- Changes between versions can be controlled at build time so we don't have complicated code checking what version of Umbraco you are running.
v11.2 / v10.2 - Together release
This is a minor version release of Translation manager for Umbraco 10 and Umbraco 11.
This release re-unifies the v10 and v11 code branches - we now build two versions of the shared code (v10/.net 6 and v11/.net 7). so we have one release for all v10 and v11 releases of the Product.
- #50 Cannot send to pending when auto create is set to false.
- Error displaying username on history if name appears more than once
- Fix : Uploading a file second time on XLIFF provider page requires reload.
- Improve error reporting dialog.
Getting Translation Manager
Install the version for your version of Umbraco . eg.
Umbraco 10
dotnet add package Jumoo.TranslationManager --version 10.2.0
Umbraco 11
dotnet add package Jumoo.TranslationManager --version 11.2.0
Detailed Notes
This version is multi-targeted but does not produce a multi-targeted package, rather it produces two versions of the package from the same code on for version 10.x of Umbraco and one for v11.x.
This means you still install the version that is relevant for your release as it has been targeted for your Umbraco release rather than the .net runtime that release is actually running on.
Development wise this means
- We only have one code base to support for v10, v11 & v12
- All updates can go back to the Long Term Support release (v10.x)
- Changes between versions can be controlled at build time so we don't have complicated code checking what version of Umbraco you are running.
v8.7.11 - Multiple sets sharing languages
This is a minor patch release for Translation manager v8 for Umbraco 8 . It contains a backported fix for a issue that occurs when you have two or more sets that have the same source and target nodes.
You do not need to update to this release unless you are experiencing this specific issue .
(please note - the main supported release for Umbraco 8 is now Translation Manager v9)
- If you have two or more sets that have the same source and target nodes in them using variants . then when you attempt to send the a language to translation you might see the 'Nodes can only be from one translation set' message.
- this fix - removes that by property passing the set and site id to the backend when creating nodes.
This fix was included in v9.16 / v10.1.3 and v11.0.2
v11.0.2 - Span tag patch release
This is a patch release for Translation Manager for Umbraco v11. it contains a single fix for how Xliff 2 elements are serialized when nested elements have no content - you will not need to update to this version unless you encounter this specific issue
- Nested self closing span elements should not have a blank subtype when serialized.
v11.0.0 - Translation Manager for Umbraco v11
This is a Major Translation Manager release update to bring support for Umbraco 11 - it contains all the same features as Translation Manager 10.1.4 - but for .NET 7 and Umbraco 11.
Fixes (from Umbraco 10.1.3)
- Fix locking issue when auto translating and auto approving multiple languages salaciously.
v10.1.4 - Patch release.
This is a patch release for Translation Manager v10.1.4 for Umbraco 10.
- Fix locking issue with Auto Approve and Api based translators (e.g Microsoft/Google API)
- XLIFF 2.0 Fix blank subtype should be removed on nested self closing span elements
v10.1.3 - Replace node name support
This is a patch release for Translation Manager for Umbraco 10. It contains small fixes and features to make translating even easer!
- #49 - Fix for sending content between variants when variants are in multiple translation sets (we don't recommend this- but it works)
- Fix parsing of Translation set ids when using Swedish culture for the back office (-1 isn't -1)
- Fix of windows escape character being inside the XLIFF (0x1F)
- Add a "Replace Node Name" Option - which lets you move the node name between content items when using variants
- BlockGrid support* (support is based on v10.3 beta's this might change before Umbraco v10.4 is release)
v10.1.2 - Linux case fixes
This is a minor patch release of Translation manager that fixes some case sensitive file name issues that snook back in when we moved to RCL based file delivery - You will only need to apply this patch if you are running v10 on Linux/Mac
Fixed #48
v10.1.0 - Translation Manager Patch release
This is a patch release of Translation Manager for Umbraco,
What's New
Set creation features
Things to make set creation easier:
Add All configured domains #43
Ability to just add all the configured domains to the target sites, great if you have LOTS of languages
Copy set feature #42
Ability to quickly copy an existing set, so you can tweak and make new sets quickly
Licence fixes / updates
Licence file location was been incorrectly saved to ~/umbraco/licences (so putting a ~ folder in the root) this release will move it to the correct location of /umbraco/Licences (no ~) #44
You can set the licence values in appsettings.json - #45 - the value is over written if the licence file exists but it means you don't have to distribute the licence file if you don't want to.
Getting Translation Manager
Translation Manager 10 is distributed as a nuget package and can be added to your site in a couple of ways.
via dotnet add
via a command line you can add Translation Manager
dotnet add package Jumoo.TranslationManager --version 10.1.0
as a package reference
You can add the dependency directly to your projects .csproj file.
<PackageReference Include="Jumoo.TranslationManager" Version="10.1.0" />
via Visual Studio package manager console
If you are old school . install-package still works
install-package Jumoo.TranslationManager -version 10.1.0