- Divided into three parts according to function: samples, tools and the usage of SDK.
- Every submodule has seperate folder.
├── demos #samples
│ ├── IMChart
│ ├── SharingCarManagement
│ ├── SportTrack
│ ├── insurance-policy-management
│ ├── TraceMedicine
│ ├── TableStore-Grid
│ ├── MailManagement
│ └── WifiMonitor
├── tools #tools
│ ├── Dts-MySQL2TableStore
│ └── Datax-MySQL2TableStore
└── feature #usage of feature
├── TableCopy
└── FuzzySearch
- Console:
- Open Service:
- Create Instance:
- Get AK:
Create the file tablestoreCong.json in the home path, and config the parameters.
# Linux or mac system: /home/userhome/tablestoreCong.json
# Windows system: C:\Documents and Settings\%userhome%\tablestoreCong.json
"endpoint": "",
"accessId": "***********",
"accessKey": "***********************",
"instanceName": "instanceName"
- endpoint: The endpoint of instance.
- accessId: The id of AK.
- accessKey: The secret of AK.
- instanceName: The name of Tablestore instance.
Sample Name | Language | Project |
Instant Chart Room(IM) | java | IMChart |
Sharing car management | java | SharingCarManagement |
Sport track management | java | SportTrack |
Insurance policy management | java | insurance-policy-management |
Medicine track management | java | TraceMedicine |
Store and query gridded data | java | TableStore-Grid |
Equipment monitoring and management | java | WifiMonitor |
Express track management | java | MailManagement |
Application | Tool Name | Project |
Data Migration from MySQL to Tablestore | datax | Datax-MySQL2TableStore |
Migrate incrementing data from MySQL to Tablestore | DTS | Dts-MySQL2TableStore |
Feature | Language(SDK) | Project |
Table Copy | java | TableCopy |
Fuzzy search | java | FuzzySearch |
- Delete data, indexs and tables if not need any longer.
- Release useless resource in case unnecessary expense.
- Dingding Group: Open communication group(Chinese Name: 表格存储技术交流群)
- Group No.: 11789671
- QR code: