PingBot 功能 / Features ip - 查询 IP 地址 ip_ali - 查询 IP 地址(阿里云) icp - 查询域名 ICP 备案信息 whois - 查询域名 Whois 信息 dns - 查询域名 DNS 信息 安装 / Installation 克隆仓库。Clone the repository. git clone 复制配置文件。Copy configuration file. cp Config/app_exp.toml Config/app.toml 填写配置文件。Fill out the configuration file. [bot] master = [100, 200] botToken = 'key' # Required, Bot Token [proxy] status = false url = "socks5://" [ip] appcode = "1234567890" # Required, Aliyun AppCode [icp] server = "" # Required, ICP API Server 本地部署 / Local Deployment 安装依赖。Install dependencies. pip install -r requirements.txt Docker 部署 / Docker Deployment 使用预构建镜像。Use pre-built image. docker run -d --name pingbot -v $(pwd)/Config:/app/Config