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Flight Delay Prediction API

The API in this repository is our team's submission for Alibaba Global AI Challenge 2021 finals.The theme of this challenge was, "Intelligent Weather Forecast for Better Life" and we were required to propose state of the art solutions pertaining to the theme.

This contest encouraged developers and innovative enterprises around the world to think outside the box, break boundaries, and leverage accessible weather data (including air quality monitoring data, enterprise carbon emission data, and other environmental data) to analyze the interplay between meteorological changes and various aspects of life, probe into the correlation between multi-source heterogeneous data, and raise the public awareness of the value of AI-assisted weather forecasting and green innovations.

Table of contents

About the predictive model

In this project we developed a high level customizable API which could be used to predict flight delay on any airport around the world. Initially, the model trained itself by scraping past weather data and flight details of the given airport. Then, it containerized itself and set up a production grade flask server incorporated with nginx and gunicorn which is further deployed to Alibaba's cloud service and published in Alibaba's API marketplace.

Morever, the process mentioned above is automated with the use of Alibaba workflow in this github repository, so that during the official release the changes could easily be reflected in the production API without any delay or overhead.

During construction of this project, the main focus was on flexibility, so that it could easily be used by professionals and beginners alike. Moreover, we have tried to keep the API as user-friendly as possible while maintaining its robustness.

The developed API can later be used for a multitude of purposes, such as:

  1. Creating a mobile/web app which depicts flight weather delays to customers with a very high accuracy
  2. Integration with airline maintenance systems to predict optimum time for flight maintenance
  3. Integration with Air Traffic Control (ATC) for better management
  4. Integration with airline booking system to increase efficiency

Last but not the least, our model is better than existing options as it’s easily scalable, not much interference is required after initial setup and it gives almost accurate prediction for delayed flights.

Sample training data

Model Parmaters'

The independent variables :- Temperature, dew point, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, month, hours. The Weather delay(in minutes) or the target column is the one we have to predict. The relationship between the variables is non-linear.

  1. Temperature : the temperature at that time and day of the year.
  2. Humidity : the Humidity at that time and day of the year.
  3. Dew point: the Dew point at that time and day of the year.
  4. Wind speed : the Wind speed at that time and day of the year.
  5. Precipitation : the Precipitation(%) at that time and day of the year.
  6. Pressure : The pressure at that time and day of the year.
  7. Month and hours : The month (in numerical form) and hours (24 hour format)

Model Methodology

For our final model we used an ensemble of various models listed below individually:

The complete model is present in


In this approach, we employed a grid search for the best Value for Lambda( 入 ) and S. Initially, we calculated the method of lasso regression to find the best suited values of βi which are the coefficients for the independent variables in the model

Ŷ =  Σ βi. Xi + c  where we reduce the RSS(Residual sum of squares) 
RSS = RSS + λ Σ |βi | where Σ|βi| <= S

For this purpose, we used GridSearchCV for finding the best value of alpha in python :

#Lasso model
alphas =10**np.arrange(-7,0,0.1)

Random Forest:

The next model we used was random forest regressor, which uses

we could calculate f ˆ 1 (x), f ˆ 2 (x), . . . , f ˆ B (x) using B separate training sets, and average them in order to obtain a single low-variance statistical learning model, given by:

f ˆ avg (x) = 1/B (  Σ f^b(x))

This method gives a less biased and low variance result with the use of the ensembling method. In our code we employed it as follows:

rfc = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=200 , max_depth=15)

XGboost Regressor:

The next approach, we used was similar to the random forest approach, in the Extreme gradient boosting regression we make various decision trees for the purpose of predictions and the learning rate is decided based upon the descent, it adjusts itself with every step. We used the GridSearchCV for finding the best learning rate for the algo to work hence we employed the following code in python :

#xgb regressor
cvxg =GridSearchCV(XGBRegressor(n_estimators=150),param_grid={"learning_rate":lrate},verbose=5).fit(x_train,ytrain))    

Gaussian mixture networks:

The last algorithm we used was gaussian mixture regression which is widely used for Multivariate Nonparametric regression problems such as the given problem. In this approach, we use the probabilistic approach rather than direct values prediction method . We define the model as :

     m(x) = E[Y |X =x ] (expected value of Y given  X= x) 
        =   Σ wj (x) . mj(x)

In python, we used the minimum error approach for finding the optimal cluster count

#gaussian mixture model
for i in range(1,40):
    gbmodel= GaussianMixture(n_components=i),ytrain)
 gbmodel= GaussianMixture(n_components=I)

Final Ensembled Model

Finally, we had to move beyond linearity to get our solution. We used the method of ensembling / stacking to get our best results using the StackingCVRegressor

The final model we used was a combination of all the models and the final prediction was the average of all the predicted weather delays. The final model had an mean absoulte error of 46 mins.

The final code which we used was :

    def main_model_function(x_train,ytrain):
    start = time.time()
    #gaussian mixture model
    err,I = 1000,0
    for i in range(1,40):
        gbmodel = GaussianMixture(n_components=i),ytrain)
            err = mean_absolute_error(gbmodel.predict(x_train),ytrain)
            I = i
    gbmodel = GaussianMixture(n_components=I)
    # lasso model
    alphas = 10**np.arange(-7,0,0.1)
    params = {"alpha":alphas}
    lassocv = GridSearchCV(Lasso(max_iter=1e7),
                             param_grid=params,verbose = 5),ytrain)
    lassomodel = Lasso(alpha = lassocv.best_params_['alpha'],max_iter=1e7)
    #random forest regressor
    rfc = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=200 , max_depth=15)
    #xgb regressor
    lrate = 10**(np.arange(-2,0.2,0.01))
    cvxg = GridSearchCV(XGBRegressor(n_estimators=150),param_grid={"learning_rate":lrate},verbose=5).fit(x_train,ytrain)
    xgbmodel = XGBRegressor( n_estimators=150,
      stack = StackingCVRegressor(regressors=
              (gbmodel, lassomodel, rfc, xgbmodel),
                              meta_regressor=xgbmodel, cv=10,
    print(start- time.time())
    return stack


Usage of the API

This example considers that the API was launched locally without docker and with the default parameters (localhost at port 5003) and its calling the example model.

Docker Commands

Note: Docker tag or id should be always specified in the end of the docker command to avoid issues

  1. Build docker image from Dockerfile

    sudo docker build -t "<app name>" -f ./Dockerfile .
    eg: sudo docker build -t "ml_app" -f ./Dockerfile .
    1. If you don't want to manually build the Docker Image, you can pull the docker image from Alibaba Container Registry using the commands below:

      sudo docker pull
    2. You can also pull the docker image from dockerhub using the command below:

      sudo docker pull kashyapdevesh2412/flight_delay_prediction
  2. Run the docker container after build

sudo docker run -p 5003 ml_app  # -p to make the port externally avaiable for browsers
  1. Show all running containers
sudo docker ps
  1. Kill and remove running container
sudo docker rm <containerid> -f
  1. Open bash in a running docker container (optional)
sudo docker exec -ti <containerid> bash
  1. Docker Entry point The ENTRYPOINT specifies a command that will always be executed when the container starts. The CMD specifies arguments that will be fed to the ENTRYPOINT 1683

Docker has a default ENTRYPOINT which is /bin/sh -c but does not have a default CMD. --entrypoint in docker run will overwrite the default entry point

sudo docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash <image>

Check the API health status

Endpoint: /health

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/health

Wiping models after use

NOTE: Future Scope for multi- model approach

This feature was added in case of expansion and integration of the API with other services. NOTE:Don't use this feature during local testing as it can wipe the current model in use

Endpoint: /wipe

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/wipe
Model wiped

Data Input Format

While all the above API requests can be accesed via simple HTTP 'GET' request, the prediction model requires input in JSON format accesible through 'POST' request as shown below :

        "iataCode": "ATL",
        "date": "2021-09-12",
        "time": "16:25"
        "iataCode": "JFK",
        "date": "2021-09-13",
        "time": "12:30"

The API will provide output prediction in the same JSON format as shown below:

    "Prediction": "45",
    "Prediction": "12"

Moreover, we have also provided provison for bulk predictions thorugh the same JSON requests.

Alibaba products used:

  1. Alibaba Container Registory: For conatinerizing and hosting our final docker image
  2. Alibaba Kubernetes Cluster : Used in our repository's workflow for continous integration and deployment
  3. Alibaba Elastic Compute Server: For hosting and deploying our API on independent apache server
  4. Alibaba API gateway:Used to publish our API in Alibaba's API marketplace