From cc80c9bfa661f3ade60d61d67775db534d66ad4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gopal <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:06:13 +0700
Subject: [PATCH] Delete dashboard directory
dashboard/BarChartBike.js | 79 -
dashboard/BarChartRevenue.js | 83 -
dashboard/DoughnutChartAge.js | 74 -
dashboard/LineDiagramProduct.js | 78 -
dashboard/PieChartGender.js | 79 -
dashboard/card.js | 33 -
dashboard/dashboard.html | 147 -
dashboard/data/age_group.json | 17 -
dashboard/data/bikes_category.json | 31 -
dashboard/data/country.json | 61 -
dashboard/data/datatable.json | 6974 --------------------------
dashboard/data/gender.json | 21 -
dashboard/data/monthlyrevenue.json | 73 -
dashboard/data/product_category.json | 31 -
dashboard/datatable.js | 28 -
dashboard/main.js | 70 -
16 files changed, 7879 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 dashboard/BarChartBike.js
delete mode 100644 dashboard/BarChartRevenue.js
delete mode 100644 dashboard/DoughnutChartAge.js
delete mode 100644 dashboard/LineDiagramProduct.js
delete mode 100644 dashboard/PieChartGender.js
delete mode 100644 dashboard/card.js
delete mode 100644 dashboard/dashboard.html
delete mode 100644 dashboard/data/age_group.json
delete mode 100644 dashboard/data/bikes_category.json
delete mode 100644 dashboard/data/country.json
delete mode 100644 dashboard/data/datatable.json
delete mode 100644 dashboard/data/gender.json
delete mode 100644 dashboard/data/monthlyrevenue.json
delete mode 100644 dashboard/data/product_category.json
delete mode 100644 dashboard/datatable.js
delete mode 100644 dashboard/main.js
diff --git a/dashboard/BarChartBike.js b/dashboard/BarChartBike.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c11e0d8..0000000
--- a/dashboard/BarChartBike.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-let bikeChartInstance;
-function fetchDataAndCreateBikeChart(selectedYears = [], selectedCategories = []) {
- fetch('data/bikes_category.json')
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(data => {
- // Filter data based on the selected years
- if (selectedYears.length > 0) {
- data = data.filter(item => selectedYears.includes(item.Year.toString()));
- }
- // Filter data based on the selected categories
- if (selectedCategories.length > 0) {
- data = data.filter(item => selectedCategories.includes(item.Sub_Category));
- }
- // Combine data by Sub_Category
- const combinedData = data.reduce((acc, item) => {
- const key = item.Sub_Category;
- if (!acc[key]) {
- acc[key] = { Total_Order_Quantity: 0 };
- }
- acc[key].Total_Order_Quantity += parseInt(item.Total_Order_Quantity, 10);
- return acc;
- }, {});
- const labels = Object.keys(combinedData);
- const quantities = Object.values(combinedData).map(item => item.Total_Order_Quantity);
- const ctx = document.getElementById('BarChartBike').getContext('2d');
- if (bikeChartInstance) {
- bikeChartInstance.destroy();
- }
- bikeChartInstance = new Chart(ctx, {
- type: 'bar',
- data: {
- labels: labels,
- datasets: [{
- label: 'Total Order Quantity',
- data: quantities,
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
- borderColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
- borderWidth: 1
- }]
- },
- options: {
- scales: {
- y: {
- beginAtZero: true
- }
- }
- }
- });
- })
- .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching the data:', error));
-function updateBikeChart() {
- const yearCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedYears = Array.from(yearCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- const categoryCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#categoryDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedCategories = Array.from(categoryCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- fetchDataAndCreateBikeChart(selectedYears, selectedCategories);
-document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateBikeChart);
-document.querySelectorAll('#categoryDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateBikeChart);
-// Initial fetch and render
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
- updateBikeChart();
diff --git a/dashboard/BarChartRevenue.js b/dashboard/BarChartRevenue.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ce14802..0000000
--- a/dashboard/BarChartRevenue.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-let chartInstance;
-function fetchDataAndCreateChart(selectedYears = [], selectedCountries = []) {
- fetch('data/country.json')
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(data => {
- // Filter data based on the selected years
- if (selectedYears.length > 0) {
- data = data.filter(item => selectedYears.includes(item.Year.toString()));
- }
- // Filter data based on the selected countries
- if (selectedCountries.length > 0) {
- data = data.filter(item => selectedCountries.includes(item.Country));
- }
- // Combine data by country
- const combinedData = data.reduce((acc, item) => {
- const key = item.Country;
- if (!acc[key]) {
- acc[key] = { Total_Revenue_bersih: 0 };
- }
- acc[key].Total_Revenue_bersih += parseInt(item.Total_Revenue_bersih, 10);
- return acc;
- }, {});
- const labels = Object.keys(combinedData);
- const totalRevenue = Object.values(combinedData).map(item => item.Total_Revenue_bersih);
- const ctx = document.getElementById('BarChartRevenue').getContext('2d');
- if (chartInstance) {
- chartInstance.destroy();
- }
- chartInstance = new Chart(ctx, {
- type: 'bar',
- data: {
- labels: labels,
- datasets: [{
- label: 'Total Revenue Bersih',
- data: totalRevenue,
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
- borderColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
- borderWidth: 1
- }]
- },
- options: {
- indexAxis: 'y',
- scales: {
- y: {
- beginAtZero: true
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // Update the country count card
- document.getElementById('countryCount').textContent = selectedCountries.length || labels.length;
- })
- .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching the JSON data:', error));
-function updateRevenueChart() {
- const yearCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedYears = Array.from(yearCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- const countryCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#countryDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedCountries = Array.from(countryCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- fetchDataAndCreateChart(selectedYears, selectedCountries);
-document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateRevenueChart);
-document.querySelectorAll('#countryDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateRevenueChart);
-// Initial fetch and render
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
- updateRevenueChart();
diff --git a/dashboard/DoughnutChartAge.js b/dashboard/DoughnutChartAge.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b44b2..0000000
--- a/dashboard/DoughnutChartAge.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
- const ageGroupDropdown = document.getElementById('ageGroupDropdown');
- const checkboxes = ageGroupDropdown.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]');
- let originalData = [];
- function fetchDataAndRenderChart() {
- fetch('data/age_group.json')
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(data => {
- originalData = data; // Store the original data
- renderChart();
- })
- .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching data:', error));
- }
- function renderChart() {
- const selectedAgeGroups = Array.from(checkboxes)
- .filter(checkbox => checkbox.checked)
- .map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- const filteredData = selectedAgeGroups.length
- ? originalData.filter(item => selectedAgeGroups.includes(item.Age_Group))
- : originalData;
- const labels = => item.Age_Group);
- const values = => item.Total_Order_Quantity);
- const ctx = document.getElementById('DoughnutChartAge').getContext('2d');
- if (window.myChart) {
- window.myChart.destroy(); // Destroy the existing chart instance
- }
- window.myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
- type: 'doughnut',
- data: {
- labels: labels,
- datasets: [{
- label: 'Total Order Quantity',
- data: values,
- backgroundColor: [
- 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',
- 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)',
- 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 0.2)',
- 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 0.2)',
- ],
- borderColor: [
- 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',
- 'rgba(54, 162, 235, 1)',
- 'rgba(255, 206, 86, 1)',
- 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
- ],
- borderWidth: 1
- }]
- },
- options: {
- responsive: true,
- plugins: {
- legend: {
- position: 'top',
- },
- title: {
- display: true,
- text: 'Doughnut Chart - Total Order Quantity by Age Group'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', renderChart);
- });
- fetchDataAndRenderChart();
diff --git a/dashboard/LineDiagramProduct.js b/dashboard/LineDiagramProduct.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c6ccbdd..0000000
--- a/dashboard/LineDiagramProduct.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
- const ctx = document.getElementById('LineDiagramProduct').getContext('2d');
- let lineChart;
- let minY, maxY; // variabel untuk menyimpan nilai minimum dan maksimum dari sumbu y
- function fetchDataAndCreateChart(selectedYears = []) {
- fetch('data/product_category.json')
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(data => {
- // Filter data based on the selected years
- if (selectedYears.length > 0) {
- data = data.filter(item => selectedYears.includes(item.Year.toString()));
- }
- const years = [ Set( => item.Year))];
- const categories = [ Set( => item.Product_Category))];
- const datasets = => {
- return {
- label: category,
- data: => {
- const item = data.find(d => d.Year === year && d.Product_Category === category);
- return item ? item.Total_Order_Quantity : 0;
- }),
- backgroundColor: getRandomColor()
- };
- });
- // Calculate min and max values for y-axis
- minY = Math.min(...datasets.flatMap(dataset =>;
- maxY = Math.max(...datasets.flatMap(dataset =>;
- if (lineChart) {
- lineChart.destroy();
- }
- lineChart = new Chart(ctx, {
- type: 'line',
- data: {
- labels: years,
- datasets: datasets
- },
- options: {
- scales: {
- y: {
- beginAtZero: false,
- suggestedMin: minY, // Set min value
- suggestedMax: maxY, // Set max value
- }
- }
- }
- });
- })
- .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching the data:', error));
- }
- function getRandomColor() {
- const letters = '0123456789ABCDEF';
- let color = '#';
- for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];
- }
- return color;
- }
- function updateChart() {
- const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedYears = Array.from(checkboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- fetchDataAndCreateChart(selectedYears);
- }
- document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateChart);
- });
- // Initial fetch and render
- fetchDataAndCreateChart();
diff --git a/dashboard/PieChartGender.js b/dashboard/PieChartGender.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d4477af..0000000
--- a/dashboard/PieChartGender.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
- const ctx = document.getElementById('PieChartGender').getContext('2d');
- let pieChart;
- function fetchDataAndCreateChart(selectedYears = [], selectedGenders = []) {
- fetch('data/gender.json')
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(data => {
- // Filter data based on the selected years
- if (selectedYears.length > 0) {
- data = data.filter(item => selectedYears.includes(item.Year.toString()));
- }
- // Filter data based on the selected genders
- if (selectedGenders.length > 0) {
- data = data.filter(item => selectedGenders.includes(item.Customer_Gender));
- }
- const genderLabels = [ Set( => item.Customer_Gender))];
- const totalQuantities = => {
- return data
- .filter(item => item.Customer_Gender === gender)
- .reduce((sum, item) => sum + parseInt(item.Total_Order_Quantity), 0);
- });
- const totalQuantitySum = totalQuantities.reduce((sum, qty) => sum + qty, 0);
- const percentages = => ((qty / totalQuantitySum) * 100).toFixed(2));
- if (pieChart) {
- pieChart.destroy();
- }
- pieChart = new Chart(ctx, {
- type: 'pie',
- data: {
- labels:, index) => `${label} (${percentages[index]}%)`),
- datasets: [{
- label: 'Total Order Quantity',
- data: totalQuantities,
- backgroundColor: ['#FF6384', '#36A2EB']
- }]
- },
- options: {
- plugins: {
- tooltip: {
- callbacks: {
- label: function(tooltipItem) {
- return `${tooltipItem.label}: ${tooltipItem.formattedValue}`;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- })
- .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching the data:', error));
- }
- function updateChart() {
- const yearCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedYears = Array.from(yearCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- const genderCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#genderDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedGenders = Array.from(genderCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- fetchDataAndCreateChart(selectedYears, selectedGenders);
- }
- document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateChart);
- });
- document.querySelectorAll('#genderDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateChart);
- });
- // Initial fetch and render
- fetchDataAndCreateChart();
diff --git a/dashboard/card.js b/dashboard/card.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 924de4e..0000000
--- a/dashboard/card.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
- const yearDropdown = document.getElementById('yearDropdown');
- const totalOrderCard = document.getElementById('totalOrder');
- const revenueCard = document.getElementById('revenue');
- fetch('data/product_category.json')
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(data => {
- function updateCards(selectedYears) {
- let totalOrderQuantity = 0;
- let totalRevenue = 0;
- data.forEach(item => {
- if (selectedYears.includes(item.Year)) {
- totalOrderQuantity += parseInt(item.Total_Order_Quantity);
- totalRevenue += parseInt(item.Total_Revenue_bersih);
- }
- });
- totalOrderCard.textContent = totalOrderQuantity;
- revenueCard.textContent = totalRevenue;
- }
- yearDropdown.addEventListener('change', function () {
- const selectedYears = Array.from(yearDropdown.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]:checked')).map(input => input.value);
- updateCards(selectedYears);
- });
- // Initially display all data
- const allYears = Array.from(yearDropdown.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]')).map(input => input.value);
- updateCards(allYears);
- });
diff --git a/dashboard/dashboard.html b/dashboard/dashboard.html
deleted file mode 100644
index bd3ec7f..0000000
--- a/dashboard/dashboard.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- Document
- Selected Countries: 0
- Total Order: 0
- Revenue: 0
- Date |
- Name |
- Country |
- Age |
- Price |
- Revenue |
diff --git a/dashboard/data/age_group.json b/dashboard/data/age_group.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 14bfc32..0000000
--- a/dashboard/data/age_group.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- "Age_Group": "Seniors (64+)",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "30",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "43858"
-}, {
- "Age_Group": "Youth (U-25)",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "1494",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "2231726"
-}, {
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "4895",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "7018788"
-}, {
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "6208",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "9662213"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboard/data/bikes_category.json b/dashboard/data/bikes_category.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ec855c1..0000000
--- a/dashboard/data/bikes_category.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- "Year": "2015",
- "Sub_Category": "Touring Bikes",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "1031",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1499301"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "2483",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "4135545"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Sub_Category": "Road Bikes",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "3376",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "4891509"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Sub_Category": "Touring Bikes",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "1298",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1859343"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "2115",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "3393782"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Sub_Category": "Road Bikes",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "2324",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "3177105"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboard/data/country.json b/dashboard/data/country.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f5db3d..0000000
--- a/dashboard/data/country.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- "Year": "2015",
- "Country": "Canada",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "580417",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "334"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Country": "France",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1120558",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "759"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Country": "Germany",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1159165",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "779"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1362188",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "943"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "3048274",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "1933"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Country": "United States",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "3255753",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "2142"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Country": "Canada",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "494633",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "285"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Country": "France",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1021844",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "760"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Country": "Germany",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1178736",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "864"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1272215",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "876"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1754013",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "1211"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Country": "United States",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "2708789",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "1741"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboard/data/datatable.json b/dashboard/data/datatable.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bc504e1..0000000
--- a/dashboard/data/datatable.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6974 +0,0 @@
- {
- "Date": "1/28/2013",
- "Day": 28,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 31,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 944,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2856,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "AVERAGE",
- "__2": "STDV",
- "__3": "Q1",
- "__4": "Q3",
- "__5": "IQR",
- "__6": "R.MIN"
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/28/2015",
- "Day": 28,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 31,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 944,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2856,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": 2381,
- "__2": 735442,
- "__3": 1852,
- "__4": 600741,
- "__5": 1042,
- "__6": 2934
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/22/2013",
- "Day": 22,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 31,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 944,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2856,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/22/2015",
- "Day": 22,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 31,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1888,
- "Revenue": 3824,
- "Outlier": 5712,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "Suatu value akan dianggap outlier apabila <-1796 atau > 5772",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/25/2013",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 31,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 944,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2856,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "Jumlah Data",
- "__2": 25794,
- "__3": 93,
- "__4": "23%",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/25/2015",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 31,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 2832,
- "Revenue": 5736,
- "Outlier": 8568,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "Jumlah Outlier",
- "__2": 1874,
- "__3": 6,
- "__4": "77%",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/13/2014",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 31,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 944,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2856,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/13/2016",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 31,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1888,
- "Revenue": 3824,
- "Outlier": 5712,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/4/2013",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Tasmania",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 842,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2754,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/4/2015",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Tasmania",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 842,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2754,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/7/2013",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/7/2015",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 2811,
- "Revenue": 5694,
- "Outlier": 8505,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/27/2013",
- "Day": 27,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/27/2015",
- "Day": 27,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/4/2014",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/4/2016",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/4/2013",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/4/2015",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 2322,
- "Revenue": 5736,
- "Outlier": 8058,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/25/2013",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/25/2015",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/9/2012",
- "Day": 9,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1537,
- "Revenue": 3796,
- "Outlier": 5333,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/9/2011",
- "Day": 9,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1537,
- "Revenue": 3796,
- "Outlier": 5333,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/20/2012",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1537,
- "Revenue": 3796,
- "Outlier": 5333,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/20/2011",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 4,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 3073,
- "Revenue": 7592,
- "Outlier": 10665,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/7/2013",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/7/2015",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/14/2014",
- "Day": 14,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/14/2016",
- "Day": 14,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/31/2014",
- "Day": 31,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/31/2016",
- "Day": 31,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 33,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/13/2013",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/13/2015",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 2015,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 4547,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "9/10/2013",
- "Day": 10,
- "Month": "September",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "9/10/2015",
- "Day": 10,
- "Month": "September",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/20/2013",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/20/2015",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 2015,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 4547,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/21/2013",
- "Day": 21,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/21/2015",
- "Day": 21,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/11/2014",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/11/2016",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/5/2013",
- "Day": 5,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/5/2015",
