This is a python script used to download Tweets of a #tag from the Twitter API.
To run this script we require consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, and access_token_secret
To obtain these you need to go, login and create a new application Then Create an access token. This will give you all four of the above.
Do not share these credentials with anyone.As they can be misused.
fill these credentials in between quotes before running the script This script downloads the tweets removing Retweets,hyperlinks and Hashtags.
Limitation of Twitter API is we can download the tweets limited to that current week.
# Install pip
$ sudo apt install python3-pip
# Install twitter
$ pip3 install twitter
# Run the script
$ python3
IF any error occured while running the code then uninstall the twitter library and just have the folder avilable in the page and place it in the reprositery where you would like to run the script this helps to clear all errors in twitter library .