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An Ansible playbook that installs EJBCA & SignServer Community or Enterprise. The community EJBCA playbook deploys an EJBCA node and configures the management CA and Super Admin to begin using EJBCA to build out your PKI. It is easy to use for deploying a simple PKI with the community edition. The Enterprise playbooks are available to deploy a CA, external RA, & external VA. The enterprise version can also be configured as a standalone CA without deploying external RA/VA.


  • Internet Access (required for downloading Wildfly, JDBC driver, HSM client, etc.)
  • Access to a repository containing packages, likely on the internet.
  • A recent version of Ansible.
  • A web respository that has the Community EJBCA or SignServer, or the enterprise version of EJBCA (Full, RA & VA builds) version to download. Community can be downloaded from GitHub if you would like to keep the zip release local
  • A host with Ansible, AWX, or Ansible Tower installed from where to run the Ansible playbook
  • A Linux host that EJBCA shall be installed on, reachable from the Ansible host using SSH with configured SSH keys for SSH agent based login (preferred method) or password, and the user with ability to become root using sudo
  • The target host needs the configured hostname in DNS or hostsfile for Apache to startup properly, i.e.
/etc/hosts: ejbca01.solitude.skyrim
  • If Sudo requires a password use the --ask-become-pass flag when running ansible-playbook. Otherwise this flag is not required if passwordless Sudo is enabled. Examples below assert the flag

For information - Before getting started


This is a self contained playbook. All the roles in this playbook are needed to sucessfully use this playbook.


Some software is downloaded when running this playbook (JDBC driver, Ant, Wildfly). It is your responsibility to ensure that the files downloaded are the correct ones, and that integrity is protected. It is recommended to use an internal repository, with approved files, in your organization if security is of a concern.

Role Variables

There are numerous variables for this playbook. These variables are set in group_vars and the host_vars. Reference the vars files for the settings used to deploy.

  • If you need to re-run the external RA or VA plays to redo anything that failed in the ansible-ejbca-certreq-cli role, re-run the play with the variable -e ra_force_batch_again=true

Quick Start

Below you will find the steps to run some common tasks.

Deploy Community EJBCA version

  1. Edit group_vars/ceServers.yml, host_vars/ce01.yml, and inventory.
  2. Run:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ce01 deployCeNode.yml --ask-become-pass

Deploy Community SignServer version

  1. Edit group_vars/ceSignServers.yml, host_vars/cess01.yml, and inventory.
  2. Run:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l cess01,ssTlsCerts,ssCsrCerts deployCeSS.yml --ask-become-pass

Deploy Enterprise SignServer version

  1. Edit group_vars/eeSignServers.yml, host_vars/ss01.yml, and inventory.
  2. Run:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ss01,ssTlsCerts,ssCsrCerts deploySS.yml --ask-become-pass

Deploy an Enterprise CA

  1. Edit group_vars/eeCaServers.yml, host_vars/ca01.yml, and inventory.
  2. Run:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ca01 deployCa.yml --ask-become-pass

Deploy an Enterprise external RA

  1. Edit group_vars/eeRaServers.yml, group_vars/pkiTlsCerts.yml, host_vars/ra01.yml, and inventory.
  2. Run:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ra01,pkiTlsCerts deployRa.yml --ask-become-pass

Deploy an Enterprise external VA

  1. Edit group_vars/eeVaServers.yml, group_vars/pkiTlsCerts.yml, group_vars/pkiCsrCerts.yml, host_vars/va01.yml, and inventory.
  2. Run:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l eeVaServers,va01,pkiTlsCerts,pkiCsrCerts deployVa.yml --ask-become-pass

Configure EJBCA Cloud instance

Use this play to automate the configuration of an EJBCA Cloud instance with zero touch.

  1. Edit group_vars/ecloudCaServers.yml, host_vars/ejbca-cloud-ca1.yml, and ecloud_inventory.
  2. Edit ansible.cfg and set or add: host_key_checking = False, this is only needed if the host key is not trusted yet.
  3. Run:
ansible-playbook -i ecloud_inventory -l ejbca-cloud-ca1 ecloudDeployCa.yml --ask-become-pass

Upgrade EJBCA Community or Enterprise

  1. Edit group_vars/ceServers.yml or group_vars/eeCaServers.yml, group_vars/eeRaServers.yml, group_vars/eeVaServers.yml and inventory.
  2. Run to upgrade Community:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l upgradeCeServers
  1. Run to upgrade Enterprise:
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l upgradeEeServers

Switch the Datasource

To use the Database source failover/failback use the following commands:


ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ca01,ca02 -e failover_wildfly_db=true configureDB.yml


ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ca01,ca02 -e failback_wildfly_db=true configureDB.yml 

Backup PKI configuration EJBCA node

Use this play to backup the EJBCA configuration files, Apache HTTPD configuration and certificate/key files, Wildfly configuration files, and MariaDB. All files are compressed into an archive and copied down to the controller. The backup file can be copied to a remote host. This play is helpful for migrating an EJBCA instance when you need to upgrade the OS and re-use the same hostname and/or configuration and want to have a copy of all the config files to diff with the new deployment in case something isn't working as expected.

The following Variables should be reviewed to use the backup of the EJBCA instance:

  • group_vars:
    • all.yml Directory on the controller where the backup is stored. The backup file is removed from the controller when pushed to the remote backup server

      backup_dir_output: "{{ playbook_dir }}/serverBackups"

      Directory on the remote host where the backup archive of EJBCA is created and downloaded from to the controller

      backup_dir_path: /var/tmp
    • applicationServers.yml Wildfly configuration files to backup

          - "{{ wildfly_conf_dir }}/wildfly.conf"
          - "{{ wildfly_elytron_pass_file }}"
    • mariadbServers.yml MariaDB username & Password with permissions to dump the database to SQL file

      mariadb_backup_user: root
      mariadb_backup_user_password: "{{ mariadb_root_password }}"

      Location of the mariadb-dump command

      mariadb_backup_cmd: /usr/bin/mariadb-dump

      Location of the mariadb command

      mariadb_cmd: /usr/bin/mariadb

In the group_vars for the CA, RA, & VA, update the variable to either install ONLY the Python MariaDB or to install all the components of MariaDB. The two variables are should be set according to your deployment:

# Install MariaDB server and client for a standalone instance typically used on the RA/VA or a single instance of the CA.  
mariadb_install_server: true

# Install only the Python MariaDB client for Ansible to connect to the DB. Use this option when the DB is not installed on the EJBCA node.
# This is used when there is a cluster of EJBCA nodes pointing to an external DB instance.
mariadb_install_client: false
  • invtentory The host where the backup file is uploaded from the controller for storage.

Example - Backup an instance of EJBCA that does not have MariaDB installed locally and copy the backup to a remote host for storing, use this playbook command:

ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ca01,backupServer -e "backup_ejbca_server=true 
backup_ejbca_conf=true backup_httpd_conf=true backup_wildfly_conf=true 
copy_backup_to_remote=true backup_server_dir_path=~/backup copy_backup_to_remote=true" backupPkiServer.yml

Example - Backup an instance of EJBCA that does have MariaDB installed locally and copy the backup to a remote host for storing, use this playbook command:

ansible-playbook -i inventory -l va01,backupServer -e "backup_ejbca_server=true 
backup_ejbca_conf=true backup_httpd_conf=true backup_wildfly_conf=true 
backup_mariadb=true copy_backup_to_remote=true backup_server_dir_path=~/backup copy_backup_to_remote=true" backupPkiServer.yml

Example - Backup an instance of EJBCA that does have MariaDB installed locally and leave the backup on the controller, use this playbook command:

ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ra01,backupServer -e "backup_ejbca_server=true 
 backup_ejbca_conf=true backup_httpd_conf=true backup_wildfly_conf=true 
 backup_mariadb=true copy_backup_to_remote=true" backupPkiServer.yml

Example - Copy the EJBCA node backups from the controller to remote host for storing, use this playbook command:

ansible-playbook -i inventory -l backupServer -e "copy_backup_to_remote=true 
 backup_server_dir_path=~/backup" backupPkiServer.yml

Example - Download EJBCA backup from remote storage server and restore EJBCA when the DB is not installed on the local node, use this playbook command:

Remember to set these two variables to:

# Install MariaDB server and client for a standalone instance typically used on the RA/VA or a single instance of the CA.  
mariadb_install_server: false

# Install only the Python MariaDB client for Ansible to connect to the DB. Use this option when the DB is not installed on the EJBCA node.
# This is used when there is a cluster of EJBCA nodes pointing to an external DB instance.
mariadb_install_client: true
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ca01,backupServer -e "restore_ejbca_server=true restore_ejbca_conf=true restore_httpd_conf=true restore_wildfly_conf=true copy_restore_from_remote=true restore_server_file_path=~/backup/ejbca01.solitude.skyrim-10-05-2024.tgz copy_restore_from_controller=true" restorePkiServer.yml

Example - Download EJBCA backup from remote storeate and restore an instance of EJBCA that will have MariaDB installed locally, use this playbook command:

Remember to set these two variables to:

# Install MariaDB server and client for a standalone instance typically used on the RA/VA or a single instance of the CA.  
mariadb_install_server: true

# Install only the Python MariaDB client for Ansible to connect to the DB. Use this option when the DB is not installed on the EJBCA node.
# This is used when there is a cluster of EJBCA nodes pointing to an external DB instance.
mariadb_install_client: false
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ca01,backupServer -e "restore_ejbca_server=true restore_ejbca_conf=true restore_httpd_conf=true restore_wildfly_conf=true restore_mariadb=true copy_restore_from_remote=true restore_server_file_path=~/backup/ejbca01.solitude.skyrim-10-05-2024.tgz" restorePkiServer.yml

Example - Download EJBCA backup from remote storeate and restore an instance of EJBCA that will have MariaDB and SoftHSM installed locally, use this playbook command:

Remember to set these two variables to:

# Install MariaDB server and client for a standalone instance typically used on the RA/VA or a single instance of the CA.  
mariadb_install_server: true

# Install only the Python MariaDB client for Ansible to connect to the DB. Use this option when the DB is not installed on the EJBCA node.
# This is used when there is a cluster of EJBCA nodes pointing to an external DB instance.
mariadb_install_client: false
ansible-playbook -i inventory -l ca01,backupServer -e "restore_ejbca_server=true restore_ejbca_conf=true restore_httpd_conf=true restore_wildfly_conf=true restore_mariadb=true restore_pkcs11_client=true copy_restore_from_remote=true restore_server_file_path=~/backup/ejbca01.solitude.skyrim-10-05-2024.tgz" restorePkiServer.yml

The following variables could be added to the host or group vars of the CA, RA, & VA to shorten the amount of variables passed in from the command line. An exmple would be to add the following to the eeCaServers.yml file:

backup_ejbca_server: true
backup_ejbca_conf: true
backup_httpd_conf: true
backup_wildfly_conf: true
backup_mariadb: true
copy_backup_to_remote: true
backup_server_dir_path: ~/backup
copy_backup_to_remote: true
restore_ejbca_server: true
restore_ejbca_conf: true
restore_httpd_conf: true
restore_wildfly_conf: true
restore_mariadb: true
restore_pkcs11_client: true
copy_restore_from_remote: true
restore_server_file_path: ~/backup/ejbca01.solitude.skyrim-10-05-2024.tgz

If the backup is to be manually put on the EJBCA host for restoring, use the variable restore_archive_file in the host_vars to specify the archive file name. An example of using this variable in the host_vars for ca01.yml:

restore_archive_file: ejbca01.solitude.skyrim-10-05-2024.tgz

The archive backup file must exist in the path set by the backup_dir_path variable found in the group_vars all.yml file.

Use Ansible Vault

Create a password file protected with Ansible Vault:

touch passwords/custom_enc_ca_vars.yml
ansible-vault create passwords/custom_enc_ca_vars.yml

Edit the password file to add/remove variables:

ansible-vault edit passwords/custom_enc_ca_vars.yml

Use the Ansible Vault password file:

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory -e @passwords/custom_enc_ca_vars.yml deployCa.yml

Current Ansible plays

configureDB.yml (Community or Enterprise)

Use this play to update wildfly to point to a different datasource for failing over the EJBCA database. This play can also failback. Reference the steps in the Quickstart section for using this play.

deployCa.yml (Enterprise)

Installs and configures EJBCA with a management, root, & issuing CA. The stack includes Java 11, Apache HTTPD, Maraia DB, SoftHSM, & Wildfly. The playbook has the ability to set up other HSMs and create Peer Connections to RA, VA and SignServer.

deployCeNode.yml (Community)

Installs and configures EJBCA community with a management CA and creates the SuperAdmin credential. The stack includes Java 11, Apache HTTPD, Maraia DB, & Wildfly.

deployCeSS.yml (Community)

Installs and configures SignServer community. The stack includes Java 11, Apache HTTPD, Maraia DB, SoftHSM, & Wildfly. Configure the host_vars to define which workers you want. The default is to configure PDF, TSA, PGP, DNS, Plain, and XML.

deployRa.yml (Enterprise)

Installs and configures EJBCA as an External RA. The play can configure the protocols when not using the RA variant which does not have protocol configuration using the CLI yet. The stack includes Java 11, Apache HTTPD, Maraia DB, SoftHSM, & Wildfly.

deployVa.yml (Enterprise)

Installs and configures EJBCA as an External Validation Authority. The play configures OCSP signing certificates for the management, Root and Sub CA's. The stack includes Java 11, Apache HTTPD, Maraia DB, SoftHSM, & Wildfly.

deployCaAndPostConfig.yml (Enterprise)

This play is handy for populating an EJBCA instance that is freshly built with no configuration such as EJBCA Cloud. EJBCA must already be built and running for this play. CA hierarchies such as root and sub can be built with the play. Configdump is used to bootstrap EJBCA with certificate profiles, end entity profiles, protocl aliases, key bindings, publishers, services, and the protocol configuration.

deployCaExtDb.yml (Enterprise)

This play is the same as deployCA.yml except it doesn't install or configure a database. The database must be setup and ready for EJBCA to connect before using this play.

deployExtRootCaForSubPart1.yml (Enterprise)

Installs and configures EJBCA with a management CA. A TLS certificate is created for the Root CA Node and downloaded the Ansible controller. The stack includes Java 11, Apache HTTPD, Maraia DB, SoftHSM, & Wildfly. The playbook has the ability to set up other HSMs.

deployExtRootCaForSubPart2.yml (Enterprise)

Installs and configures EJBCA with a Root CA, imports the ManagementCA, adds Super Admin to the Super Admin role. The stack includes Java 11, Apache HTTPD, Maraia DB, SoftHSM, & Wildfly. The playbook has the ability to set up other HSMs.

deployExtRootCaForSubPart3.yml (Enterprise)

Creates a sub CA in EJBCA issuing CA node, downloads the CSR to the Ansible controller.

deployExtRootCaForSubPart4.yml (Enterprise)

Uploads a sub CA CSR from the Ansible controller to the EJBCA Root CA node to sign, then downloads the signed certificate to the Ansible controller.

deployExtRootCaForSubPart5.yml (Enterprise)

Uploads the signed sub CA certificate to the issuing EJBCA node, imports the certificate, and then does post configuration tasks (Key bindings, peering, publishers, etc).

deployExtSignCA.yml (Enterprise)

Creates a sub CA on the Issuing EJBCA node, downloads the CSR to the Ansible controller, Uploads the CSR to the EJBCA Root CA node, signs the CSR, downloads the certificate to the Ansible controller, uploads the certificate to the Issuing EJBCA node, and finally imports the certificate to complete the subordination.

deployExtSignMgmtCa.yml (Enterprise)

Installs and configures EJBCA with a ManagementCA that will be subordinated to an external CA. The stack includes Java 11, Apache HTTPD, Maraia DB, SoftHSM, & Wildfly. The playbook has the ability to set up other HSMs.

deployExtSignMgmtCaPost.yml (Enterprise)

Imports the signed certificate for the ManagementCA signed by an external CA. Adds administrators to the Super Admin role and creates P12 files on the the EJBCA node. EJBCA protocols are configured to enable/disable which protocols are served by the EJBCA node.

deployExtSignPolCa.yml (Enterprise)

Creates a Policy CA in EJBCA issuing CA node, downloads the CSR to the Ansible controller.

deployExtSignPolCaPost.yml (Enterprise)

Imports the signed Policy CA certificate for the ManagementCA signed by an external CA.

deployIssuingCa.yml (Enterprise)

Creates an issuing CA signed by a Policy CA on the EJBCA node.

deployPostCaConfig.yml (Enterprise)

Handles post configuration tasks (Key bindings, peering, publishers, etc).

deploySS.yml (Enterprise)

Install and configure SignServer Enterprise with peering and workers to begin signing your artifacts. The stack includes Java 11, Apache HTTPD, Maraia DB, SoftHSM, & Wildfly. Configure the host_vars to define which workers you want.

upgradeEjbca.yml (Community & Enterprise)

Upgrade EJBCA community and enterprise versions to a new version. EJBCA is downloaded from an internal web repo or can be downloaded from GitHub. The zip release is unarchived, compiled, and deployed.


Also see a full documentation of EJBCA on how to further configure/manage EJBCA.


This role has been tested on these:

container tags
el 8

The minimum version of Ansible required is 2.9 but tests have been done to:

  • The previous version, on version lower.
  • The current version.
  • The development version.


Some variarations of the build matrix do not work. These are the variations and reasons why the build won't work:

variation reason

Installation Notes

  1. Using a Alma or Rocky 8 VM to install onto, installing python3 from yum makes /usr/bin/python3 available, while Ansible by default looks for /usr/bin/python.

The following can been set in the group_vars/all.yml that will be used for running plays, e.g. deployCa.yml or deployRa.yml, deployCeSS.yml

    ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
  1. Also seen on RedHat derivitive (CentOS, Alma, Rocky) is that Apache enables TLSv1.3 by default, and FireFox does not work with client certificate authentication using TLSv1.3. This results in EJBCA Admin UI being unreachable. The TLS config in Apache in available on the target, after the installation, in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf The setting in question is SSLProtocol -all +TLSv1.2 and You can enable this setting in the playbook in the file ./roles/ansible-ejbca-httpd/templates/ssl2.conf.j2.

  2. The superadmin keystore, SkyrimSuperAdministrator.p12 file ends up in ~/Desktop in the host where you run the ansible-playbook command.


LGPL v2.1 or later. See LICENSE.

Author Information

  • Keyfactor Community Team