- "Day": 5,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/20/2013",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/20/2015",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 2322,
- "Revenue": 5736,
- "Outlier": 8058,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/24/2013",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 19,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 538,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1790,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/24/2015",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 19,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1614,
- "Revenue": 3756,
- "Outlier": 5370,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/7/2014",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 19,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 538,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1790,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/7/2016",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 19,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 538,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1790,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/24/2013",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 52,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/24/2015",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 52,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1874,
- "Revenue": 3796,
- "Outlier": 5670,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/11/2013",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 51,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/11/2015",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 51,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/2/2013",
- "Day": 2,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 51,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/2/2015",
- "Day": 2,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 51,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/24/2013",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 51,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/24/2015",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 51,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/16/2012",
- "Day": 16,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1505,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 4037,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/16/2011",
- "Day": 16,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 752,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2018,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/20/2013",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1046,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2958,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/20/2015",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1046,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2958,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/16/2014",
- "Day": 16,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1046,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2958,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/16/2016",
- "Day": 16,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1046,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2958,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/7/2014",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1046,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2958,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/7/2016",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1046,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2958,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/4/2014",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1046,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2958,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/4/2016",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 3138,
- "Revenue": 5736,
- "Outlier": 8874,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/12/2014",
- "Day": 12,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/12/2016",
- "Day": 12,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 50,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/13/2014",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 49,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/13/2016",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 49,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1537,
- "Revenue": 3796,
- "Outlier": 5333,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/24/2013",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 20,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Canada",
- "State": "British Columbia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1031,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2297,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/24/2015",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 20,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Canada",
- "State": "British Columbia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 2062,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 4594,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/4/2014",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 49,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1038,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2936,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/4/2016",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 49,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1038,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2936,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/23/2014",
- "Day": 23,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 49,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1046,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2958,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/23/2016",
- "Day": 23,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 49,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1046,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2958,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/18/2013",
- "Day": 18,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 20,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/18/2015",
- "Day": 18,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 20,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/25/2013",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 20,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/25/2015",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 20,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/4/2013",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 20,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/4/2015",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 20,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/7/2014",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 48,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/7/2016",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 48,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/22/2014",
- "Day": 22,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 47,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/22/2016",
- "Day": 22,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 47,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "9/17/2013",
- "Day": 17,
- "Month": "September",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Tasmania",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 836,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2734,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "9/17/2015",
- "Day": 17,
- "Month": "September",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Tasmania",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 836,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2734,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/11/2013",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 45,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/11/2015",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 45,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 2322,
- "Revenue": 5736,
- "Outlier": 8058,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/8/2013",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 45,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/8/2015",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 45,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/13/2013",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 44,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1038,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2936,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/13/2015",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 44,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1038,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2936,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/7/2013",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 44,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1038,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2936,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/7/2015",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 44,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1038,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2936,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/2/2014",
- "Day": 2,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 44,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1038,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2936,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/2/2016",
- "Day": 2,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 44,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 3115,
- "Revenue": 5694,
- "Outlier": 8809,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/8/2013",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 43,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "South Australia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 876,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2788,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/8/2015",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 43,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "South Australia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 876,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2788,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/4/2013",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 43,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/4/2015",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 43,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Queensland",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 937,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2835,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/23/2012",
- "Day": 23,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1134,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 3666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/23/2011",
- "Day": 23,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 567,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1833,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/25/2013",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/25/2015",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/20/2013",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/20/2015",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/13/2013",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/13/2015",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 2322,
- "Revenue": 5736,
- "Outlier": 8058,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/8/2013",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/8/2015",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/7/2014",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/7/2016",
- "Day": 7,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/15/2014",
- "Day": 15,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/15/2016",
- "Day": 15,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1548,
- "Revenue": 3824,
- "Outlier": 5372,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/20/2014",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/20/2016",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 42,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/17/2013",
- "Day": 17,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 38,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "South Australia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 870,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2768,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/17/2015",
- "Day": 17,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 38,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "South Australia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 870,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2768,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/8/2013",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/8/2015",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/13/2013",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/13/2015",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/8/2013",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/8/2015",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/25/2013",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/25/2015",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/26/2014",
- "Day": 26,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/26/2016",
- "Day": 26,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 729,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1995,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "9/17/2013",
- "Day": 17,
- "Month": "September",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 36,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "9/17/2015",
- "Day": 17,
- "Month": "September",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 36,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "9/24/2013",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "September",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 37,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "South Australia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 870,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2768,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "9/24/2015",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "September",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 37,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "South Australia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 870,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2768,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/11/2012",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1122,
- "Revenue": 2504,
- "Outlier": 3626,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/11/2011",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 561,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1813,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/25/2012",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1122,
- "Revenue": 2504,
- "Outlier": 3626,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/25/2011",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1683,
- "Revenue": 3756,
- "Outlier": 5439,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/28/2012",
- "Day": 28,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1537,
- "Revenue": 3796,
- "Outlier": 5333,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/28/2011",
- "Day": 28,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/15/2013",
- "Day": 15,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/15/2015",
- "Day": 15,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/22/2013",
- "Day": 22,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/22/2015",
- "Day": 22,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/29/2013",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/29/2015",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/10/2013",
- "Day": 10,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/10/2015",
- "Day": 10,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 34,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/29/2013",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 61,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1038,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2936,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/29/2015",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 61,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "New South Wales",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 1038,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2936,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/26/2012",
- "Day": 26,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1122,
- "Revenue": 2504,
- "Outlier": 3626,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/26/2011",
- "Day": 26,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1683,
