This is the Terraform approach for CyPerf Application and CyPerf Agents in different cloud providers.
All the necessary resources will be created from scratch, including VPC, subnets, route table, Internet Gateway, Nat-gateway etc.
Latest version of Terraform installed.
Credentials for each specific cloud provider need to pe provided.
The **terraform init ** command is used to initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files. This is the first command that should be run after writing a new Terraform configuration or cloning an existing one from version control. It is safe to run this command multiple times.
This command is required the first time you use as template. It is not required to use it unless you modify the template.
The terraform apply command executes the actions proposed in a terraform template. All the default deployment variables may be changed.
terraform apply -var input_variable="value"
The -var option must be applied multiple times to use all the required input parameters.
If no -var option is applied, upon running terraform apply, you will be asked for a value for each required variable.
terraform apply --auto-approve \
-var aws_auth_key="name of the auth key in cloud” \
-var aws_stack_name="test" \
-var aws_access_key="key" \
-var aws_secret_key="key"
In the same folder, create a file named terraform.tfvars.
The inside contents should look like this:
variable_1= "value_1"
variable_2= "value_2"
Using this method you can ensure that all further deployments will be done with the same combination of parameters.
terraform apply , will look inside the file and match all the variable with the ones found in the Destruction
The following is a list of the current supported CyPerf terraform scripts. Click the links to view the README files.
This template deploys:
One CyPerf Controller, in a public subnet.
Two CyPerf Agents, both having two interfaces each. Both Agent interfaces are in a Private subnet.
This template deploys:
One CyPerf Controller Proxy, in a public subnet.
Two CyPerf Agents, both having two interfaces each. Both Agent interfaces are in a Private subnet.
III. Controller Only:
This template deploys:
- One CyPerf Controller, in a public subnet.
The terraform destroy command will destroy the previous deployed infrastructure. If the deployment was done using -var options, you will also need to provide the same set of parameters to the terraform destroy command
terraform destroy -var input_variable="value"
If you used terraform apply in conjunction with .tfvars file, you will not need to provide the parameters.
There are certain cases where multiple deployments are required using the same terraform template. To keep the previous deployments states intact, we recommend using the workspace feature of the terraform. This will help you to preserve the state of the previous deployments, allowing you to modify/destroy whenever you wish, while also enabling you to create multiple deployments of the same infrastructure.
terraform workspace has 5 main options
- create {workspace_name} will create a workspace
- list will list all the existing workspaces
- select {workspace_name} will select a workspace
- show will print the current selected workspace
- delete {workspace_name} will delete the selected workspace
For more information, please refer to the official terraform documentation: