The Cloud Firestore ODM is currently in alpha. Expect breaking changes, API changes and more. The documentation is still a work in progress. See the discussion for more details.
A reference provides full type-safe access to a Firestore Collection and Documents.
The ODM provides a useful FirestoreBuilder
widget which allows you to access your Firestore data
via the ODM.
Provide a collection reference instance to the FirestoreBuilder
, returning a builder:
final usersRef = UserCollectionReference();
// ...
class UsersList extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FirestoreBuilder<UserQuerySnapshot>(
ref: usersRef,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<UserQuerySnapshot> snapshot, Widget? child) {
if (snapshot.hasError) return Text('Something went wrong!');
if (!snapshot.hasData) return Text('Loading users...');
// Access the QuerySnapshot
UserQuerySnapshot querySnapshot = snapshot.requireData;
return ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
// Access the User instance
User user =[index].data;
return Text('User name: ${}, age ${user.age}');
In the above example, a realtime subscription is created by the FirestoreBuilder
widget and
returns all of the documents within the users
collection as a UserDocumentSnapshot
. This usage
of the ODM guarantees the following:
- Each snapshot document is a
model instance. - The data of the model instance is fully validated. If any remote data does not pass model validation an error will be thrown.
The UserDocumentSnapshot
provides access to the User
model and the UserDocumentReference
Similar to collections, you can provide the FirestoreBuilder
widget a document reference to a
specific document instead by calling the doc()
final usersRef = UserCollectionReference();
// ...
class User extends StatelessWidget {
final String id;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FirestoreBuilder<UserDocumentSnapshot>(
// Access a specific document
ref: usersRef.doc(id),
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<UserDocumentSnapshot> snapshot, Widget? child) {
if (snapshot.hasError) return Text('Something went wrong!');
if (!snapshot.hasData) return Text('Loading user...');
// Access the UserDocumentSnapshot
UserDocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot = snapshot.requireData;
if (!documentSnapshot.exists) {
return Text('User does not exist.');
User user =!;
return Text('User name: ${}, age ${user.age}');
Much like regular Firestore SDK usage, if the document does not exist a snapshot will still
be returned. In this example, we first check for existence before accessing the User
Another powerful use-case of the ODM is the generation of type-safe querying.
Models define exactly what our data schema is, therefore this allows the ODM to generate useful type-safe methods for querying.
class User {
required this.age,
final String name;
final int age;
final usersRef = UserCollectionReference();
The above User
model when generated generates some powerful query capabilities:
usersRef.whereName(isEqualTo: 'John');
usersRef.whereAge(isGreaterThan: 18);
// ..etc!
If a value is passed which does not satisfy a validator (e.g. minimum age) an error will be thrown.
Similar to querying collections, provide a query to the FirestoreBuilder
ref: usersRef.whereAge(isGreaterThan: 18).orderByAge(),
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<UserDocumentSnapshot> snapshot, Widget? child) {
// ...
If any of the query constraints are modified, the state of the builder will be reset.
Through FirestoreBuilder, it is possible to optionally optimize widget rebuilds, using the select method on a reference. The basic idea is; rather than listening to the entire snapshot, select allows us to listen to only a part of the snapshot.
For example, if we have a document that returns a Person instance, we could voluntarily only listen to that person's name by doing:
ref: usersRef.doc('id').select((UserDocumentSnapshot snapshot) =>!.name)),
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<String> snapshot, Widget? child) {
return Text('Hello ${}');
By doing so, now Text will rebuild only when the person's name changes. If that person's age changes, this won't rebuild our Text.
Note: This is a client only optimization. The underlying Firestore SDKs will still continue to subscribe to and receive updates for the entire snapshot and therefore this will not reduce any associated billing costs.