- "Revenue": 3756,
- "Outlier": 5439,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/29/2013",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/29/2015",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 2322,
- "Revenue": 5736,
- "Outlier": 8058,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/26/2013",
- "Day": 26,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/26/2015",
- "Day": 26,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/9/2014",
- "Day": 9,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/9/2016",
- "Day": 9,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 774,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2686,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/13/2013",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 22,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-400-W Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 420,
- "Profit": 769,
- "Cost": 180,
- "Revenue": 420,
- "Outlier": 600,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/13/2015",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 22,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-400-W Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 420,
- "Profit": 769,
- "Cost": 180,
- "Revenue": 420,
- "Outlier": 600,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/16/2013",
- "Day": 16,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 22,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-400-W Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 420,
- "Profit": 769,
- "Cost": 180,
- "Revenue": 420,
- "Outlier": 600,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/16/2015",
- "Day": 16,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 22,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-400-W Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 420,
- "Profit": 769,
- "Cost": 180,
- "Revenue": 420,
- "Outlier": 600,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/11/2013",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 17,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Canada",
- "State": "British Columbia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1020,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2272,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/11/2015",
- "Day": 11,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 17,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "Canada",
- "State": "British Columbia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1020,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2272,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/25/2013",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 51,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "South Australia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 876,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2788,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "12/25/2015",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "December",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 51,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "South Australia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 44,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 876,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 2788,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/29/2013",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 538,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1790,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/29/2015",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 538,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1790,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/29/2013",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 722,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1974,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/29/2015",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 18,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1443,
- "Revenue": 2504,
- "Outlier": 3947,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/31/2013",
- "Day": 31,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 58,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/31/2015",
- "Day": 31,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 58,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Australia",
- "State": "Victoria",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 48,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1898,
- "Profit": 3375,
- "Cost": 768,
- "Revenue": 1898,
- "Outlier": 2666,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/13/2013",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 21,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 538,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1790,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/13/2015",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 21,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 538,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1790,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/14/2013",
- "Day": 14,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 21,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 722,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1974,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/14/2015",
- "Day": 14,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 21,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 2165,
- "Revenue": 3756,
- "Outlier": 5921,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/8/2013",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 21,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 722,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1974,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/8/2015",
- "Day": 8,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 21,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 722,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1974,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/25/2012",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 2015,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 4547,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/25/2011",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 2015,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 4547,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/24/2012",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 2015,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 4547,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/24/2011",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/2/2013",
- "Day": 2,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/2/2015",
- "Day": 2,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/22/2013",
- "Day": 22,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/22/2015",
- "Day": 22,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 2015,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 4547,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/25/2013",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/25/2015",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 2015,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 4547,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/4/2014",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/4/2016",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 23,
- "Age_Group": "Youth (<25)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1008,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 2274,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/9/2013",
- "Day": 9,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/9/2015",
- "Day": 9,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1087,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 3619,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/10/2013",
- "Day": 10,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/10/2015",
- "Day": 10,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1631,
- "Revenue": 3798,
- "Outlier": 5429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/29/2013",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/29/2015",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1087,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 3619,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/26/2014",
- "Day": 26,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/26/2016",
- "Day": 26,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 53,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/14/2013",
- "Day": 14,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 52,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/14/2015",
- "Day": 14,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 52,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1994,
- "Revenue": 2504,
- "Outlier": 4498,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/13/2013",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 52,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "10/13/2015",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "October",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 52,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1994,
- "Revenue": 2504,
- "Outlier": 4498,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/3/2014",
- "Day": 3,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 52,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/3/2016",
- "Day": 3,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 52,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 2991,
- "Revenue": 3756,
- "Outlier": 6747,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "5/3/2016",
- "Day": 3,
- "Month": "May",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 52,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "California",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 997,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2249,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/25/2012",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2012,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1087,
- "Revenue": 2532,
- "Outlier": 3619,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/25/2011",
- "Day": 25,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2011,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/13/2013",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/13/2015",
- "Day": 13,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/15/2013",
- "Day": 15,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/15/2015",
- "Day": 15,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 1631,
- "Revenue": 3798,
- "Outlier": 5429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/31/2013",
- "Day": 31,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/31/2015",
- "Day": 31,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 46,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Washington",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1266,
- "Profit": 2320,
- "Cost": 544,
- "Revenue": 1266,
- "Outlier": 1810,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/23/2013",
- "Day": 23,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 121,
- "Revenue": 308,
- "Outlier": 429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "3/23/2015",
- "Day": 23,
- "Month": "March",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 3,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 364,
- "Revenue": 924,
- "Outlier": 1288,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/9/2013",
- "Day": 9,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 121,
- "Revenue": 308,
- "Outlier": 429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/9/2015",
- "Day": 9,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 243,
- "Revenue": 616,
- "Outlier": 859,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/27/2013",
- "Day": 27,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 121,
- "Revenue": 308,
- "Outlier": 429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/27/2015",
- "Day": 27,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 121,
- "Revenue": 308,
- "Outlier": 429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/18/2014",
- "Day": 18,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 121,
- "Revenue": 308,
- "Outlier": 429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/18/2016",
- "Day": 18,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 121,
- "Revenue": 308,
- "Outlier": 429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/21/2014",
- "Day": 21,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 121,
- "Revenue": 308,
- "Outlier": 429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "1/21/2016",
- "Day": 21,
- "Month": "January",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "France",
- "State": "Yveline",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-500 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 40,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 308,
- "Profit": 565,
- "Cost": 121,
- "Revenue": 308,
- "Outlier": 429,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/17/2013",
- "Day": 17,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/17/2015",
- "Day": 17,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/30/2013",
- "Day": 30,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/30/2015",
- "Day": 30,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/16/2013",
- "Day": 16,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/16/2015",
- "Day": 16,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 2704,
- "Revenue": 3824,
- "Outlier": 6528,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/24/2013",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "7/24/2015",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "July",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/4/2013",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "8/4/2015",
- "Day": 4,
- "Month": "August",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/19/2013",
- "Day": 19,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/19/2015",
- "Day": 19,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/24/2013",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "11/24/2015",
- "Day": 24,
- "Month": "November",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/3/2014",
- "Day": 3,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/3/2016",
- "Day": 3,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/14/2014",
- "Day": 14,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/14/2016",
- "Day": 14,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 2704,
- "Revenue": 3824,
- "Outlier": 6528,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/29/2014",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/29/2016",
- "Day": 29,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/5/2014",
- "Day": 5,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 1352,
- "Revenue": 1912,
- "Outlier": 3264,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "6/5/2016",
- "Day": 5,
- "Month": "June",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 40,
- "Age_Group": "Adults (35-64)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United Kingdom",
- "State": "England",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-100 Silver",
- "Order_Quantity": 38,
- "Unit_Cost": 2,
- "Unit_Price": 1912,
- "Profit": 3400,
- "Cost": 2704,
- "Revenue": 3824,
- "Outlier": 6528,
- "": "Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/20/2014",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2014,
- "Customer_Age": 65,
- "Age_Group": "Seniors (64+)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Canada",
- "State": "British Columbia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1020,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2272,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "4/20/2016",
- "Day": 20,
- "Month": "April",
- "Year": 2016,
- "Customer_Age": 65,
- "Age_Group": "Seniors (64+)",
- "Customer_Gender": "M",
- "Country": "Canada",
- "State": "British Columbia",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 42,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 1020,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 2272,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/2/2013",
- "Day": 2,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2013,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 722,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1974,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- },
- {
- "Date": "2/2/2015",
- "Day": 2,
- "Month": "February",
- "Year": 2015,
- "Customer_Age": 32,
- "Age_Group": "Young Adults (25-34)",
- "Customer_Gender": "F",
- "Country": "United States",
- "State": "Oregon",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Sub_Category": "Mountain Bikes",
- "Product": "Mountain-200 Black",
- "Order_Quantity": 46,
- "Unit_Cost": 1,
- "Unit_Price": 1252,
- "Profit": 2295,
- "Cost": 722,
- "Revenue": 1252,
- "Outlier": 1974,
- "": "Bukan Outlier",
- "__1": "",
- "__2": "",
- "__3": "",
- "__4": "",
- "__5": "",
- "__6": ""
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboard/data/gender.json b/dashboard/data/gender.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ae601fb..0000000
--- a/dashboard/data/gender.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- "Year": "2015",
- "Customer_Gender": "Male",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "3442",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "5198246"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Customer_Gender": "Female",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "3448",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "5328109"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Customer_Gender": "Female",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "2649",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "3946958"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Customer_Gender": "Male",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "3088",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "4483272"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboard/data/monthlyrevenue.json b/dashboard/data/monthlyrevenue.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bf93af9..0000000
--- a/dashboard/data/monthlyrevenue.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "April",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "538109"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "August",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "901857"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "December",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1912959"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "February",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "531636"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "January",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "488087"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "July",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "956302"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "June",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "567773"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "March",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "494441"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "May",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "653071"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "November",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1303324"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "October",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1120298"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Month": "September",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1058498"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Month": "April",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1350305"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Month": "February",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1207229"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Month": "January",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1189473"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Month": "June",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1756548"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Month": "March",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1297174"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Month": "May",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1629501"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboard/data/product_category.json b/dashboard/data/product_category.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 80f2ae9..0000000
--- a/dashboard/data/product_category.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- "Year": "2015",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "6890",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "10526355"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Product_Category": "Accessories",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "50408",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "478372"
-}, {
- "Year": "2015",
- "Product_Category": "Clothing",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "56099",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "1937914"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Product_Category": "Bikes",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "5737",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "8430230"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Product_Category": "Clothing",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "69344",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "2187004"
-}, {
- "Year": "2016",
- "Product_Category": "Accessories",
- "Total_Order_Quantity": "70734",
- "Total_Revenue_bersih": "624595"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboard/datatable.js b/dashboard/datatable.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ceeae9d..0000000
--- a/dashboard/datatable.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-$(document).ready(function() {
- // Load JSON data
- $.getJSON("./data/datatable.json", function(data) {
- $('#example').DataTable({
- data: data,
- columns: [
- { data: 'Date', title: 'Date' },
- { data: 'Sub_Category', title: 'Name' },
- { data: 'Country', title: 'Country' },
- { data: 'Customer_Age', title: 'Age' },
- { data: 'Unit_Price', title: 'Price' },
- { data: 'Revenue', title: 'Revenue' }
- ],
- pageLength: 10,
- lengthMenu: [10, 15],
- searching: true,
- paging: true,
- info: true,
- language: {
- paginate: {
- next: 'Next',
- previous: 'Previous'
- }
- }
- });
- });
- });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dashboard/main.js b/dashboard/main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d0051f9..0000000
--- a/dashboard/main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-function updateCharts() {
- const yearCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedYears = Array.from(yearCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- const categoryCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#categoryDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedCategories = Array.from(categoryCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- const countryCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#countryDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedCountries = Array.from(countryCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- const genderCheckboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#genderDropdown input[type="checkbox"]:checked');
- const selectedGenders = Array.from(genderCheckboxes).map(checkbox => checkbox.value);
- fetchDataAndCreateBikeChart(selectedYears, selectedCategories);
- fetchDataAndCreateRevenueChart(selectedYears, selectedCountries);
- fetchDataAndCreateGenderChart(selectedYears, selectedGenders);
- updateTotalOrderQuantity(selectedYears);
- updateTotalRevenueBersih(selectedYears);
-document.querySelectorAll('#yearDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateCharts);
-document.querySelectorAll('#categoryDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateCharts);
-document.querySelectorAll('#countryDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateCharts);
-document.querySelectorAll('#genderDropdown input[type="checkbox"]').forEach(checkbox => {
- checkbox.addEventListener('change', updateCharts);
-// Initial fetch and render
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
- updateCharts();
-function updateTotalOrderQuantity(selectedYears) {
- fetch('zdata/product_category.json')
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(data => {
- // Filter data based on the selected years
- if (selectedYears.length > 0) {
- data = data.filter(item => selectedYears.includes(item.Year.toString()));
- }
- const totalOrderQuantity = data.reduce((sum, item) => sum + parseInt(item.Total_Order_Quantity), 0);
- document.getElementById('totalOrderQuantity').textContent = totalOrderQuantity;
- })
- .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching the data:', error));
-function updateTotalRevenueBersih(selectedYears) {
- fetch('data/product_category.json')
- .then(response => response.json())
- .then(data => {
- // Filter data based on the selected years
- if (selectedYears.length > 0) {
- data = data.filter(item => selectedYears.includes(item.Year.toString()));
- }
- const totalRevenueBersih = data.reduce((sum, item) => sum + parseInt(item.Total_Revenue_bersih), 0);
- document.getElementById('totalRevenueBersih').textContent = totalRevenueBersih;
- })
- .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching the data:', error));