Given a alphanumeric string S, extract maximum numeric value from S. Input: S = 100klh564abc365bg Output: 564 Explanation: Maximum numeric value among 100, 564 and 365 is 564.
Input: S = abcdefg Output: -1 Explanation: Return -1 if no numeric value is present.
// C++ program to extract the maximum value
using namespace std;
// Function to extract the maximum value
int extractMaximum(string str)
int num = 0, res = 0;
// Start traversing the given string
for (int i = 0; i<str.length(); i++)
// If a numeric value comes, start converting
// it into an integer till there are consecutive
// numeric digits
if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
num = num * 10 + (str[i]-'0');
// Update maximum value
res = max(res, num);
// Reset the number
num = 0;
// Return maximum value
return max(res, num);
// Driver program
int main()
string str = "100klh564abc365bg";
cout << extractMaximum(str);
return 0;
// C++ program for above implementation
using namespace std;
// Utility function to find maximum string
string maximumNum(string curr_num, string res)
int len1 = curr_num.length();
int len2 = res.length();
// If both having equal lengths
if (len1 == len2)
// Reach first unmatched character / value
int i = 0;
while (curr_num[i]== res[i])
// Return string with maximum value
if (curr_num[i] < res[i])
return res;
return curr_num;
// If different lengths
// return string with maximum length
return len1 < len2 ? res: curr_num;
// Function to extract the maximum value
string extractMaximum(string str)
int n = str.length();
string curr_num ="";
string res;
// Start traversing the string
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
// Ignore leading zeroes
while (i<n && str[i]=='0')
// Store numeric value into a string
while (i<n && str[i]>='0' && str[i]<='9')
curr_num = curr_num + str[i];
if (i == n)
if (curr_num.size() > 0)
// Update maximum string
res = maximumNum(curr_num, res);
curr_num = "";
// To handle the case if there is only
// 0 numeric value
if (curr_num.size()== 0 && res.size()== 0)
res = res + '0';
// Return maximum string
return maximumNum(curr_num, res);
// Drivers program
int main()
string str ="100klh564abc365bg";
cout << extractMaximum(str) << endl;
return 0;