A Node Typescript Project API for sharing Interview Experience with the whole college
- Live Website: https://official-interview-experience.netlify.app/
- Client Code: https://github.com/Kkwagh-Coders/interview-experience-client
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB with mongoose
- Typescript
- Jest
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Better Comments
- Todo Tree
- GitLens
- Relative Path [Optional]
- JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly
- node
- npm
- typescript / tsc
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Kkwagh-Coders/interview-experience-api.git
Change to Project Directory
cd interview-experience-api
Add .env to the root directory of the project Check the ./src/env.d.ts file for environment variables.
Install Dependencies
npm install
Start React App
npm run start:dev
Contributions are always welcome!
for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct