Releases: KNMI/adaguc-server
Releases · KNMI/adaguc-server
Continuous Legend graphic supports inverted min and max
Continuous Legend graphic supports inverted min and max
Legend graphic code split and refactored
Points can now be rendered with customizable and scalable symbols
Version 2.7.1 2022-04-06
- Points can now be rendered with customizable and scalable symbols
- The time dimension for a layer in a GetCapabilities document can now be set based on the modification time of the file by configuring a dimension using:
<Dimension default="filetimedate">time</Dimension>
<Symbol name="triangle" coordinates="[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [0.0, 1], [-1, -1]]"/>
<Symbol name="square" coordinates="[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]"/>
<Style name="age_magnitude">
<Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="100000">magnitude</Legend>
<NameMapping name="point" title="Seismic events with age and magnitude" abstract="The seismic events are colored according to age and the size of the disc is based on Magnitude"/>
<Point min="2592000" max="1000000000000" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" symbol="triangle" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#CCCCCC" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<Point min="604800" max="2592000" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" symbol="square" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#FFFFFFFF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<Point min="86400" max="604800" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#FFFF00FF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<Point min="3600" max="86400" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#FF9900FF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<Point min="0" max="3600" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#FF0000" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<LegendGraphic value="{ADAGUC_DATASET_DIR}/beslegend.png"/>
<Layer type="database">
<FilePath filter="^.*\.csv$">/data/adaguc-autowms/BES/usgs_earthquakes-bla.csv</FilePath>
Points can now be rendered with customizable and scalable symbols
Version 2.7.1 2022-04-06
- Points can now be rendered with customizable and scalable symbols
- The time dimension for a layer in a GetCapabilities document can now be set based on the modification time of the file by configuring a dimension using:
<Dimension default="filetimedate">time</Dimension>
<Symbol name="triangle" coordinates="[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [0.0, 1], [-1, -1]]"/>
<Symbol name="square" coordinates="[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]"/>
<Style name="age_magnitude">
<Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="100000">magnitude</Legend>
<NameMapping name="point" title="Seismic events with age and magnitude" abstract="The seismic events are colored according to age and the size of the disc is based on Magnitude"/>
<Point min="2592000" max="1000000000000" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" symbol="triangle" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#CCCCCC" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<Point min="604800" max="2592000" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" symbol="square" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#FFFFFFFF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<Point min="86400" max="604800" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#FFFF00FF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<Point min="3600" max="86400" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#FF9900FF" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<Point min="0" max="3600" pointstyle="radiusandvalue" textformat=" " plotstationid="false" fillcolor="#FF0000" discradius="2.5" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<LegendGraphic value="{ADAGUC_DATASET_DIR}/beslegend.png"/>
<Layer type="database">
<FilePath filter="^.*\.csv$">/data/adaguc-autowms/BES/usgs_earthquakes-bla.csv</FilePath>
Support for pointstyle radiusandvalue
- Support for pointstyle radiusandvalue, to display earthquakes with a disc depending on magnitude and color depending on age.
Documentation has been updated at
Automate docker build and push to dockerhub
Automate docker build and push to dockerhub
2.6.5 Hillshading enabled
Merge pull request #194 from KNMI/265 Version 2.6.5
2.6.4 - Autotiling option
The adaguc-server now has an option to create tiles during file ingestion with updatedb. Set the autotile="true" option in the TileSettings element of the layer.
<Layer type="database">
<TileSettings tilewidthpx="90"
left="-180" right="180" bottom="-90" top="90"
tileprojection="+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
2.5.11 - Correct rendering of IPCC data on North and South pole projections
Merge pull request #166 from KNMI/fix-postproc-hdf5-data Fix postproc hdf5 data
Improved contourlines and text rounding in legend and contours
Auto textformatting in the Legend for ShadeInterval is now improved but can also be set in the the textformatting property of Legend.