Web Map of IIT Locations This project is a Python-based web application that visualizes various IIT (Indian Institutes of Technology) locations on an interactive map. The map uses data stored in JSON and Excel files to coordinate and plot the locations of different IIT campuses across India.
Features Interactive map showing the locations of IIT campuses. Utilizes a JSON file and an Excel file to store and retrieve geographic coordinates. Simple and easy-to-use interface. Technologies Used Python: Core language used for data processing and map creation. Folium: Used to generate interactive maps. Pandas: To handle data from Excel files. JSON: To handle data for location coordinates. Jupyter Notebook: For testing and visualization (optional). Installation and Setup To run this project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
bash Copy code git clone https://github.com/your-username/iit-web-map.git cd iit-web-map Install the required dependencies:
bash Copy code pip install -r requirements.txt Run the Python script to generate the map:
bash Copy code python map_generator.py This will generate an HTML file containing the interactive map.
Open the generated map.html file in your web browser to view the IIT locations.
Files map_generator.py: The main Python script that processes the data and generates the web map. iit_locations.json: A JSON file containing the coordinates of the IIT campuses. iit_data.xlsx: An Excel file containing additional data on the IIT locations. requirements.txt: List of required Python packages. Dependencies Make sure to install the following Python packages:
pandas folium openpyxl How It Works Data Input: The location data is stored in both JSON and Excel formats. The JSON file contains the latitude and longitude of each IIT. The Excel file contains additional metadata about the IITs. Map Generation: The script uses Folium to generate a web-based interactive map. The data from the JSON and Excel files are processed using Pandas to plot markers for each IIT on the map. Contributions Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.